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The Medical student trouble in New Haven. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 10. --R. K. Belden, medical student, and his companions, had their final examination at one o'clock this afternoon, on the charge of killing George S. Stafford with a dirk-knife. Belden was committed for murder, and W. H. McCullock was held in $5,000 bail, and W. A. Baldin in $3,000, as aiders and abetters in the crime.
Arrest of Judge McClure. Fort Kearney, Nov. 10. --The Rocky Mountain News reports the arrest of Judge McClure. He escaped, but was re-arrested, and placed under ball to the amount of $10,000. The charge was not specified, but, according to the News, it is a grave one.
vement at the South is beginning to work its results at the North. In Wall street it was felt severely yesterday. Stocks fell from ¼ to 2 ¼ per cent., as may be seen be reference to our money article. And this, we fear, is not the end, but only little more than the beginning of the depreciation and decline of all securities. From the following table it will be seen that in one month Stocks have declined, some five, some ten, some twelve and some fifteen per ct: Stocks.Oct. 10.Nov. 10. Missouri's87 ¾76 ¼ Tennessee's90 ½86 Virginia's90 ¼86 ¾ New York Central88 ½78 ¼ Panama124119 Erie38 ½31 Reading4736 ¾ Hudson River63 ½54 Harlem2116 Rock Island7257 ¼ Galena75 ¾65 Toledo4639 Illinois Central8666 ¾ Michigan Central6857 Michigan Southern guar47 ½34 ¾ The South Carolina Bank statement of last month, compared with that of the month before, shows an increase in circulation of $346,206 25; an increase in domestic exchange of $911,319; an increase i
Later from Europe.arrival of the Africa. New York, Nov. 23 --The steamship Africa, from Liverpool via Queenstown on the 10th, has arrived. The King of Sardinia had formally accepted the sovereignty of Naples. Garibaldi had resigned the dictatorship and gone to his island home. Commercial. Liverpool, Nov. 10. --Flour dull and declined on the week. Wheat steady. Sugar firm-- all slightly advanced. Coffee firm. Rice firm, with a large speculative inquiry, and higher.-- dull at 5a, 4d. @3a. 3d., to arrive. Turpentine at 34
California politics --The State Gone for Lincoln.--The Pony Express, from San Francisco on the evening of Nov. 10th, has arrived at St. Josephs. The steamer Sonora sailed on the morning of that day for Panama, with $820,000 and 304 passengers for New York.--The following political intelligence is received by this arrival: It is believed the total vote of the State at the recent election will not vary far from 115,000. Of the votes already counted (105,868,) Lincoln has 35,036; Douglas, 38,836; Breckinridge, 29,424; Bell, 6,942. Lincoln's majority over Douglas, 1,150. These returns are all received by telegraph from more than one hundred different dispatches, and mistakes have probably occurred. The official count will be required to determine the result. The contest is between Lincoln and Douglas, with the chances in favor of the former. As near as can be ascertained, the Legislature stands as follows: Senate — Douglas (Democrat,) 9, Breckinridge (Democrat,)
has passed date. Her general news is unimportant. The Bank of England had again advanced in rates to 5 per cent. The Bank of France had advanced to 4 ½ per cent. The settlement of the Chinese question had been delayed for want of money. The allied army was marching on Pekin, followed by Lord Elgin. The army reached Yang-tain on the 10th of September. Official dispatches, however, to the British Government, state that peace had been concluded. The Prince of Wales' fleet had not reached England. Commercial. Liverpool. Nov. 10. --Cotton — Sales Monday and Tuesday reached 12,000 bales, including 1,600 for speculation and export. Friday's quotations are rarely maintained, Flour dull and 61, lower. Wheat quiet, and lower qualities easier, but quotations unchanged. Corn slightly declined. Beef heavy, Pork quiet, Bacon steady. Lard firm at Tallow firm at 58 or 59s. Sugar and Coffee steady, Rice firm. Naval Stores dull. Console 93 ½ or 93
partisan usage on the Senatorial question. The Assembly has not yet organized. A desperate struggle over the election of a Speaker is progressing. John Conness, a Broderick-Douglas Democrat, is the leading candidate, having received the caucus nomination of that wing, but changed no Republican or Breckinridge support, and seems destined to defeat, although the contest is likely to continue several days. Gen. Denver and J. N. McDougall are regarded as the leading candidates for the United States Senate. The impression among conservative men is that neither will be elected, as the nomination of either in the Douglas caucus would not ensure his election without considerable outside support. The suits against Harrassethy, the former refiner at the San Francisco Mint, are set apart for trial on the 5th of February next. The only Island news of importance is the loss at Jarvis Island, on the 10th of November, of the ship Silver Star, and the sale of the wreck for $300.
Arrival of the Japanese Embassy as Home. Intelligence from Jeddo announces the fact of the arrival in that city, on the 10th of November, of the Niagara, with the Japanese Embassy on board, one hundred and thirty-two days from New York, including thirty days stoppages at the different ports on the way. A letter to the New York Herald says. The entire party have enjoyed the most perfect health, and have returned in a most presentable condition. For almost the only time since their departure from our shores, when they came in sight of Fusi-jamma, the "Blessed Mountain," their countenances displayed something analogous to wonder and satisfaction, and, indeed, it was a joyous sight, even to the mariner whose ties of kindred and affection were in other and distant lands. The immense bay was studded with myriads of sails, whose white canvas glittered in the sunbeams, and whose graceful forms skimmed the waters as if instinct with life — modern marine architecture can boast no gr
[by telegraph] Meeting at Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Nov. 10. --A large meeting of citizens took place here to-night--Mayor Blodgett presiding. The Mayor stated that he had received information that two or three citizens had been invited to leave the city by unauthorized persons. The meeting was called to consider whethe, Dorue, Ford, and others, and a conservative sentiment prevailed. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. Counter public meeting at Augusta. Augusta, Nov. 10--A large public meeting is in progress to-night. The Savannah resolutions were unanimously adopted, after having been so amended as to declare that the only remed the meeting, decidedly in favor of immediate action by the South. Intense excitement prevailed. Resignation of Senators Toombs and Chestnut. Augusta, Nov. 10.--Senator Toombs, of Georgia, and Senator Chestnut, of South Carolina, have severally resigned their offices as Senators of the United States. Volunteers in
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Press on the State of the country. (search)
Sl'd, schr. E. H. Nickerson from Boston for Richmond. Philadelphia. Nov. 8.--Cl'd, schr. M. J. Guest, Richmond. Nov. 9-- Cl'd, schr. Lizzie Taylor, Richmond Nov. 10 --Cl'd, schr. Maria Jane, Richmond. Boston, Nov. 7.--Arr'd. schr. Susan. Richmond. New York, Nov. 9--Cl'd, schrs. Wythe, Richmond; Senator, Norfolk Nov.rfolk Nov. 10-- Cl'd, steamship York town, Richmond. Savannah, Nov. 6.--Arrived, schr. D. Town-send, Richmond Newark, Nov. 9.--Arrived, schr. Clingman, Richmond. New Bedford, Nov. 9.--Sailed, schr. Gen. Taylor, Norfolk. Alexandria, Nov. 10.--Sl'd, schrs. Rebecca C. Wilson, Fredericksburg; A. Holley, Norfolk. folk Nov. 10-- Cl'd, steamship York town, Richmond. Savannah, Nov. 6.--Arrived, schr. D. Town-send, Richmond Newark, Nov. 9.--Arrived, schr. Clingman, Richmond. New Bedford, Nov. 9.--Sailed, schr. Gen. Taylor, Norfolk. Alexandria, Nov. 10.--Sl'd, schrs. Rebecca C. Wilson, Fredericksburg; A. Holley, Norfolk.