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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 11 11 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 4 4 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Gallic History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
alone as a prisoner for torture. A little later the Senones (who were serving as mercenaries), having no longer any homes to return to, fell boldly upon the consul Domitius, and being B.C. 283 defeated by him killed themselves in despair. Such punishment was meted out to the Senones for their crime against the ambassadors.Cf. Excerpt VI., Samnite History, supra. FROM "THE EMBASSIES" Y.R. 633 The chiefs of the Salyi, a nation vanquished by the Romans, B.C. 121 took refuge with the Allobroges. When the Romans asked for their surrender and it was refused, they made war on the Allobroges, under the leadership of Cnæus Domitius. When he was passing through the territory of the Salyi, an ambassador of Bituitus, king of the Allobroges, met him, arrayed magnificently and followed by attendants likewise arrayed, and also by dogs; for the barbarians of this region use dogs also as body-guards. A musician was in the train who sang in barbarous fashion the pr
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, CHAPTER III (search)
ixed by law, in order further to curry favor with the people thereby. When they returned to Rome they invited the 6000 from the whole of Italy. The functionaries who were still in Africa laying out the city wrote home that wolves had pulled up and scattered the boundary marks made by Gracchus and Fulvius, and the soothsayers considered this an ill omen for the colony. So the Senate Y.R. 633 summoned the comitia, in which it was proposed to repeal B.C. 121 the law concerning this colony. When Gracchus and Fulvius saw their failure in this matter they were furious, and declared that the Senate had lied about the wolves. The boldest of the plebeians joined them, carrying daggers, and proceeded to the Capitol, where the assembly was to be held in reference to the colony. Now the people were assembled, and Fulvius had begun speaking about the business in hand, when Gracchus arrived at the Capitol attended b
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK VII. We here enter upon the third division of Pliny's Natural History, which treats of Zoology, from the 7th to the 11th inclusive. Cuvier has illustrated this part by many valuable notes, which originally appeared in Lemaire's Bibliotheque Classique, 1827, and were afterwards incorporated, with some additions, by Ajasson, in his translation of Pliny, published in 1829; Ajasson is the editor of this portion of Pliny's Natural History, in Lemaire's Edition.—B. MAN, HIS BIRTH, HIS ORGANIZATION, AND THE INVENTION OF THE ARTS., CHAP. 42. (41.)—RARE INSTANCES OF GOOD FORTUNE CONTINUING IN THE SAME FAMILY. (search)
as mother of king Antiochus Therös. Berenice was the only woman who was daughter, sister, and mother of conquerors in the Olympian games,Val. Maximus, B. viii. c. 15, gives nearly the same account of a person whom he calls Pherenice; from the resemblance of the names, it has been supposed, that they may both refer to the same individual.—B. The family of the CuriosHe alludes to the three persons, father, son, and grandson, known by the name of C. Scribonius Curio. The first was prætor B.C. 121, one of the most distinguished orators of his time. His son, who acquired some reputation as an orator, was tribune of the people B.C. 90, prætor B.C. 82, and consul in B.C. 76, with Cn. Octavius. He is represented as being possessed of great eloquence, and of extreme purity and brilliancy of diction, but to have had none of the other requisites of an orator. Like his son, he enjoyed the friendship of Cicero. The younger Curio was an orator of great talents, which, from want of industry, he l
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK XIV. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE FRUIT TREES., CHAP. 6.—THE MOST ANCIENT WINES. (search)
wn in the island of Icaria, in Lesbos, and in the territory of Ephesus. The scholiast on Nicander says that the grape of the psythia was used in making it. Dios- corides says that it was a "protropum," first-class wine, made of the juice that voluntarily flowed from the grapes, in consequence of their own pressure. of the Gods. Among the other wines now known, we do not find any that enjoyed a high reputation in ancient times. In the year of the consulship of L. Opimius, when C. Gracchus,B.C. 121. the tribune of the people, engaging in sedition, was slain, the growth of every wine was of the very highest quality. In that year, the weather was remarkable for its sereneness, and the ripening of the grape, the "coctura,""Cooking," literally, or "boiling." as they call it, was fully effected by the heat of the sun. This was in the year of the City 633. There are wines still preserved of this year's growth, nearly two hundred years ago; they have assumed the consistency of honey, with a ro
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 2 (search)
decrevit: translate, to preserve the emphasis, there was once a decree, etc. ut . . . videret, subst. clause of purp., obj. of decrevit: § 563 (331); B. 295, 4; G. 546; H. 564, i (498); H-B. 502, 3, a. Opimius: Lucius Opimius was consul B.C. 121, when Caius Gracchus, the younger brother of Tiberius, was attempting to carry through a series of measures far more revolutionary than those of his brother. The Senate took alarm, and entrusted the consul with absolute power. In the tumult that ensued, some 3,000 are said to have lost their lives, including Gracchus and his leading associate, Fulvius. ne . . . caperet, obj. of videret. interfectus est (emphat.), i.e. in that case death was promptly inflicted. patre: Tiberius Gracchus, the elder, one of the most eminent statesmen of his day. avo: Scipio Africanus, the conqueror of Hannibal. Mario (dat. after permissa): this was in Marius' sixth consulship (B.C. 100). He was secretly in league with the revolutionists, —Saturninus
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 2 (search)
. . faceret, because (as I thought), etc.: hence the subj. rather than faciebat: § 592, 3, N. (34 i, d, R.); G. 541; H. 588, ii (516, ii); H.-B. 535, 2, a, N.2. fidem faceret, gain credence. oratio, argument rem comprehenderem, get hold of the matter. ut . . . provideretis: purpose. cum . . . videretis: subj. of integral part (otherwise it would be videbitis). Allobrogum: the Allobroges were a Gallic nation between the Rhone and the Alps (in the modern Dauphine and Savoy); subdued B.C. 121, and united with the province Narbonensis. They were restless under their new masters (see sect. 22), and inclined to take up with Catiline's movement. Their ambassadors had come to complain of certain exactions of their provincial governor. belli, i.e. when out of the range of the Roman jurisdiction; tumultus, rebellion, i.e. when nearer home. Lentulo, see Introd., p. 126: he had been consul B.C. 71, but had been expelled from the Senate the next year, with sixty-three others, on acco
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 9 (search)
des . . . comparari, below. responsam: the regular expression for any prophetic answer as of an oracle or seer. rei pablicae (dat.), against the state. et ea, and that too (cf. kai\ tau=ta). ea: referring to caedes, etc, above. iliad: referring forward to the result at . . . statueretur (ll.21-23). in aedem Concordine: one of the principal temples at the northern end of the Forum (see Plan), where the Senate had held its session on this day. It was built by the consul L. Opimius, B.C. 121, after his bloody victory over C. Gracchus. quo, wherefore: § 414, a, N. (250, N.); H.-B. 424, a. vestris, etc.: observe the contrast between vestris and deorum, which is emphasized by their respective positions. non ferendas, intolerable for arrogance. ille, etc.: anaphora; § 641 (386); B. 350, II, b; cf. G. 682; H. 666, I (636, iii, 3); H.-B. 632,5. illa, etc.: omit the words in brackets as being a manifest gloss. consilium, etc.: cf. the proverb, quem deus perdere volt, prius
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 6 (search)
N. (315, b, N.); G. 591, R.4; H.-B. 578, 31 a. L. Caesar: L. Caesar (consul B.C. 64), was a distant relative of the Dictator, son of Lucius Caesar (consul B.C. 90, the year of the Social War), the author of the law giving citizenship to the Italian allies (see note, Arch., sect. 7). The sister of Lucius Caesar (the younger) was married to Lentulus, and his mother, Fulvia, was daughter of M. Fulvius Flaccus, the leading adherent of C. Gracchus. When Gracchus and Flaccus found themselves (B.C. 121) drawn into a collision with the Senate, they sent the young son of Flaccus with a proposition of compromise. The Senate, however, refused to listen to any terms, threw the messenger into prison, — where he was afterwards strangled, —and moved upon the insurgents with all the power of the state. In the contest that followed, both leaders and several thousands of their partisans lost their lives. It was to these events that L. Caesar had appealed in justifying his vote in condemnation of
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA OPIMIA (search)
BASILICA OPIMIA erected probably by the consul L. Opimius in 121 B.C., at the same time that he restored the temple of Concord. The basilica must have stood just north of the temple, between it and the Tullianum (Varro, LL v. 156), and it was probably removed when Tiberius rebuilt the temple, as it is not mentioned after that date (CIL vi. 2338, 2339; DE i. 978; Thed. 145) The celeberrimum monumentum Opimi of Cicero (pro Sest. 140) refers probably to both temple and basilica; celeberrimum (' much frequented,' not 'magnificent') is contrasted with his lonely tomb on the shore at Dyrrachium (CP 1917, 194).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CONCORDIA, AEDICULA (search)
CONCORDIA, AEDICULA * a bronze shrine of Concord erected by the aedile, Cn. Flavius, in 304 B.C. in Graecostasi and in area Volcani. It stood therefore on the GRAECOSTASIS (q.v.), close to the great temple of Concord, and must have been destroyed when this temple was enlarged by Opimius in 121 B.C. Flavius vowed this shrine in the hope of reconciling the nobility who had been outraged by his publication of the calendar, but as no money was voted by the senate, he was forced to construct the building out of the fines of condemned usurers ' summa nobilium invidia' (Liv. ix. 46; Plin. NH xxxiii. 19; Jord. i. 2. 339).