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g the sexes was begun,—a policy that is in vogue to-day in many grammar schools in the older sections of the city as well as in the four central high schools. Doubtless there were girls as well as boys in the early dame schools. These were private schools that received children of the kindergarten age, although they were far from being conducted in the kindergarten spirit. In the old cemetery near Harvard Square lies the body of one of these useful dames, Mrs. Joanna Winship, who died in 1707. The tombstone of slate is solemnly decorated with crossbones, coffins, and a winged head, and bears the following quaint inscription, which is correct in point of fact and sound in metre, whatever may be thought of its poetic fire:— This good school dame No longer school must keep, Which gives us cause For children's sake to weep. If girls received other education than that of the dame schools in the colonial or in the provincial period, it was usually in private schools of a slight
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 9: the beginnings of verse, 1610-1808 (search)
nt in the history of American verse marked the beginning of a new era, that of the heroic couplet. But though Colman praises Waller and Blackmore and recommends both to his daughter Jane Turell, he himself, when he wrote his Elijah's translation (1707) on the death of the Rev. Samuel Willard, imitated Dryden in his heroic couplets and his method of applying a Bible story as in Absalom and Achitophel. Jane Turell (1708-1735), whose literary tastes were formed by her father, admired the Matchles is at all warranted by his poems, which are few and altogether imitative. His reputation is due in part to the general poverty of the transition period — the barest era in our verse-and in part to his fame as a preacher and a wit. He was born in 1707, was educated at Harvard, and served as pastor of the Hollis Street church in Boston through the greater part of his ministerial life. After the Declaration, he became a staunch and vehement Tory, lost his former popularity, and died embittered a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, chapter 13 (search)
-1684. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progres. 1685-1688. James II. 1688. The English Revolution. 1688. Pope and Gay born. 1700. Dryden died. 1700. Thomson born. 1703-1714. Queen Anne. 1704. Swift's Battle of the books and Tale of a Tub. 1707. Union of Scotland and England. 1707. Fielding born. 1709. The Tatler, edited by Steele. 1814. Wordsworth's The excursion. 1814. Scott's Waverley. 1815. Battle of Waterloo. 1817. Keats's Poems. 1817. Coleridge's Biographia Liter1707. Fielding born. 1709. The Tatler, edited by Steele. 1814. Wordsworth's The excursion. 1814. Scott's Waverley. 1815. Battle of Waterloo. 1817. Keats's Poems. 1817. Coleridge's Biographia Literaria. 1820-1830. George IV. 1821. De Quincey's Confessions of an English opium Eater. 1822-1824. Lamb's Essays of Elia. 1824-1828. Landor's Imaginary Conversations. 1826. E. B. Browning's Poems. 1829. Catholic Emancipation Act. 1830. Tennyson's poems, chiefly lyrical. 1832. Reform Bill passed. 1833. R. Browning's Pauline. 1833. Carlyle's Sartor Resartus. 1836. Dickens's Pickwick papers. 1837-1900. Victoria. 1841. Robert Peel Prime Minister. 1841. Punch e
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), The oldest road in Cambridge. (search)
near the corner of Quincy and Kirkland Streets! In a deed of Nov. 27, 1764, we read of the Warden pear tree (a hard winter pear, called Warden because it would keep a long time) from which the line ran eastward and so around to the forementioned pear tree. The estate was nearly equally divided by the Charlestown road. Foxcroft street was laid out in the southerly part, but its name was changed to Cambridge street, at a later day. The first Francis Foxcroft was Judge of Common Pleas from 1707 to 1719, and Judge of Probate 1708 -1725. Tutor Flint in an obituary discourse said of him that he was a gentleman by birth, was bred a merchant, was expert and skilful as well as just and upright. His natural powers were extraordinary, his acquired knowledge of various kinds was so too. His temper indeed was sudden, but this was his burden and lamentation. He was a person of grave and austere countenance and conversation, mixed with much of the gentleman and the Christian. He died at sev
he first century after the foundation of the town, licenses were granted to the following named persons (and perhaps others) besides those who have already been mentioned:— Daniel Champney, 1691. William Russell, 1696-1715. Samuel Phipps, 1707-1709. Elizabeth Phipps, 1710-1712. Edward Marrett, 1709. Susanna Stacey, 1709, 1713-1715. Hannah Stacey, 1712, 1716-1724. Ruth Child, 1713-1715. Samuel Robinson, 1714-1720. John Smith, 1715-1717. James Ingham, 1716-1720. 654-1686. Edmund Angier, 1674-1686. Samuel Andrew, 1684-1691. William Andrew, 1701. Mrs. Seeth Andrew, 1702-1703. Zachariah Hicks, 1704-1717. Martha Remington, 1705-1712. Jonathan Remington, 1713-1735. Nathaniel Hancock, Jr., 1707-1709. Mary Bordman, 1708-1714. John Stedman, 1717-1724. Sarah Fessenden, 1720-1735. Mary Oliver, 1731-1732. Edward Marrett, 1733-1735. Two of these retailers in their old age found it necessary to appeal to the County Court for r
officers and privates also, during these troublous times, have been preserved. Joseph Hastings was wounded and lost an eye in 1690. In the same year, among those who were engaged in the unfortunate expedition against Canada are found the names of John Andrew, William Blanchard, Nathaniel Bowman, Matthew Bridge, Daniel Champney, James Cutler, Edward Green, Stephen Hastings, Joseph Hicks, John Manning, John Peirce, Joseph Smith, Nathaniel Sparhawk, John Squire, Thomas Stacy, John Stedman. In 1707, John Comce was killed, and Benjamin Mussey captived Sergeants William Cheever and Eliazar Parker served in 1722; Zechariah Hicks, clerk, and John Manning, in 1724; Sergeant Simon Holden, in 1725, and John Oldham, in 1740 Next after Colonel Goffe, William Brattle was for many years the most prominent military character. He attained the rank of Major as early as 1728, when he was only twenty-two years old; Colonel, before March, 1739; Adjutant-general in 1758; Brigadier-general, as early
701-1705, 1709, 1710. Samuel Cooper, 1702-1710, 1712– 1716. Andrew Bordman [2d], 1706-1710, 1719-1730, 1732. Joseph Winship, 1706, 1725. Jason Russell, 1707-1709, 1711. Josiah Parker, 1710. John Dickson, 1711, 1717, 1722-1724. Thomas Blodgett, 1711. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1712, 1715-1719. Joseph Bowman710-1714, 1716, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1727. William Russell, 1700, 1701, 1704, 1705, 1712, 1714. Philip Russell, 1700, 1701. Samuel Sparhawk, 1701, 1703-1705, 1707-1709. Andrew Bordman, 1702, 1707, 1709– 1713, 1715, 1716, 1718. Samuel Cooper, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1714. Samuel Kidder, 1706, 1715. Jason Russell, 1707, 1709– 1713, 1715, 1716, 1718. Samuel Cooper, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1709, 1714. Samuel Kidder, 1706, 1715. Jason Russell, 1709, 1710. Joseph Coolidge, 1710, 1714. Joseph Bowman, 1712. Moses Bordman, 1714, 1717, 1733– 1736. William Cutter, 1716. Jonathan Remington [2d], 1717. Edmund Goffe, 1717. Nath. Sparhawk, 1717, 1722-1724, 1726. John Dickson, 1717-1720, 1722, 1723. John Bradish, 1719-1721, 1725, 1726, 1729, 1732. Dani
y during life; was its acting President between 1707 and 1719; and d. 24 Jan. 1738. He was prob. f6-7); John, b. 2 Oct. 1698; Jonathan, b. 6 Dee. 1707. Samuel the f. d. 8 Jan. 1717-18, a. 64; his w, d. young; Daniel. His w. Mary d. after 29 Ap. 1707, and he m Mrs. Hannah Biscoe of Watertown (wid.er of Brattle and Ash streets, which he sold in 1707, and afterwards res. on the north side of Mountdmiralty; Judge of Probate from 30 Oct. 1702 to 1707; and during the same period, 1702-1707, Justice1707, Justice of the Superior Court. He was elected President of Harvard College 28 Oct. 1707, was inaugurated o, bap. 22 July 1705, d. young; Samuel, b. 4 Ap. 1707; Dorothy, b. 19 Ap. 1709; Persis, b. 7 Sept. 17702; Mary, b. 1 Jan. 1704-5; Jonathan, b. 5 Ap. 1707; Jane, b. 19 July 1711, m. Benjamin Lawrence 12 Reed of Woburn 1706, and had Abigail,b. 21 Ap. 1707, m. Micah Stone of Framingham; Samuel, b. 8 Dech, b. 25 Mar. 1685, m. William Trowbridge about 1707, and d. 1720. She is supposed by A. H. Ward, E[11 more...]
lerk 1682-1693, Town Treasurer, 1694-1699, and County Treasurer from 1683 to 1700, except during the usurpation by Andros. He d. 21 June 1701, a. 80. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel (2), grad. H. C. 1675; was Fellow of the College; ordained at Milford, Conn.. 18 Nov. 1685; united with Rev. Messrs. Pierpont and Russell in concerting a plan for the foundation of Yale College, 1698; was one of its first Board of Fellows 1700; and served in that capacity during life; was its acting President between 1707 and 1719; and d. 24 Jan. 1738. He was prob. f. of Samuel Andrew, who grad. Y. C. 1711. 4. William, s. of Samuel (2), by w. Seeth, had Seeth, b. 1690, d. 21 Sept. 1700; William; Samuel; Jonathan, b. 1696, d. 28 Oct. 1717; Elizabeth, m. Thomas Stone of Sudbury 18 June 1730; Mary, bap. 10 Aug. 1701. Wil-Liam the f. was a merchant, and inherited the homestead. He d. 13 June 1702; his w. Seeth m. Zechariah Hicks, and was living in 1740. The eldest son William was living in 1704; but on th
mas (1), grad. H. C. 1676, resided in Boston, was Treasurer of the College twenty-five years from 1688, and d. unm. 16 or 18 May 1713. He was a principal founder of the Brattle Street Church, and a steadfast opposer of the violent proceedings of the courts, during the witchcraft delusion in 1692. 3. William, s. of Thomas (1), m. Elizabeth Hayman of Boston, 3 Nov. 1697, and had Thomas, bap. 14 Aug. 1698, d. young; William, b. 18 Ap. 1706. William the f. grad. H. C. 1680; Tutor; Fellow, 1707 to 1717; Treasurer, 1713 to 1715; Bachelor of Divinity, 1692; Fellow of the Royal Society; ordained at Cambridge 25 Nov. 1696, where he d. 15 Feb. 1716-17, a. 54. His w. Elizabeth d. 28 July 1715, and he m. Elizabeth, widow of Rev. Joseph Green of Danvers, and dau. of Rev. Joseph Gerrish of Wenham; she d. at Medford 26 Nov. 1747. See pp. 282-287. 4. Edward, s. of Thomas (1), settled in Marblehead, was a Captain, m. Mary, dau. of John Legg, and d. in 1719, and his w. Mary m. Col. Edmund G