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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Pausanias, Description of Greece, Achaia, chapter 6 (search)
the effect that Adrastus died fighting for the Greeks against Leonnatus. The march to Thermopylae279 B.C. against the army of the Gauls was left alone by all the Peloponnesians alike; for, as the barbarians had no ships, the Peloponnesians anticipated no danger from the Gauls, if only they walled off the Corinthian Isthmus from the sea at Lechaeum to the other sea at Cenchreae. This was the policy of all the Peloponnesians at this time. But when the Gauls had somehow crossed in ships to Asia278 B.C., the condition of the Greeks was as follows. No Greek state was preeminent in strength. For the Lacedaemonians were still prevented from recovering their former prosperity by the reverse at Leuctra combined with the union of the Arcadians at Megalopolis and the settlement of Messenians on their border. Thebes had been brought so low by Alexander335 B.C. that when, a few years later, Cassander brought back her people, they were too weak even to hold their own. The Athenians had indeed the go
Appian, Samnite History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
tly besought and urged the Senate to accept the terms, the latter ordered them, at the conclusion of the festival, to deliver themselves up to Pyrrhus on a day specified, and decreed the death penalty to those who should linger beyond that time. This order was observed by all. In this way Pyrrhus learned again that everything depended on the arbitrament of arms. FROM "THE EMBASSIES" Y.R. 476 While Pyrrhus was perplexed by the Roman complication B.C. 278 he was disturbed by an uprising of the Molossians. At this time also Agathocles, the king of Sicily, had just died. As Pyrrhus had married his daughter Laneia, he began to look upon Sicily as more of his concern than Italy. Still he was loath to abandon those who had summoned him to their aid, without some kind of arrangement for peace. Seizing eagerly the occasion of the sending back of a traitor who had deserted from him, he testified his gratitude to the consuls for this act and sent Cinea
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 8 (search)
as he had been none too successful before, so to make the greater efforts in equipping the ships that remained and in assembling new ones. He himself wintered in Phrygia, summoning allies from all sides. He had sent even to Galatia; the inhabitants at that time were of a warlike disposition, still retaining their Gallic tempers, the native strain having not yet disappeared.Livy seems to say that some of the original Gallic invaders were still alive; since they had come into Asia about 278 B.C., he probably means that the current generation had not yet been enervated by the easier life of Asia. He had left his son Seleucus in Aeolis to hold in check the cities on the coast which on one side Eumenes from Pergamum and on the other theB.C. 190 Romans from Phocaea and Erythrae were trying to rouse. The Roman fleet, as has been said above, was wintering at Canae; there, about the middle of the winter, King Eumenes came with two thousand infantry and five hundred cavalry.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 38 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.), chapter 16 (search)
The Gauls,Livy here digresses to describe the migration of the Gauls to Asia Minor in 278 B.C. a vast horde of men, whether moved by shortage of land or hope of plunder, feeling assured that no people through which they would pass was their match in war, under the leadership of Brennus came into the country of the Dardanians.Livy omits to mention the visit to Greece and the attack on Delphi (xlviii. 2 below; XL. lviii. 3). There strife broke out among them; about twenty thousand men, with Lonorius and Lutarius as their chiefs, seceded from Brennus and turned aside into Thrace. There, when they had penetrated as far as Byzantium, contending against those who resisted and imposing tribute upon those who sought peace, they occupied for a considerable time the coast of the Propontis, holding as tributaries the cities of the district. Then the desire of crossing into Asia seized them, as they heard from their neighbours how rich was this land; and having takenB.C. 18
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition., section 6 (search)
in Numidia received his agnomen. Aemilio, i.e. M. Aemilius Scaurus (cos. B.C. 115), for many years princeps senatus. Catulo: see note on p. 156, l. 23. L. Crasso: the most distinguished orator of his time, a man of genius and culture (see Introd., ch. ii, p. xxxiv); he died B.C. 91. Drusum (M. Livius), tribune B.C. 91, a distinguished orator and statesman, who lost his life in a vain attempt to reconcile the aristocratic and democratic factions in the republic. Octavios: see Cat. 3, sect. 24. Catonem: probably the father of the famous Cato of Utica is meant. Hortensiorum: the most eminent of these was Q. Hortensius, the rival of Cicero and his opponent in the case of Verres. si qui forte, those (if there were any) who, etc. Heracliam: an important Greek city on the southern coast of Lucania. In the war with Pyrrhus it had fought on the side of the Romans, and B.C. 278 it entered into an alliance of the closest and most favorable character (aequissimo jure ac foedere).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COMPITUM FABRICIUM (search)
COMPITUM FABRICIUM evidently the intersection of the vicus Fabricius (CIL vi. 975) and some other street, where there was also a lacus. It was near the CURIAE NOVAE (q.v.: Fest. 174), and very probably on the western slope of the Caelian hill. It is said to have received its name (Placidus 45, Deuerl.) from the fact that a house was given to Fabricius at this point ob reciperatos de hostibus captivos. The Fabricius referred to is probably the ambassador to Pyrrhus in 278 B.C. (cf. Cic. Brut. 55). The vicus Fabricii is known only from the Capitoline Base, where it is the last street in Regio I (RE vi. 1930; HJ 201).
nations from Samnium downwards should receive back all they had forfeited to Rome. (Appian, Samn. Fragm. x.) Yet such was the need, and such the persuasiveness of Cineas, that the senate would probably have yielded, if the scale had not been turned by the dying eloquence of old Appius Caecus. [CLAUDIUS, No. 10.] The ambassador returned and told the king (say the Romans), that there was no people like that people,--their city was a temple, their senate an assembly of kings. Two years after (B. C. 278), when Pyrrhus was about to cross over into Sicily, Cineas was again sent to negotiate peace, but on easier terms; and though the senate refused to conclude a treaty while the king was in Italy, his minister's negotiations were in effect successful. (Appian, Samn. Frayem. xi.) Cineas was then sent over to Sicily, according to his master's usual policy, to win all he could by persuasion, before he tried the sword. (Plut. Pyrrh. 22.) And this is the last we hear of him. He probably died befo
Heracleides 8. Tyrant or ruler of Leontini at the time when Pyrrhus landed in Sicily, B. C. 278. He was one of the first to offer submission to that monarch. (Diod. Exc. Hoeschel. xxii. p. 296.)
Hierocles 2. A Carian leader of mercenaries, which formed part of the garrison in the forts of Athens, under Demetrius Poliorcetes. He discovered to his commanding officer, Heracleides, some overtures which had been made to him by the Athenians to induce him to betray into their hands the fortress of the Museum, and thus caused the complete destruction of the Athenian force that attempted to surprise it. (Polyaen. 5.17.1.) He is probably the same whom we find at a subsequent period (as early as B. C. 278), holding the command of the Peiraeeus and Munychia for Antigonus Gonatas. His relations within the philosopher Arcesilaus appear to indicate that he was a man of cultivated mind. (D. L. 2.127, 4.39; Droysen, Hellenism. vol. ii. pp. 84, 206.)
empting prospect; and while Leonnorius returned to Byzantium, in order to compel the inhabitants of that city to give him the means of transporting his troops to Asia, Lutarius contrived to capture a few vessels, with which he conveyed all the force remaining under his command across the Hellespont. While Leonnorius was still before Byzantium, Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, being in want of support in his war with Antiochus, agreed to take him and his troops, as well as those of Lutarius, into his pay, and furnished them with the means of passing over into Asia (B. C. 278). They first assisted him against his rival, Zipoetes, in Bithynia; after which they made plundering excursions through various parts of Asia; and ultimately established themselves in the province, called thenceforth from the name of its barbarian conquerors, Galatia. No farther mention is made of either of the leaders after they had crossed into Asia. (Memnon. c. 19, ed. Orell.; Liv. 38.16; Strab. xii. p.566.) [E.H.B]