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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 15 15 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 12 12 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
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Ae'schines (*Ai)sxi/nhs), the orator, was born in Attica in the demus of Cothocidae, in B. C. 389, as is clear from his speech against Timarchus (p. 78), which was delivered in B. C. 345, and in which he himself says that he was then in his forty-fifth year. He was the son of Tromes and Glaucothea, and if we listen to the account of Demosthenes, his political antagonist, his father was not a free citizen of Athens, but had been a slave in the house of Elpias, a schoolmaster. After the return of the Athenian exiles under Thrasybulus, Tromes himself kept a small school, and Athenias in his youth assisted his father and performed such services as were unworthy of a free Athenian youth. Demosthenes further states, that Aeschines, in order to conceal the low condition of his father, changed his name Tromes into Atrometus, and that he afterwards usurped the rights of an Athenian citizen. (Dem. De Coron. pp. 313, 320, 270.) The mother of Aeschines is described as originally a dancer and a p
Agy'rrhius (*)Agu/rrios), a native of Collytus in Attica, whom Andocides ironically calls to/n kalo\n ka)gaqo\n (de Myst. p. 65, ed. Reiske), after being in prison many years for embezzlement of public money, obtained about B. C. 395 the restoration of the Theoricon, and also tripled the pay for attending the assembly, though he reduced the allowance previously given to the comic writers. (Harpocrat. s. v. *Qewrika\, *)Agu/rrios; Suidas, s. v. e)kklhsiastiko\n; Schol. ad Aristoph. Eccl. 102 ; Dem. c. Timocr. p. 742.) By this expenditure of the public revenue Agyrrhius became so popular, that he was appointed general in B. C. 389. (Xen. Hell. 4.8.31; Diod. 14.99; Böckh, Publ. Econ. of Athens, pp. 223, 224, 316, &c., 2nd ed. Engl. transl.; Schomann, de Comitiis, p. 65, &
Aha'la 5. C. Servilius Ahala, magister equitum B. C. 389, when Camillus was appointed dictator a third time. (Liv. 6.2.) Ahala is spoken of as magister equitum in 385, on occasion of the trial of Manlius. Manlius summoned him to bear witness in his favour, as one of those whose lives he had saved in battle; but Ahala did not appear. (4.20.) Pliny, who mentions this circumstance, calls Ahala P. Servilius. (H. N. 7.39.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Aius Locu'tius or LOQUENS, a Roman divinity. In the year B. C. 389, a short time before the invasion of the Gauls, a voice was heard at Rome in the Via nova, during the silence of night, announcing that the Gauls were approaching. (Liv. 5.32.) No attention was at the time paid to the warning, but after the Gauls had withdrawn from the city, the Romans remembered the prophetic voice, and atoned for their neglect by erecting on the spot in the Via nova, where the voice had been heard, a templum, that is, an altar with a sacred enclosure around it, to Aius Locutius, or the " Announcing Speaker." (Liv. 5.50; Varro, apud Gell. 16.17; Cic. de Divinai. 1.45, 2.32.) [L.S]
e was sometimes ridiculed by the surname o( *Duropoio/s,which may have been derived from the circumstance that either he himself or his father, at one time, was an artizan, perhaps a carpenter. Works As early as the year B. C. 425, he brought out a piece called u(lofo/roi, on the same occasion that the Equites of Aristophanes and the Satyri of Cratinus were performed; and if it is true that another piece entitled Admetus was performed at the same time with the Plutus of Aristophanes, in B. C. 389, the dramatic career of Aristomenes was very long. (Argum. ad Aristoph. Plut.) But we know of only a few comedies of Aristomenes ; Meineke conjectures that the Admetus was brough out together with the first edition of Aristophanes' Plutus, an hypothesis based upon very weak grounds. Of the two plays mentioned no fragments are extant; besides these we know the titles and possess a few fragments of three others, viz. 1. *Bohqoi/ which is sometimes attributed to Aristophanes, the names of
on the Allia, and marched towards Rome. Here he took the Gauls by surprise, and defeated them completely. He then entered the city in triumph, saluted by his fellowcitizens as alter Romulus, pater patriae, and conditor alter urbis. His first care was to have the temples restored, and then to rebuild the city. The people, who were at first inclined to quit their destroyed homes and emigrate to Veii, were prevailed upon to give up this plan, and then Camillus laid down his dictatorship. In B. C. 389 Camillus was made interrex a second time for the purpose of electing the consular tribunes; and, as in the same year the neighbouring tribes rose against Rome, hoping to conquer the weakened city without any difficulty, Camillus was again appointed dictator, and he made C. Servilius Ahala his magister equitum. He first defeated the Volscians, and took their camp; and they were now compelled to submit to Rome after a contest of seventy years. The Aequians were also conquered near Bola, and
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Ma'nlius 5. A. Manlius Capitolinus, A. F. A. N., four times consular tribune, in B. C. 389, 385, 383, and 370. In his first tribuneship Rome was attacked by several enemies at once, and A. Manlius obtained the command of one of the three armies then raised for guarding the city. In the second tribuneship he persuaded the senate to appoint a dictator to carry on the war against the Volscians, Latins, and Hernicans. (Liv. 6.1, 11, 21, 36.)
, as well as Oenöe, where Agesilaus had placed a garrison. Soon after he retired, or was dismissed, from the command, in consequence, it seems, of the jealousy of the Argives; for he had shown a desire to reduce the Corinthian territory under the power of Athens, and had put to death some Corinthians of the Argive party. He was succeeded by CHABRIAS. (Xen. Hell. 4.5, 8.34; Diod. 14.91, 92; Plut. Ages. 22; Dem. Phil. i. p. 46; c. Aristoc. p. 686; Paus. 3.10; Nep. Iph. 2; Andoc. de Pace.) In B. C. 389 he was sent to the Hellespont to counteract the operations of ANAXIBIUS, who was defeated by him and slain in the following year. In spite of his victory, however, Iphicrates was not able to prevail against ANTALCIDAS. (Xen. hell. 4.8. §§ 34, &c.; Polyaen. 3.9.) On the peace of 387 Iphicrates did not return to Athens; but we do not know whether he acted on a command of the state or on his own judgment in aiding Seuthes, king of the Odrysae, to recover his kingdom, from which he had been
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), C. Ma'rcius or Cn. Ma'rcius (search)
C. Ma'rcius or Cn. Ma'rcius 1. C. or Cn. MARCIUS, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 389, the year after Rome had been taken by the Gauls, brought Q. Fabius to trial, because, in opposition to the law of nations, he had fought against the Gauls, to whom he had been sent as an ambassador. (Liv. vi. l.)
ophistic philosophers, beginning with Eudoxus of Cnidus, B. C. 366, and ending with Dion Chrysostom and Favorinus, a contemporary of Herodes Atticus, on whom he dwells a little more fully--eight lives in all. He then begins with the sophists proper of the old school, commencing with Gorgias (born about B. C. 480), and ending with Isocrates (born B. C. 438), who (eight in all) may be said to belong to the school of Gorgias. He begins the newer school of sophists with Aeschines (who was born B. C. 389), which seems mainly introductory, and to prove his position that the modern school was not entirely new, but had its origin so far back as the time of Aeschines. He passes immediately thereafter to the time of Nicetas, about A. D. 97, and the first book ends with Secundus, who was one of the instructors of Herodes Atticus, bringing the sophists in ten lives down to the same period as the sophistic philosophers. The second book begins with Herodes Atticus, about A. D. 143, and continues wi