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The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy. (search)
The victory in East Tennessee.the Yankees driven back to Knoxville. Bristol, Dec. 19. --The late raid on Salem produced intense excitement here. Bushrod Johnson's division attacked a Federal force of mounted infantry, about four thousand strong, at Bean's Station, on Monday last, and gradually drove them back after a stubborn resistance and with heavy loss, in the direction of Knoxville. The pursuit was continued throughout Tuesday and Wednesday, during which time we captured a train of seventy wagons, laden with stores and clothing, and many prisoners.--Our forces are moving on in the direction of Knoxville, to which place the Yankees have fled. Our loss in killed and wounded will amount to about 300. General Gracle was slightly wounded in the arm, and is now here, en route to Mobile. Two hundred and twenty-five prisoners have arrived here.
The Averill raid. Lynchburg, Dec. 19. --We have but little additional with reference to the Salem raiders. On Tuesday night they surprised and fired into the camp of Captain White, on Catawba creek, and captured 17 men and about one hundred horses, which were being recuperated. Farmers who arrived at Bonsack's this evening say that the enemy were on this side of Craig's creek, 18 miles from Salem, at noon yesterday. Their camp was visible from the mountains. Craig's creek was rising rapidly yesterday, and impossible to ford, which prevents the enemy's further retreat on the Newcastle road. [Second Dispatch.] Lynchburg, Dec. 19. --Passengers this evening report that the enemy, finding Craig's creek past fording, changed their course up the Catawba, and camped on Thursday night ten miles below Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. Their object in taking this route is to strike the Salt Pond road, leading towards the Kanawha Valley. Their capture is confidently ex
From Trains Mississippi — Banks's Texas expedition. Houston, Texas, Nov. 23, (via Summit, Dec. 19)--The following is the latest reliable intelligence received here from the West. It is taken from the Houston Telegraph, of this morning: The expedition under Gen. Banks is believed to be about 6,000 strong, composed of the divisions of Gen. Dana and Vandevere. They lost three steamers and four schooners, as well as a considerable amount of stores, munitions of war, and horses, while on the way, and in landing. About half the command are black troops. Davis, with his regiment, about 150 strong, and Haynes, with a Federal commission as Colonel of the 2d Texas cavalry, but with no troops, are along with the expedition. They have a large supply of arms and horse equipments, and design to enlist Mexicans on the Rio Grande, and negroes in the interior as they progress. As soon as information of Banks having landed successfully can be conveyed to Franklin, he and Ord are to ent
Matters on the Mississippi. Mobile, Dec. 19 --A special to the Advertiser and Register, dated Oxford, Miss., contains Northern dates to the 16th. On Friday last the battery below Romney fired into the steamer Brazil, and two ladies and one soldier were wounded. The battery at the mouth of Red river fired into the steamer Wm. Pheel, when five persons were killed, several wounded, and the boat riddled. The river is unsafe for boats without iron convoy. A Cairo dispatch, says the Chicago Times, reports a rebel force, 8,000 strong, concentrated at Raleigh, Tenn., with a view of attacking Fort Pillow, and states that it is evidently Forrest's command.
The Siege of Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 19. --We have nothing new to-day. The enemy have been silent for the past twenty-four hours. Sumter remains unmolested. Battery Simpkins has kept up a slow fire on the enemy's working parties at Gregg and Wagner during the day. [Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Dec. 20. --The enemy opened fire on the city between 12 and 1 o'clock on Saturday night and threw fifteen shells.--This afternoon twenty more shells were fired and some slight damage done to several buildings, but no person injured. Our batteries replied. All quiet at Sumter.