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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 15 15 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 12 12 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIV, Chapter 103 (search)
389 B.C.When the year had ended, in Athens Antipater was archon, and in Rome Lucius Valerius and Aulus Mallius administered the consular magistracy. This year Dionysius, the lord of the Syracusans, openly indicated his design of an attack on Italy and set forth from Syracuse with a most formidable force. He had more than twenty thousand infantry, some three thousand cavalry, forty ships of war, and not less than three hundred vessels transporting food supplies. On arriving at Messene on the fifth day he rested his troops in the city, while he dispatched his brother Thearides with thirty ships to the islands of the Liparaeans, since he had learned that ten ships of the Rhegians were in those waters. Thearides, sailing forth and coming upon the ten Rhegian ships in a place favourable to his purpose, seized the ships together with their crews and speedily returned to Dionysius at Messene. Dionysius threw the prisoners in chains and
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 10 (search)
d from the city; for Dionysius, being suspicious of the Syracusans, had disarmed many of them. About this time the tyrant was sojourning in the newly founded citiesThat Dionysius was in Italy is attested by Plut. Dion 26.1 and Nepos Dion 5.4. If Plutarch is correct in placing him at Caulonia Plut. Dion 26.4) as Diodorus does in chap. 11.3, he could not have been by the Adriatic. Caulonia, on the east coast of Bruttium, was destroyed by Dionysius the Elder in 389 B.C., its inhabitants removed to Syracuse, and its territory given to the Locrians for settlement (see Book 14.106.3). In this sense it might be called a new foundation. along the Adriatic with large forces, and the commanders who had been left in charge of the garrison of Syracuse at first attempted to summon back the Syracusans from their revolt, but when the impulse of the mobs could not be checked they gave up in despair and gathered mercenaries and those who
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 4, chapter 6 (search)
After this the Achaeans, who were in possession389 B.C. of Calydon—in ancient times an Aetolian town —and had made the people of Calydon Achaean citizens, were compelled to keep a garrison there. For rom their alliance with the Lacedaemonians unless the latter should help them in return. In view389 B.C. of this statement, it seemed to the ephors and the assembly that it was necessary to undertake droves of horses in large numbers besides all sorts of other stock and great numbers of slaves.389 B.C. And after effecting this capture and remaining there through the ensuing day, he made public sae was sacrificing, the Acarnanians pressed them very hard with throwing stones and javelins, and389 B.C. coming close up to them wounded many. But when he gave the word, the first fifteen year-classesese people sow, the more they will desire peace.” Having said this, he departed overland through389 B.C. Aetolia by such roads as neither many nor few could traverse against the will of the Aetolians;<
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 4, chapter 8 (search)
s was killed on the spot and many of the others were killed as they fled. After this Thrasybulus brought over some of the389 B.C. cities, and was busy collecting money for his soldiers by plundering from those which refused to come over; meanwhile heore in anger fell upon him during the night and cut him down in his tent. This, then, was the end of Thrasybulus, who was389 B.C. esteemed a most excellent man. And the Athenians chose Agyrrhius in his place, and sent him out to take command of the ss' work in the Hellespont might be ruined for them, sent out against Anaxibius Iphicrates, with eight ships and about one389 B.C. thousand two hundred peltasts. The greater part of these were the men whom he had commanded at Corinth.See chaps. iv. anountry and to a friendly city, and because he heard from those who met him that Iphicrates had sailed up in the direction389 B.C. of Proconnesus, he was making his march in a rather careless fashion. Nevertheless, Iphicrates did not rise from ambush
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 1 (search)
Such, then, were the doings of the Athenians389 B.C. and Lacedaemonians in the region of the Hellespont. Meanwhile Eteonicus was again in Aegina, and although previously the Aeginetans had been maintaining commercial intercourse with the Athenians, still, now that the war was being carried on by sea openly, he, with the approval omong the soldiers who did not grasp his hand, and one decked him with a garland, another with a fillet, and others who came too late, nevertheless, even though he389 B.C. was now under way, threw garlands into the sea and prayed for many blessings upon him. Now I am aware that I am not describing in these incidents any enterpriseby Gorgopas, and they manned against these enemies thirteen ships and chose Eunomus as admiral to command them. Now while Hierax was at Rhodes the Lacedaemonians389 B.C. sent out Antalcidas as admiral, thinking that by doing this they would most please Tiribazus also. And when Antalcidas arrived at Aegina, he took with him the sh
Appian, Italy (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
mens and portents. The people, who had been for some time set against him, fined him heavily, having no pity for him although he had recently lost a son. His friends contributed the money in order that the person of Camillus might not be disgraced. In deep grief he went into exile in the city of Ardea, praying the prayer of Achilles that the time might come when the Romans would long for Camillus. And in fact this came Y.R. 365 to pass very soon, for when the Gauls captured the city, the B.C. 389 people fled for succor to Camillus and again chose him Dictator, as has been told in my Gallic history.Livy, v. 32 seq. Plutarch, Life of Camillus. FROM PEIRESC When Marcus Manlius, the patrician, saved the city of Rome from a Gallic invasion, he received the highest honors. Y.R. 370 At a later period when he saw an old man, who had often B.C. 384 fought for his country, reduced to servitude by a money lender, he paid the debt for him. Being highly commended for th
Appian, Gallic History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
Fragments AN EPITOME OF APPIAN'S BOOK "DE REBUS GALLICIS" Y.R. 365 AT an early period the Gauls waged war against the B.C. 389 Romans, took Rome itself, except the Capitol, and burned it. Camillus, however, overcame and expelled them. At a later period, when they had made a second invasion, he overcame them again and enjoyed a triumph in consequence, being then in his eightieth year. A third army of Gauls which invaded Italy was destroyed by the Romans under with them. When a large number had collected in obedience to this summons they broke camp and marched against Rome. Livy, v. 36 seq. FROM SUIDAS Y.R. 365 He (Cædicius) promised to carry letters through the B.C. 389 enemy's ranks to the Capitol. FROM PEIRESC When Cædicius bore the decree of the Senate to Camillus, by which he was made consul, he exhorted him not to lay up against his country the injury it had done him. The latter,
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER I. (search)
et out under Menestheus;Servius observes that these Athenians were returning from Africa, Serv. Æn. iii. 552. it is now called Scylacium.Saumaise (Exercit. Plin. p. 47, 57) thinks the true reading should be Scylaceium, or Virgil could not have made the penultimate long. . . . Attollit se diva Lacinia contra Caulonisque arces, et navifragum Scylaceum. Æn. iii. 652. Dionysius [the elder] allotted a portion of it to the Locri, whilst it was in the possession of the Crotoniatæ.About B. C. 389. The Scylleticus Sinus received its name from this city. It together with the Hipponiates Sinus forms the isthmus which we have mentioned above.Book vi. cap. i. § 4. DionysiusPliny seems to attribute to Dionysius the elder the project of cutting not walling off the isthmus: Itaque Dionysius major intercisam eo loco adjicere Siciliæ voluit. Hist. Nat. lib. iii. § 15. Grimaldi also is of opinion that the circumstance mentioned by Strabo should be referred to the first years of Dionysius t<
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 24 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 3 (search)
it some pretended marvels also, as generally in places so noted. It is reported that in the space in front of the temple there is an altar whose ashes are never stirred by any wind. But the citadel of Croton, on one side overhanging the sea, while the other slopes down toward the country, was once protected merely by its natural situation, but later encircled with a wall also, where, along the cliffs on the farther side, it had been taken by ruse of Dionysius,Who captured Croton about 389 B.C. and is said to have held it twelve years. tyrant of Sicily. In that citadel, sufficiently safe, as it seemed, the optimates of Croton were at the time maintaining themselves, besieged even by their own plebs as well as by the Bruttians. Finally the Bruttians, seeing that the citadel was for their resources impregnable, were of necessity constrained to beg aid of Hanno. He attempted to compel the Crotonians to surrender on condition that they permit a colony of Bruttians to be
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VIA LATINA (search)
(Iuv. i. 170: experiar quid concedatur in illos quorum Flaminia tegitur cinis atque Latina), which, like the via Appia, ran in a straight line for the first ii miles. Liv. ii. 39 uses it, in speaking of Coriolanus, only as a geographical description; for it was not in existence so early. Its history is unknown, but its straightness of line shows that it was not a primitive road but an artificial military highway; and it was probably constructed after the pass of Algidus had been secured in 389 B.C.; and it must have run at least as early as 334 B.C. as far as Cales (Liv. x. 36). It was joined at three different points by the via Labicana or by branches. Strabo v. 3. 9, p. 237, shows that the via Latina was in his time regarded as the principal road, and indeed he classes it with the Appia and Valeria as among the most famous; but in later times the easier line taken by the via Labicana may have commended it to travellers, though the Latina was kept up also (for a milestone of Maxentiu