Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for 1710 AD or search for 1710 AD in all documents.

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Stedman, and she, in 1734, by her son Ebenezer Stedman, who died Sept. 13, 1785, aged 76. Time would fail me should I attempt to enumerate and describe all the inn-holders who have flourished in Cambridge. During the first century after the foundation of the town, licenses were granted to the following named persons (and perhaps others) besides those who have already been mentioned:— Daniel Champney, 1691. William Russell, 1696-1715. Samuel Phipps, 1707-1709. Elizabeth Phipps, 1710-1712. Edward Marrett, 1709. Susanna Stacey, 1709, 1713-1715. Hannah Stacey, 1712, 1716-1724. Ruth Child, 1713-1715. Samuel Robinson, 1714-1720. John Smith, 1715-1717. James Ingham, 1716-1720. Samuel Smith, 1716-1735. James Cutler, 1718-1735. Thomas Thompson, 1721-1724. Elizabeth Thompson, 1725. Thomas Brown, 1721. William Bond, 1722-1724. Peter Oliver, 1727-1729. Joshua Gamage, 1729-1731. Daniel Champney, Jr., 1730-1733. Thomas Holt, 1730-173
. John Leverett, 1699, 1700. Samuel Sparhawk, 1701-1705, 1709, 1710. Samuel Cooper, 1702-1710, 1712– 1716. Andrew Bordman [2d], 171710, 1712– 1716. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1706-1710, 1719-1730, 1732. Joseph Winship, 1706, 1725. Jason Russell, 1707-1709, 1711. Josiah Parker, 1710. John Dickson, 1711, 1711710, 1719-1730, 1732. Joseph Winship, 1706, 1725. Jason Russell, 1707-1709, 1711. Josiah Parker, 1710. John Dickson, 1711, 1717, 1722-1724. Thomas Blodgett, 1711. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1712, 1715-1719. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordmnan, 1713-1718, 1721710. John Dickson, 1711, 1717, 1722-1724. Thomas Blodgett, 1711. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1712, 1715-1719. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordmnan, 1713-1718, 1720– 1724, 1726, 1727, 1731, 1733-1736. Joseph Coolidge, 1713, 1714, 1730. Daniel Dana, 1715, 1725. William Cutter, 1715, 1718-1721. on, 1700. Edward Winship, 1700, 1701. John Oldham, 1700, 1701, 1710-1714, 1716, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1727. William Russell, 1700, 1701, 8, 1709, 1714. Samuel Kidder, 1706, 1715. Jason Russell, 1709, 1710. Joseph Coolidge, 1710, 1714. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bo1710, 1714. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordman, 1714, 1717, 1733– 1736. William Cutter, 1716. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1717. Edmund Goffe, 1717. Nath. Sparhawk, 1717, 172
1722; Thankful, b. abt. 1708; Sarah, b. abt. 1710, m. Daniel Burnap 14 Dec. 1731; and perhaps oth, m. Lydia Harrington, and had Lydia, b. 13 Ap. 1710, m. Seth Reed; Rebecca, b. 13 July 1712, m. Zec, leaving an only son, John, who grad. II. C. 1710, was Sheriff of Essex Co., m. Mary, dau. of Preiel, s. of Francis (1), was Register of Probate 1710-1714, and Subcommissary in the expedition againieutenant in the expedition against Port Royal, 1710, and was afterwards a Captain, by which appellatacy, 28 Oct. 1708, and had Samuel, bap. 16 Ap. 1710; Thomas, bap. 24 Feb. 1711-12 (and prob. a 2d eth had Hannah, m. John Gross of Boston, 17 Ap. 1710, and——Shepard of Boston, and was living in 1746o meeting on the Sabbath day. He was Selectman 1710, and d. between 26 July and 6 Aug. 1731; his w.Dunstable 5 Mar. 1686-7, and d. at Dracut about 1710. He had one dau. who was the wife of Mr. SamueEdward the f. was born about 1692, grad. H. C. 1710, Fellow 1724– 1765, D. D. Edinb. 1730, and was [10 more...
ustice of the Supreme Court; of Rev. Bezaleel Shaw of Nantucket, H. C. 1762, whose only child was Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Andrew Craigie of Camb.; of Rev. William Shaw of Marshfield, H. C. 1762; of Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, H. C. 1772; and of Ruth Shaw, who m. Gen. Nathaniel Goodwin, and gave birth to the Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich, H. C. 1807). Hannah, the eldest dau. of Rev. Mr. Angier, d. unm. at Watertown 27 Sept. 1714, a. 32. 3. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was an innholder. In 1710, his father gave him a house and 3/4 ac. of land at the S. E. corner of Holyoke and Mt. Auburn streets; and he afterwards inherited house and about two acres bounded S. and E. on Bow Street. He m., 9 Ap. 1717, Abiel, wid. of John Hovey, who had for several years owned and kept the original Blue Anchor Tavern, at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mt. Auburn streets, which tavern Mr. Angier appears to have kept for the remainder of his life. Their children were William, b. 9 Dec. 1717; Mary, b.
May 1713; Rebecca, b. 19 Nov. 1697; Mehetabel, b. 13 Jan. 1700-1; Abigail, b. 30 June 1703, m. Thomas Brown, 9 Oct. 1722; Thankful, b. abt. 1708; Sarah, b. abt. 1710, m. Daniel Burnap 14 Dec. 1731; and perhaps others. Joseph the f. resided south of the river, and d. before 1725; and guardians of his minor children were appoint7, m. George MacSparran 2 Ap. 1730, and Solomon Champney (pub. 12 Ap. 1738), and was living his widow in 1767; John, b. and d. 11 Feb. 1708-9, Benjamin, b. 22 Ap. 1710. Joseph the f. was a shoemaker, and owned an estate at the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets. He d. about 1738; his w. Abigail survived. 4. Joseph, s (5), was a mill-wright, and removed to Woodbridge, N. J., where he d. 17 Dec. 1756;. 10. John, s. of William (5), m. Lydia Harrington, and had Lydia, b. 13 Ap. 1710, m. Seth Reed; Rebecca, b. 13 July 1712, m. Zechariah Hill 10 Feb. 1731-2, and Samuel Carter 11 Dec. 1770; (Hannah, b. 14 June 1715, m. John Brooks; Mary, b. 1 Jun
s settled in the ministry at Taunton, where he d. 14 Nov. 1727. He was esteemed one of the most learned and eminent ministers of that period. Farmer. 7. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (4), resided in Billerica, m. Rebecca Parker 27 June 1682, and d. 1710; his w. d. prob. 1755, when her dower was divided to her son Jonathan, the heirs of sons Thomas, Samuel, Nicholas, Jacob, and John, all deceased, and to daughters Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Sarah. 8. Samuel, S. of Jonathan (4), resided in Biller who m. Martha, dau. of Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds, and d. 1671, leaving a daughter Martha, and a son John, who grad. H. C. 1684, m. Elizabeth Saltonstall, commenced preaching at Ipswich, but died 1689, leaving an only son, John, who grad. II. C. 1710, was Sheriff of Essex Co., m. Mary, dau. of President Leverett, and d. 1724, leaving one son and one daughter. See Felt Ipswich. (2)Elizabeth., m. John Rogers, President of Harvard College, and d. 13 June 1723, a 82. Her children were Elizabeth,
gout and pain he was such an uncommon instance of; but this was his burden and lamentation. He was a person of a grave and austere countenance and conversation, mixed with much of the gentleman and the Christian. His w. d. 4 July 1721, a. 56. He d. 31 Dec. 1727, a. 70. He was an Episcopalian, and was buried with the forms of that church; but for nearly thirty years he had worshipped and communed with the Congregational Church here. 2. Daniel, s. of Francis (1), was Register of Probate 1710-1714, and Subcommissary in the expedition against Canada, 1711. He removed to England, and as early as 4 May 1723, was at Rawdon near Leeds, in the west riding of Yorkshire. Between 14 May 1730, and 24 Aug. 1731, he removed from Rawdon to Plaistow, near London, where he died, and his brother Francis was appointed administrator on his estate in New England 13 Aug. 1741. He prob. d. unm. as his property descended to his relatives here. 3. Francis, s. of Francis (1), grad. H. C. 1712, m.
is said to have been a lawyer; but his time was chiefly devoted to public affairs. He was sheriff of Middlesex 1715-17; Selectman of Cambridge 1717, 1718, Representative 1716, 1721, and often rendered service on important committees. As early as 1710 he was Lieut.-colonel in the expedition against Port Royal; and was commissioned Colonel of Troopers in 1724, in which office he was actively employed against the Indians. About 1697 he m. Hannah, dau. of Simon Lynde of Boston, who had previouslys w. Margaret d. about 1771, and her son Daniel was appointed administrator 5 Ap. 1771. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), inherited the homestead and the military spirit of his father. He served as a Lieutenant in the expedition against Port Royal, 1710, and was afterwards a Captain, by which appellation he was generally known. He was appointed Deputy Sheriff by his father in 1702, when he was only nineteen years old; which office he held for sixty-four years, a longer term than I have elsewhere
umous, was bap. 4 Feb. 1699– 1700, and d. 15 Aug. 1700. 7. Stephen, s. of Samuel (3), m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Stacy, 28 Oct. 1708, and had Samuel, bap. 16 Ap. 1710; Thomas, bap. 24 Feb. 1711-12 (and prob. a 2d Thomas, b. about 1717, called 70 years old at his death in 1787); Stephen, bap. 7 May 1721. Stephen the f. was a cum on our records or elsewhere. 9. Joseph, s. of John (4), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b.——, m. John Allen of Walpole 22 June 1725; Mary, b. 1708; Joseph, b. 1710; Hannah, b. 1713; Abigail, b. 9 Sept. 1716, d. young; Matthew, b. 18 Sept. 1718; Esther, b. 6 Ap. 1721, m. Samuel Boyce of Medfield 13 Ap. 1744. Joseph the f. was, having grown ancient, conveyed her estate to Timothy Gipson of Sudbury, who agreed to maintain her through life. 4. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah (2), res. in Stow 1710, when he sold his father's homestead to Solomon Prentice. He subsequently rem. to Lancaster, and with his w. Abigail conveyed land to his son Jeremiah 4 Feb. 1722<
. Sarah——, who d. 28 Jan. 1710, and he m. Jane——. His chil. were Mary, b. 13 July 1683; John, b. about 1686; Benjamin, b. 20 Feb. 1689-90; Richard, b.——, d. unm. 1719; Amos, b. 6 Jan. 1699-1700; Bethia, b. 15 Ap. 1701; Thomas, bap. 1 Sept. 1706, d. 26 Nov. 1740. Benjamin the f. d. 5 May 1732; his w. Jane survived. 4. Benjamin, S. of Benjamin (3), res. at the Farms. He was in an expedition against the Indians in 1707, when he was taken prisoner, and remained in captivity at Canada until 1710, and perhaps longer. He subsequently returned, and by w. Patience, had Joseph, John, Benjamin, Esther, m.—— Meriam; Mary, m.——Reed. He d. 19 Jan. 1764; his w. Patience d. 7 Oct. 1767, a. 79. 5. Amos, s. of Benjamin (3), m. Esther Green 26 Sept. 1734, and had Esther, b. 11 June 1735; Sarah, b. 30 Mar. 1737; Amos, b. 7 June 1739, d. July 1740; Amos, b. 24 May, 1741; William, b. 31 July 1743; Samuel, b. 12 July 1745, d. 23 Aug. 1747; Bethia, b. 8 July 1747; Mary, b. 8 Sept. 17