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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 37 37 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 8 8 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 7 7 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 3 3 Browse Search
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Sulpicia, Carmina Omnia (ed. Anne Mahoney) 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
gmented in B. C. 27, during his third consulship, by several others, and among these was the Pantheon, on which we still read the inscription: " M. Agrippa: L. F. Cos. Tertium fecit." (D. C. 49.43, 53.27; Plin. Nat. 36.15, s. 24 § 3; Strab. v. p.235; Frontin. De Aquaed. 9.) When the war broke out between Octavianus and M. Antonius, Agrippa was appointed comnander-in-chief of the fleet, B. C. 32. He took Methone in the Peloponnesus, Leucas, Patrae, and Corinth; and in the battle of Actium (B. C. 31) where he commanded, the victory was mainly owing to his skill. On his return to Rome in B. C. 30, Octavianus, now Augustus, rewarded him with a " vexillum caeruleum," or sea-green flag. In B. C. 28, Agrippa became consul for the second time with Augustus, and about this time married Marcella, the niece of Augustus, and the daughter of his sister Octavia. His former wife, Pomponia, the daughter of T. Pomponins Atticus, was either dead or divorced. In the following year, B. C. 27, he was a
Mith. 106, 114.) When Cicero was governor of Cilicia (B. C. 51), he received from Antiochus intelligence of the movements of the Parthians. (Cic. Fam. 15.1, 3, 4.) In the civil war between Caesar and Pompey (B. C. 49), Antiochus assisted the latter with troops. (Caesar, Caes. Civ. 3.5; Appian, App. BC 2.49.) In B. C. 38, Ventidius, the legate of M. Antonius, after conquering the Parthians, marched against Antiochus, attracted by the great treasures which this king possessed; and Antonius, arriving at the army just as the war was commencing, took it into his own hands, and laid siege to Samosata. He was, however, unable to take the place, and was glad to retire after making peace with Antiochus. (D. C. 49.20-22; Plut. Ant. 34.) A daughter of Antiochus married Orodes, king of Parthia. (D. C. 49.23.) We do not know the exact period of the death of Antiochus, but he must have died before B. C. 31, as his successor Mithridates is mentioned as king of Commagene in that year. (Plut. Ant. 61.)
Arru'ntius 2. ARRUNTIUS, was also proscribed by the triumvirs in B. C. 43, but escaped to Pompey, and was restored to the state together with Pompey. (Appian, App. BC 4.46; Vell. 2.77.) This is probably the same Arruntius who commanded the left wing of the fleet of Octavianus at the battle of Actium, B. C. 31. (Vell. 2.85; comp. Plut. Ant. 66.) There was a L. Arruntius, consul in B. C. 22 (D. C. 54.1), who appears to be the same person as the one mentioned above, and may perhaps also be the same as the L. Arruntius, the friend of Trebatius, whom Cicero mentions (ad Fam. 7.18) in B. C. 53.
and Cassius, B. C. 42, and it was by his advice, in consequence of a dream, that Octavianus was persuaded to leave his camp and assist in person at the battle of Philippi, notwithstanding a severe indisposition. This was probably the means of saving his life, as that part of the army was cut to pieces by Brutus. (Vell. Paterc. 2.70; Plut. Brut. 100.41, where some editions have Antonius instead of Artorius; Lactant. Divin. Instit. 2.8; D. C. 47.41; Valer. Max. 1.7.1; Tertull. De Anima, 100.46; Sueton. Aug. 100.91; Appian, De Bell. Civil. 4.110; Florus, 4.7.) He was drowned at sea shortly after the battle of Actium, B. C. 31. (S. Hieron. in Euseb. Chron.) Works peri\ *Makrocioti/as St. Clement of Alexandria quotes (Paedag. 2.2, p. 153) a work by a person of the same name, peri\ *Makrocioti/as. Further Informaion Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. xiii. p. 86, ed. vet.; Caroli Patini Comment. in Antiq. Cenotaph. M. Artorii, in Poleni Thes. Antiq. Rom. et Gr. Supplem. vol. ii. p. 1133.[W.A.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
rival at Pavia and put him to death; Paulus, the brother of Orestes, was slain at Ravenna. Romulus Augustulus was allowed to live on account of his youth, beauty, and innocence, but was exiled by the victor to the villa of Lucullus, on the promontory of Misenum in Campania, which was then a fortified castle. There he lived upon a yearly allowance of six thousand pieces of gold: his ultimate fate is unknown. The series of Roman emperors who had governed the state from the battle of Actium, B. C. 31. during a period of five hundred and seven years, closes with the deposition of the son of Orestes ; and, strangely enough, the last emperor combined the names of the first king and the first emperor of Rome. [ORESTES, ODOACER.] (Amm. Marc. Excerpta, pp. 662, 663, ed. Paris, 1681; Cassiod. Chronicon, ad Zenonem; Jornand. de Regnorum Successione, p. 59, de Reb. Goth.. pp. 128, 129, ed. Lindenbrog; Procop. de Bell. Goth. 1.1, 2.6 ; Cedrenus, p. 350, ed. Paris; Theophanes, p. 102, ed. Paris;
r against his colleague. The rupture between the two triumvirs was mainly brought about by the jealousy and ambition of Cleopatra. During the year B. C. 32, while Cleopatra kept Antony in a perpetual state of intoxication, Augustus had time to convince the Romans that the heavy sacrifices he demanded of them were to be made on their own behalf only, as Italy had to fear everything from Antony War was now declared against Cleopatra, for Antony was looked upon'only as her infatuated slave. In B. C. 31, Augustus was consul for the third time with M. Valerius Messalla. Rome was in a state of great excitement and alarm, and all classes had to make extraordinary exertions. An attempt of Augustus to attack his enemy during the winter was frustrated by storms; but, in the spring, his fleet, under the command of the able Agrippa, spread over the whole of the eastern part of the Adriatic, and Augustus himself with his legions landed in Epeirus. Antony and Cleopatra took their station near the pr
Ba'rbula 4. BARBULA purchased Marcus, the legate of Brutus, who had been proscribed by the triumvirs in B. C. 43, and who pretended that he was a slave in order to escape death. Barbula took Marcus with him to Rome, where he was recognized at the city-gates by one of Barbula's friends. Barbula, by means of Agrippa, obtained the pardon of Marcus from Octavianus. Marcus afterwards became one of the friends of Octavianus, and commanded part of his forces at the battle of Actium, B. C. 31. Here he had an opportunity of returning the kindness of his formermaster. Barbula hadserved under Antony, and after the defeat of the latter fell into the hands of the conquerors. IIe, too, pretended to be a slave, and was purchased by Marcus, who procured his pardon from Augustus, and both of them subsequently obtained the consulship at the same time. Such is the statement of Appian (App. BC 4.49), who does not give us either the gentile or family name of Marcus, nor does he tell us whether Barbula bel
declared in the senate, doubtless after Caesar's death and for the purpose of annoying Augustus, that the dictator had acknowledged Caesarion as his son; but Oppius wrote a treatise to prove the contrary. In consequence of the assistance which Cleopatra had afforded Dolabella, she obtained from the triumvirs in B. C. 42 permission for her son Caesarion to receive the title of king of Egypt. In B. C. 34, Antony conferred upon him the title of king of kings; he subsequently called him in his will the son of Caesar, and after the battle of Actium (B. C. 31) declared him and his own son Antyllus to be of age. When everything was lost, Cleopatra sent Caesarion with great treasures by way of Aethiopia to India; but his tutor Rhodon persuaded him to return, alleging that Augustus had determined to give him the kingdom of Egypt. After the death of his mother, he was executed by order of Augustus. (D. C. 47.31, 49.41, 1. 1, 3, 51.6 ; Suet. Jul. 52, Aug. 17; Plut. Cues. 49, Anton. 54, 81, 82.)
ed effort to crush him. War, however, was declared against Cleopatra, and not against Antony, as a less invidious way. (D. C. 1. 6.) Cleopatra insisted on accompanying Antony in the fleet; and we find them, after visiting Samos and Athens, where they repeated what Plutarch calls the farce of their public entertainments, opposed to Augustus at Actium. Cleopatra indeed persuaded Antony to retreat to Egypt, but the attack of Augustus frustrated this intention, and the famous battle took place (B. C. 31) in the midst of which, when fortune was wavering between the two parties, Cleopatra, weary of suspense, and alarmed at the intensity of the battle (D. C. 1. 33), gave a signal of retreat to her fleet, and herself led the way. Augustus in vain pursued her, and she made her way to Alexandria, the harbour of which she entered with her prows crowned and music sounding, as if victorious, fearing an outbreak in the city. With the same view of retaining the Alexandrians in their allegiance, she
Crina'goras (*Krinago/ras), a Greek epigrammatic poet, the author of about fifty epigrams in the Greek Anthology, was a native of Mytilene, among the eminent men of which city he is mentioned by Strabo, who speaks of him as a contemporary. (xiii. p. 617, sub fin.) There are several allusions in his epigrams, which refer to the reign of Augustus, and on the authority of which Jacobs believes him to have flourished from B. C. 31 to A. D. 9. We may also collect from his epigrams that he lived at Rome (Ep. 24), and that he was richer in poems than in worldly goods. (Ep. 33.) He mentions a younger brother of his, Eucleides. (Ep. 12.) From the contents of two of his epigrams Reiske inferred, that they must have been written by a more ancient poet of the same name, but this opinion is refuted by Jacobs. Crinagoras often shews a true poetical spirit. He was included in the Anthology of Philip of Thessalonica. (Jacobs, Anth. Graec. pp. 876-878; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. iv. p. 470.) [P.