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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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nations from Samnium downwards should receive back all they had forfeited to Rome. (Appian, Samn. Fragm. x.) Yet such was the need, and such the persuasiveness of Cineas, that the senate would probably have yielded, if the scale had not been turned by the dying eloquence of old Appius Caecus. [CLAUDIUS, No. 10.] The ambassador returned and told the king (say the Romans), that there was no people like that people,--their city was a temple, their senate an assembly of kings. Two years after (B. C. 278), when Pyrrhus was about to cross over into Sicily, Cineas was again sent to negotiate peace, but on easier terms; and though the senate refused to conclude a treaty while the king was in Italy, his minister's negotiations were in effect successful. (Appian, Samn. Frayem. xi.) Cineas was then sent over to Sicily, according to his master's usual policy, to win all he could by persuasion, before he tried the sword. (Plut. Pyrrh. 22.) And this is the last we hear of him. He probably died befo
Heracleides 8. Tyrant or ruler of Leontini at the time when Pyrrhus landed in Sicily, B. C. 278. He was one of the first to offer submission to that monarch. (Diod. Exc. Hoeschel. xxii. p. 296.)
Hierocles 2. A Carian leader of mercenaries, which formed part of the garrison in the forts of Athens, under Demetrius Poliorcetes. He discovered to his commanding officer, Heracleides, some overtures which had been made to him by the Athenians to induce him to betray into their hands the fortress of the Museum, and thus caused the complete destruction of the Athenian force that attempted to surprise it. (Polyaen. 5.17.1.) He is probably the same whom we find at a subsequent period (as early as B. C. 278), holding the command of the Peiraeeus and Munychia for Antigonus Gonatas. His relations within the philosopher Arcesilaus appear to indicate that he was a man of cultivated mind. (D. L. 2.127, 4.39; Droysen, Hellenism. vol. ii. pp. 84, 206.)
empting prospect; and while Leonnorius returned to Byzantium, in order to compel the inhabitants of that city to give him the means of transporting his troops to Asia, Lutarius contrived to capture a few vessels, with which he conveyed all the force remaining under his command across the Hellespont. While Leonnorius was still before Byzantium, Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, being in want of support in his war with Antiochus, agreed to take him and his troops, as well as those of Lutarius, into his pay, and furnished them with the means of passing over into Asia (B. C. 278). They first assisted him against his rival, Zipoetes, in Bithynia; after which they made plundering excursions through various parts of Asia; and ultimately established themselves in the province, called thenceforth from the name of its barbarian conquerors, Galatia. No farther mention is made of either of the leaders after they had crossed into Asia. (Memnon. c. 19, ed. Orell.; Liv. 38.16; Strab. xii. p.566.) [E.H.B]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
nter into his service, and accompany him to Greece; but that the sturdy Roman was proof against all his seductions, and rejected all his offers. The result of the embassy is differently stated by the ancient writers. [PYRRHUS.] The war was renewed in the following year, B. C. 279, when Fabricius again served as legate, and shared in the defeat at the battle of Asculum, in which he is said to have received a wound. (Oros. 4.1; Flor. 1.18, where he is erroneously called consul.) Next year, B. C. 278, he was elected consul a second time with Q. Aemilius Papus. The victories which Pyrrhus had previously gained were purchased so dearly, that he was unwilling to risk another battle against the Romans, especially when commanded by Fabricius; the Romans too, who were anxious to recover their dominion over their allies who had revolted, were no less eager for a conclusion of the war. The generosity with which Fabricius and his colleague sent back to the king the traitor who had offered to po
Milon 2. A general in the service of Pyrrhus king of Epeirus, who sent him forward with a body of troops to garrison the citadel of Tarentum, previous to his own arrival in Italy. (Zonar. 8.2.) He appears to have accompanied Pyrrhus throughout his campaigns in that country, and is mentioned as urging the king to continue the war after the battle of Heracleia in opposition to the pacific counsels of Cineas. When Pyrrhus went into Sicily, B. C. 278, lie left Milon to hold the command in Italy during his absence; ond when he finally quitted that country and withdrew into Epeirus, he still left him in charge of the citadel of Tarentum, together with his son Helenus. According to Justin, they were both recalled by Pyrrhus himself soon afterwards; but Zonaras states that he was hard pressed by the Tarentines themselves, assisted by a Carthaginian fleet, and was in consequence induced to surrender the citadel to the Romans, on condition of being allowed to withdraw his garrison in safety. (
Ni'cias 3. A slave of Epicurus, manumitted along with Mys and Lycon, B. C. 278. (Diog. Laert. p. 272, ed. Lond. 1664.)
Ni'cias 1. The physician of Pyrrhus, king of Epeirus, who, during his master's war with the Romans, went to C. Fabricius Luscinus, the consul, B. C. 278, and offered for a certain reward to take off the king by poison. (Claud. Quadrigar. ap. Aul. Gell. Noct. Att. 3.8; Zonaras, Annal. vol. ii. p. 48, ed Basel, 1557. * Aelian calls the physician by the name of Cineas (Var. Hist. 12.33); and Ammianius Marcellinus (30.1), Valerius Antias (ap. Aul. Gell. l.c.), and Valerius Maximus (6.5.1), tell the story of one of the friends of Pyrrhus, whom the first-named author calls Demochaares, and the two others Timochares.) Fabricius not only rejected his base offer with indignation, but immediately sent him back to Pyrrhus with notice of his treachery, who, upon receiving the information, is said to have cried out, "This is that Fabricius whom it is harder to turn aside from justice and honour than to divert the sun from its course." (Eutrop. 2.14.) Znaras adds (l.c. p. 50), that the traitor was
d it had moreover the charm of novelty, which always had great attractions for Pyrrhus. It was necessary, however, first to suspend hostilities with the Romans, who were likewise anxious to get rid of so formidable an opponent that they might complete the subjugation of southern Italy without further interruption. When both parties had the same wishes, it was not difficult to find a fair pretext for bringing the war to a conclusion. This was afforded at the beginning of the following year, B. C. 278, by one of the servants of Pyrrhus deserting to the Romans and proposing to the consuls to poison his master. The consuls Fabricius and Aemilius sent back the deserter to the king, stating that they abhorred a victory gained by treason. Thereupon Pyrrhus, to show his gratitude, sent Cineas to Rome with all the Roman prisoners without ransom and without conditions ; and the Romans appear to have granted him a truce, though not a formal peace, as he had not consented to evacuate Italy. Pyr
Tynda'rion (*Tundari/wn), a tyrant of Tauromenium in Sicily, who invited Pyrrhus over from Italy in B. C. 278. Pyrrhus directed his course first to Tauromenium, and received reinforcements from Tyndarion. (Diod. Ecl. viii. p. 495; comp. Plut. Pyrrh. 23; Droysen, Geschichte des Hellenismus. vol. ii. p. 150.) [E.