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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 37 37 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 8 8 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 7 7 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 3 3 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography, Book 7, chapter 7 (search)
tadia wide, the circumference is as much as three hundred stadia; and it has good harbors everywhere. That part of the country which is on the right as one sails in is inhabited by the Greek Acarnanians. Here too, near the mouth, is the sacred precinct of the Actian Apollo—a hill on which the temple stands; and at the foot of the hill is a plain which contains a sacred grove and a naval station, the naval station where Caesar dedicated as first fruits of his victoryIn the Battle of Actium, 31 B.C. the squadron of ten ships—from vessel with single bank of oars to vessel with ten; however, not only the boats, it is said, but also the boat-houses have been wiped out by fire. On the left of the mouth are Nicopolis and the country of the Epeirote Cassopaeans, which extends as far as the recess of the gulf near Ambracia.Now Arta. Ambracia lies only a short distance above the recess; it was founded by Gorgus, the son of Cypselus. The River AratthusOtherwise called Arachthus; now the
Strabo, Geography, Book 8, chapter 4 (search)
and they are distant, I should say, about four hundred stadia from the mainland, in the Libyan and Southern Sea. Thucydides4. 3. says that this Pylus was the naval station of the Messenians. It is four hundredThucydides says "about four hundred." stadia distant from Sparta. Next comes Methone. This, they say, is what the poet calls Pedasus,Hom. Il. 9.152, 294 So Paus. 4.35.1. one of the seven cities which Agamemnon promised to Achilles. It was here that Agrippa, during the war of Actium,31 B.C. after he had taken the place by an attack from the sea, put to death Bogus, the king of the Maurusians, who belonged to the faction of Antony. Adjacent to MethoneStrabo means the territory of Methone (as often). is Acritas,Now Cape Gallo. which is the beginning of the Messenian Gulf. But this is also called the Asinaean Gulf, from Asine, which is the first town on the gulf and bears the same name as the Hermionic town.The Hermionic Asine was in Argolis, southeast of Nauplia (see Pauly-Wi
Strabo, Geography, Book 8, chapter 6 (search)
ng is, "That has nothing to do with Dionysus"; and it appears, originally at least, to have been a protest of spectators against the omission of Dionysus and his satyrs, or of merely the dithyrambs, from a dramatic performance (see Tozer, Selections, p. 221). and also the painting of Heracles in torture in the robe of Deianeira. Now I have not seen the latter, but I saw the Dionysus, a most beautiful work, on the walls of the temple of Ceres in Rome; but when recently the temple was burned,31 B.C. the painting perished with it. And I may almost say that the most and best of the other dedicatory offerings at Rome came from there; and the cities in the neighborhood of Rome also obtained some; for Mummius, being magnanimous rather than fond of art, as they say, readily shared with those who asked.According to Vell. Pat. 1.13.4, Mummius told the men who were entrusted with taking these pictures and statues to Rome that, if they lost them, they would have to replace them with new one
Strabo, Geography, Book 10, chapter 2 (search)
as I have already said,8. 3. 11. and also the river near Lamia.9. 5. 10. I have already stated, also, that the Corinthian Gulf is said to begin at the mouth of this river.8. 2. 3. As for cities, those of the Acarnanians are Anactorium, which is situated on a peninsula near Actium and is a trading center of the Nicopolis of today, which was founded in our times;This Nicopolis ("Victory City") was founded by Augustus Caesar in commemoration of his victory over Antony and Cleopatra at Actium in 31 B.C. See 7. 7. 5. Stratus, where one may sail up the Acheloüs River more than two hundred stadia; and Oeneiadae, which is also on the river—the old city, which is equidistant from the sea and from Stratus, being uninhabited, whereas that of today lies at a distance of about seventy stadia above the outlet of the river. There are also other cities, Palaerus, Alyzia, Leucas,Amaxiki, now in ruins. Argos Amphilochicum, and Ambracia, most of which, or rather all, have become dependencies of Nic
Strabo, Geography, Book 10, chapter 5 (search)
addition to these, Paros, Naxos, Syros, Myconos, Tenos, Andros, and Gyaros. Now I consider all of these among the twelve except Prepesinthos, Oliaros, and Gyaros. When our ship anchored at one of these, Gyaros, I saw a small village that was settled by fishermen; and when we sailed away we took on board one of the fishermen, who had been chosen to go from there to Caesar as ambassador (Caesar was at Corinth, on his wayi.e., back to Rome. to celebrate the Triumph alter the victory at Actium 31 B.C.). While on the voyage he told enquirers that he had been sent as ambassador to request a reduction in their tribute; for, he said, they were paying one hundred and fifty drachmas when they could only with difficulty pay one hundred. Aratus also points out the poverty of the island in his CataleptonO Leto, shortly thou wilt pass by me, who am like either iron Pholegandros or worthless Gyaros.Aratus Catalepton Fr. Now although Delos had become so famous, yet the razing of Corinth to the
Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 3 (search)
Eupator adorned it with temples and founded an addition to it. This city too was besieged by Leucullus, and then by Pharnaces, when he crossed over from the Bosporus. After it had been set free by the deified Caesar,It was in reference to his battle with Pharnaces near Zela that Julius Caesar informed the Senate of his victory by the words, "I came, I saw, I conquered." it was given over to kings by Antony. Then Straton the tyrant put it in bad plight. And then, after the Battle of Actium,31 B.C. it was again set free by Caesar Augustus; and at the present time it is well organized. Besides the rest of its beautiful country, it possesses also Themiscyra, the abode of the Amazons, and Sidene. Themiscyra is a plain; on one side it is washed by the sea and is about sixty stadia distant from the city, and on the other side it lies at the foot of the mountainous country, which is well wooded and coursed by streams that have their sources therein. So one river, called the Thermodon,
Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 6 (search)
s, with whom I was acquainted; he subjected these places to the Romans and also destroyed most of the strongholds of the pirates that were situated on the sea. On the side of Isaurice lies Derbe, which lies closer to Cappadocia than to any other country and was the royal seat of the tyrant Antipater Derbetes. He also possessed Laranda. But in my time Derbe and also the two lsauras have been held by Amyntas,The Galatian Amyntas who fought with Antony against Augustus at the battle of Actium (31 B.C.). who attacked and killed Derbetes, although he received Isaura from the Romans. And, indeed, after destroying the Old Isaura, he built for himself a royal residence there. And though he was building a new wall in the same place, he did not live to complete it, but was killed by the Cilicians, when he was invading the country of the Homonadeis and was captured by ambuscade. For, being in possession of the Antiocheia near Pisidia and of the country as far as the Apollonias near Apameia C
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, INTRODUCTION (search)
Antony, Lepidus, and the one who was first called Octavius, but afterward Cæsar from his relationship to the other Cæsar and adoption in his will. Shortly after this division they fell to quarrelling among themselves, as was natural, and Octavius, Y.R. 718 who was the superior in understanding and skill, first B.C. 36 deprived Lepidus of Africa, which had fallen to his lot, and Y.R. 723 afterward, as the result of the battle of Actium, took from B.C. 31 Antony all the provinces lying between Syria and the Adriatic gulf. Thereupon, while all the world was filled with astonishment at these wonderful displays of power, he sailed to Egypt and took that country, which was the oldest and at that time the strongest possession of the successors of Alexander, and the only one wanting to complete the Roman empire as it now stands. In consequence of these Y.R. 727 exploits he was at once elevated to the rank of a deit
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER I. (search)
ar, earthquakes destroyed most of the towns;B.C. 91. but after Augustus Cæsar had driven Sextus Pompeius out of Sicily, when he saw that the city was deficient of inhabitants, he appointed certain of those who accompanied the expedition to reside there, and it is now tolerably well peopled.The defeat of Sextus Pompeins is referred to the year 36 B. C., but there is no precise date mentioned for the establishment of the veteran soldiers in Rhegium, which probably took place about the year 31 B. C. Sailing 50 stadia from Rhegium towards the east, we meet the cape called Leucopetra, from the colour of the rock, where they say the range of the Apennines terminates.Pliny computes the distance from Rhegium to Cape Leucopetra at 12 miles; there is probably some error in the text, as there is no cape which corresponds with the distance of 50 stadia from Rhegium. A note in the French translation proposes to read 100 instead of 50 stadia. Topographers are not agreed in fixing the si
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER VII. (search)
ian Gulf, which is a little more than four stadia in width. The circuit of the gulf is 400 stadia, and the whole has good harbours. On sailing into it, on the right hand are the Acarnanes, who are Greeks; and here near the entrance of the gulf is a temple of Apollo Actius, situated on an eminence; in the plain below is a sacred grove, and a naval station. Here Augustus CæsarCæsar Augustus (then Cæsar Octavianus) obtained the celebrated victory of Actium over Marcus Antonius, B. C. 31. The latter, after his defeat, fled into Egypt with Cleopatra. The battle would appear to have taken place at the entrance into the Gulf of Arta, and therefore probably off La Punta, opposite Prevesa, and not off the modern town of Azio. dedicated as offerings one-tenth of the vessels taken in war, from vessels of one bank to vessels of ten banks of oars. The vessels, and the buildings destined for their reception, were destroyed, it is said, by fire. On the left hand are Nicopolis,In th