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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 236 236 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 30 30 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 27 27 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 23 23 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 18 18 Browse Search
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman) 9 9 Browse Search
Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739. 8 8 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 8 8 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 7 7 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 6 6 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for 1816 AD or search for 1816 AD in all documents.

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d the other portions of the square. bounded by Thorndike, Second, Spring, and Third streets, and would erect thereon a court-house and jail, satisfactory to the Court, at an expense to the Corporation not exceeding twenty-four thousand dollars, on condition that as soon as the edifices were completed, they should be used for the purposes designed. The town protested most earnestly against the removal of the courts and records from Harvard Square, but in vain. At the March Term of the Court, 1816, a committee reported that the court-house and jail were satisfactorily completed, and it was ordered that they be immediately devoted to their intended use. It was also ordered that the sum of $4,190.78 be paid to the Corporation, being the amount expended in excess of $24,000. From this time, the success of the enterprise was assured. During the period embraced in this chapter, while two new villages were established, which, after many vicissitudes, became more populous than the older se
streets. Andrew Craigie and his associates were more successful. Having given ample grounds, and erected a court house and jail at an expense of $24,000, as related in chapter XIII., they were rewarded by the removal of the courts and records in 1816 to the edifices prepared for them, where they remain to this day. The old Court House having been abandoned by the County was used for town and parish purposes until April 19, 1841, when the town quitclaimed all its right and interest in the house fire be carried into or kept in the market house, and that no cigars or pipes be allowed to be smoked therein. 3. That no shell or other fish be permitted to be kept in said market house, at any season of the year. A cellar was constructed in 1816, and was rented for fifteen dollars per annum to Zenas C. Atwood, to keep for sale oysters; no kind of gambling, tippling, or riotous behaviour, to be suffered in said cellar. The first occupant of the market house seems to have been Joel Well
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
72, Ezekiel Lewis,John Fenton. 1773, Joseph Lee,Jonathan Sewall. 1774, David Phips,John Pigeon. 1791-1795, Jonathan Simpson,Nathaniel Bethune. 1796, John T. Apthorp,Andrew Craigie. 1797-1799, Leonard Jarvis,Samuel W. Pomeroy. 1800, Samuel W. Pomeroy,Abraham Biglow. 1801, Abraham Biglow,Richard Richardson. 1802-1803, Richard Richardson,Jonathan Bird. 1804-1809, William Winthrop,Ebenezer Stedman. 1810-1813, William Winthrop,Abraham Biglow. 1814-1815, Abraham Biglow,Samuel P. P. Fay. 1816-1819, Abraham Biglow,William D. Peck. 1820, Abraham Biglow,J. F. Dana. 1821-1825, Abraham Biglow,Jonathan Hearsey. 1826-1828, Abraham Biglow,Samuel P. P. Fay. 1829-1832, Joseph Foster,Abraham Biglow. 1833-1835, Joseph Foster,Samuel P. P. Fay. 1836-1840, Samuel P. P. Fay,Isaac Lum. 1841, Charles C. Foster,James Greenleaf. 1842, James Greenleaf,Isaac Lum. 1843, Isaac Lum,Luther Foote. 1844, C. Gayton Pickman,Charles Chase. 1845-1846, C. Gayton Pickman,William E. Carter. 1847-1851, W
William Winthrop, 1799. Timothy Fuller, 1813-1816. Asahel Stearns, 1830, 1831. Sidney WillaMakepeace, 1808-1811. William Hilliard, 1808-1816, 1818, 1822, 1826, 1827. Josiah Mason, 1808.. Job Wyeth, 1814, 1815. John Cook, 1815, 1816. Rufus Fiske, 1815, 1816, 1839, 1840. Jos1816, 1839, 1840. Josiah Hovey, 1816-1818. Abel Whitney, 1816, 1838, 1839. John Williams, 1817. Levi Farwell, 181816-1818. Abel Whitney, 1816, 1838, 1839. John Williams, 1817. Levi Farwell, 1817-1821. Thomas L. Parker, 1817-1822. Luke Hemenway, 1818, 1819. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1819-1821. 1816, 1838, 1839. John Williams, 1817. Levi Farwell, 1817-1821. Thomas L. Parker, 1817-1822. Luke Hemenway, 1818, 1819. Jonas Wyeth 2d, 1819-1821. Henry Messenger, 1819-1821. Isaac Train, 1820-1822, 1825-1827. Thomas Warland, 1822, 1823. Nathaniel Livermore, 1815. Loammi Baldwin, 1816. Richard H. Dana, 1816, 1817. Rufus Fisk, 11816, 1817. Rufus Fisk, 1816, 1818, 1837. William Hilliard, 1817-1819. Jabez Fisher, 1819. Wm. J. Whipple, 1820-18411816, 1818, 1837. William Hilliard, 1817-1819. Jabez Fisher, 1819. Wm. J. Whipple, 1820-1841. Isaac Train, 1820, 1821. Luke Hemenway, 1820-1822. Deming Jarvis, 1822, 1823. Lusher Gay Samuel Bartlett, 1809-1815. Loammi Baldwin, 1816. William Hilliard, 1817-1820. Levi Farwel[1 more...]
ershom (23), m. Mary Meads of Medf. 8 Oct. 1776, and d. without children 13 Ap. 1816, a. 66. His w. Mary d. 18 Aug. 1836, a. 83. 45. George, s. of George (24), mElizabeth, b. 24 June 1797; Mary, named in her grandfather's will, and living in 1816. James the f. d. on a voyage to the N. W. coast within the year previous to Sepannah B. d. 12 Nov. 1858. 17. James Winthrop, s. of Josiah (12), grad. H. C. 1816, removed to Monroe, La. He was a physician, merchant, and planter. He m. Melindouncillor, and Mandamus Councillor, a royalist, fled to England, and d. there in 1816; Samuel Hirst, grad. H. C. 1771, also a refugee, but returned and d. unm. at K Owen (4), m. Elizabeth——, and had Owen, b. 26 Aug. 1783, grad. H. C. 1804, d. 1816; Elizabeth Bell, b. 15 July 1785, m. Rev. John Abbott of Boston 21 Oct. 1813, he Oct. 1792; Ann Theodora, b. 14 Oct. 1795; Joseph, b. 14 Mar. 1798, grad. H. C. 1816, a lawyer in Lancaster and afterwards in Boston, clerk of Supreme Judicial Court
s, Jr., 5 Ap. 1798; Sarah, b. 20 May 1778, m. Nathan Locke 14 Nov. 1797. Gershom the f. d. 20 Ap. 1807; his w. Rebecca d. 12 Dec. 1817, a. 80. 43. John, s. of Gershom (23), m. Rebecca Hill 24 Jan. 1765, and had Rebecca, b. 26 July 1765, m. William Cutter 21 June 1789; Anna, b. 16 Aug. 1767; John, b. 26 July 1770; Zechariah, b. 8 Feb. 1773; Elizabeth, b. 25 Mar. 1775; and perhaps others. 44. Stephen, s. of Gershom (23), m. Mary Meads of Medf. 8 Oct. 1776, and d. without children 13 Ap. 1816, a. 66. His w. Mary d. 18 Aug. 1836, a. 83. 45. George, s. of George (24), m. Sarah Robbins 21 Oct. 1756, and had Jonathan, b. 18 June 1757, m. Mary Locke 20 Nov. 1777; Joseph, bap. 22 Ap. 1759; Sarah, bap. 2 Aug. 1761. 46. Aaron, s. of Aaron (25), m. Abigail Bowman 17 Dec. 1772, and had Aaron, b. 28 Ap. 1774. Aaron the f. was a tanner, and. about 1776. His w. Abigail survived, and m. Thomas Goodwin of Chs. 24 Dec. 1776. 47. Thomas, s. of Aaron (25), m. Elizabeth Brown 15 Oct. 178
vard and Mount Auburn streets, and d. 22 Oct. 1816, a. 65. His w. Phebe d. 28 Nov. 1851, a. 92. 13. Edward, s. of Edward (11), m. Elizabeth Barrett 16 Ap. 1801, had Elizabeth, b. 20 Ap. 1806, and perhaps others, and d. 13 July 1817, a. 45. 14. Jonas, s. of Edward (11), m. Mary——, and had Mary, b. Aug. 1799. He d. 19 Nov. 1799, a. 22. 15. James, s. of James (12), m. Elizabeth Newland 2 Ap. 1795, and had Elizabeth, b. 24 June 1797; Mary, named in her grandfather's will, and living in 1816. James the f. d. on a voyage to the N. W. coast within the year previous to Sept. 1805, when his wid. Elizabeth was appointed admx. 16. Samuel Sprague, s. of James (12), was prob. the same who is called Samuel, on the Record, and by w. Dorcas had Elmira, b. 28 Mar. 1806, d. Ap. 1806. He d. before 10 May 1816, leaving children to whom bequests were made by their grandfather. This family resided principally near the line between Camb, and Chs., and many of the births were not recorded
d Clark of Wat. 21 Oct. 1824, and had Maria Louisa, b. 13 Aug. 1825, d. unm. 29 Feb. 1848; Julia Ann, b. 16 Oct. 1827, d. unm. 10 Mar. 1844; Henry Clay, b. 23 Dec. 1829, d. 21 Mar. 1841; Hannah Ellen, b. 25 May 1833, d. unm. 27 July 1851. Josiah the f. was a merchant, resided near West Boston Bridge, was Selectman from 1828 to 1831, four years, Representative 1832, and d. of consumption 18 Dec. 1840. His w. Hannah B. d. 12 Nov. 1858. 17. James Winthrop, s. of Josiah (12), grad. H. C. 1816, removed to Monroe, La. He was a physician, merchant, and planter. He m. Melinda Tennell of Monroe, and had Elizabeth St. Clair, b. 23 Oct. 1827, m. Judge Sharp of Monroe, and d. leaving an infant; Mary Caroline, b. 7 May 1829, m. James McEnery, and d. in 1854, leaving issue; Melinda Theresa, b. 4 Dec. 1830, m. Oliver Kellam, and——Buckner; Josiah Tennell, b. 2 Nov. 1832, m. Emily De Lery of Monroe; Louisa Jane, b. 9 May 1836, m.——Watson; James Winthrop, b. 5 Ap. 1838, d. about 1859. James
N. H., Speaker of the House of Representatives, d. 5 Sept. 1787, a. 45, leaving son Samuel, who was afterwards Secretary of State; Samuel, a merchant. Farmer. 12. Nathaniel, s. of John (5), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Pepperell, and had Nathaniel, grad. H. C. 1765, d. 1814; William, grad. H. C. 1766, took the name of his grandfather Pepperell, was his principal heir, and succeeded to his title, was a Councillor, and Mandamus Councillor, a royalist, fled to England, and d. there in 1816; Samuel Hirst, grad. H. C. 1771, also a refugee, but returned and d. unm. at Kittery 29 Aug 1789, a. 38; Andrew Pepperell, who dropped the Sparkawk from his name, married a Miss Turner, was a refugee, and both he and his w. d. in England during the Revolution; Mary Pepperell, m. Doct. Jarvis of Boston. Farmer and Sabine. 13. Samuel, s. of Samuel (6), m. Elizabeth Gardner 23 Mar. 1758; and had Mary, b. 17 Dec. 1758, m. Isaac Sparhawk Gardner 13 June 1784; Joanna, b. 6 Ap. 1764; Samuel,
of Brighton and Brattle streets. He d. 6 Oct. 1762; his w. Mary m. William Darling 19 May 1763, and d. in her second widowhood 22 May 1817, a. 84. 6. Thomas, s. of Owen (4), m. Elizabeth——, and had Owen, b. 26 Aug. 1783, grad. H. C. 1804, d. 1816; Elizabeth Bell, b. 15 July 1785, m. Rev. John Abbott of Boston 21 Oct. 1813, he d. 17 Oct. 1814, and she m. Dr. Samuel Manning, Jr., 20 Mar. 1822; she still survives in a second widowhood, honored and beloved; William, b. 23 Ap. 1787, d. Sept. 17fe, b. 19 Jan. 1788, a student in H. C., d. 27 July 1805, a. 17; Lucinda, b. 12 Dec. 1789, d. unm. 11 Ap. 1864; Amelia, b. 9 Oct. 1791, d. 9 Jan. 1793; Augusta, b. 31 Oct. 1792; Ann Theodora, b. 14 Oct. 1795; Joseph, b. 14 Mar. 1798, grad. H. C. 1816, a lawyer in Lancaster and afterwards in Boston, clerk of Supreme Judicial Court, d. 12 May 1865. Joseph the f. d. 25 Sept. 1804; his w. Mary d. at Portsmouth, N. H., 6 Mar. 1826. 3. Sidney, s. of Joseph (2), grad. H. C. 1798, prepared for th