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Baltimore. Nov. 19. --Arr'd, bark Palladin. Richmond; brig John Geddes, do. Cl'd, bark Kate Lincoln, Norfolk. Bahia, Oct. 11 --Arr'd, bark Winnifred, Richmond. New York, Nov. 17. --Cl'd, schr. Sea Witch, Norfolk.
Carolina has a right to secede. If the Government at Washington says she has not, then prove it by taking the right away. Mr. Colcock said that, although the present crowd was a large one, he wished to see one more person present, and that was Abraham Lincoln. He would take him by the hand, bring him to the platform, and tell him to look upon that crowd, and then ask him if he ever expected to wave the sceptre of President over their heads. He said he had no doubt that "honest old Abe" would answer with down cast eyes, "Never!" Augusta, Ga., Nov. 10. --The Minute Men's meeting adjourned after hearing exciting speeches. They appointed a delegation of ten Minute Men to attend a Military Convention, to be held next week at Milledgeville.--They were greatly rejoiced to hear that South Carolina had passed the bill for the meeting of a Convention at Montgomery, Ala., on the 10th of December. Mr. Yancey addressed an enthusiastic meeting to-night in Estell Hall, in this place.
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Press on the State of the country. (search)
Politics in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Nov. 11. --A Republican Ward Club having passed a resolution tendering their services to Lincoln to support him if opposed by the Minute Men, and it being understood that the resolution would be offered at the Continental Club, there was a large meeting at the latter Saturday, which was addressed by prominent citizens in opposition to all efforts to coerce the South. South Carolina, it was said, was excited because they erroneously supposed the Republican party proposed emancipation. They should rely on conservative Pennsylvania, who will respect their rights. Union resolutions were adopted.
ur falling back into the old channel as soon as our ports are again open. It is, moreover, desirable that our products, other than our great staple, should be fully made known to the world, and the great advantage to foreign nations of a direct trade with us, and we should all unite our efforts in the promotion of this great work. We therefore cordially invite the merchants, bankers and others of the Confederate States, to meet us in Mass Convention, in the city of Macon, on the 11th day of October next, for the purpose of devising some plan for establishing a system of credits between the Confederate States of America and foreign countries, which may be practicable and available to all desiring to use it, and which will also command the hearty support of the citizens of our whole country. We earnestly invite the assistance and cooperation of the press of the Confederate States, in bringing the subject fully before the people and the presence of its members on the occasion
From Pensacola.further particulars of the fight on Santa Rosa Island. Mobile Oct. 11. --A special dispatch to the Mobile advertiser and Register, of yesterday's date at Pensacola, states that five companies of Mississippians were engaged in the fight on Santa Rosa Island on Wednesday night, under the command of Col. Chalmers, with Captains Benton, McGowen, Peak, and Miller, and Lieutenants Watson, Myckle, Johnson, McGowen, Banks, and Smith. The casualties were three killed, among whom is private W. E. Welbur. Among the wounded are Capt. Benton and privates Stillman and Davis. The Georgia troops suffered severely. Col. Brown treats the wounded prisoners kindly. Latest Intelligence.--The Federals have 22 of our men prisoners, including the wounded. Lieut. Layne is in the enemy's hospital doing tolerably well, and it is hoped that his leg will be saved. Col. Brown, of Fort Pickens, will not respect our hospital, and Dr. Ford will not remove the sick un
Firing on the Potomac — Burning of a Confederate boat, &c. Fredericksburg Oct. 11. --There was firing up the Potomac this morning at 3 o'clock and again at 9 o'clock. The first was caused by our batteries opening on a Federal tug-boat, which, under cover of darkness, burnt a Confederate boat. The damage to the tug is unknown. The firing at 9 o'clock this forenoon is unexplained. Each firing lasted about 30 minutes. There was evidently no general engagement.
Charged with mutiny — sequestration. Charleston Oct. 11. --On yesterday the Grand Jury of the Confederate Court, in the prosecution of Sandrew and others, charged with mutiny on board the privateer Jeff. Davis, found a true bill against Sandrew.--The others have been retained as witnesses. The trial will take place on next Wednesday. The first case under the Sequestration law was tried to-day. The jury returned a verdict against Joseph S. Terry, of New York, as this is the case referred to.
Arrival of Col. Gardner. Augusta, Ga. Oct. 11. --Col. Montgomery Gardner, of the 8th Georgia regiment, who was so dreadfully wounded at the battle of Manassa Plains, on the 21st of July, reached here on yesterday in an ambulance car. He stood the trip remarkably well, and is now quite comfortable.
Cotton States Convention. Macon, Ga. Oct. 11. --All the Cotton States will be represented fully at the Convention, which will meet here on 14th inst. There will be over 400 delegates present.
Later from Europe.arrival of the Glasgow. the London times and Gen. Fremont--the cotton subject — recognition of the Southern Confederacy by France Predicted, &c. St. Johns, Oct. 11. --The steamship Glasgow, from Liverpool, with dates to the 29th of September, passed Cape Race on yesterday. The London Times has an article on Gen. Fremont's proclamation. It says that the document is not to be wondered at, as the adoption of the Abolition doctrine, if the strife goes on, may be successfully urged by the United States Government, but fears that the result of such a measure could not result satisfactorily to the Northern States. A London company is being formed to promote the cultivation of cotton by Coolie labor. The Paris Constitutionnel asserts that negotiations relating to the interference with Mexico, has reached no definite result. No convention has been drawn up. The St. Petersburg Bee predicts the early recognition by France of the South