Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 27, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November 26th or search for November 26th in all documents.

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Mr. Scott moved to go into the election of four commanders under the new ordinance. Mr. Grattan suggested that as the new ordinance did not are effect until the 29th just the Council could not go into an election of commanders until that time. The reason assigned for the necessity of an election now, was that the new commanders might have time to select their men. On motion, the amended ordinance was reconsidered, and further amended by striking out "29th" and inserting 26th of November as the time for it to take effect, and the ordinance, as amended, passed. On motion of Mr. Burr, the Fire Department was authorized to retain the services of the men enlisted under the old organization, until the 29th of November. Mr. Grattan stated that the Council had still no power to elect commanders, for the ordinance provided for their election in the month of May, biennially. Mr. Howison agreed with Mr. Grattan, that unless the ordinance were further amended, the C
Richmond markets, November 26. There are only slight changes in quotations, and the market continues very dull. Business is almost at a stand still. The Banks having agreed to a list of bankable funds, which is pretty liberal, the community is relieved of much trouble. They agreed to receive on deposit the notes of all-solvent Banks of the State, save those of Wheeling and the Bank of the Valley, making an exception, however, in behalf of the branches of the Valley Bank at Staunton and Christiansburg; which will be bankable. The suspension and these arrangements will afford much relief; but as to the main source of our troubles that continues, and the prospect is obscured for the present, so that there is no telling what is to happen. To hope for the best and prepare for the worst seems to be the general policy of the South--or rather what is called the conservative portion of it. There is no change in the quotations of Exchange and unbankable money; North Carolina mone
The Daily Dispatch: November 27, 1860., [Electronic resource], The late fight for the English Championship (search)
Northern markets--[by Telegraph,.] Baltimore, Nov. 26. --Flour quiet — Ohio and Howard street $5; City Mills $4.55. Wheat dull --red $1.05@1.15; white $1.20@1.45. Corn dull — old white and yellow 60@63 Provisions dull, unchanged and nominal. Coffee quiet — Rio 14@14 ½c. Whiskey dull at 1
Schr. Maria Jane, Jones, down the river, light. Schr. S. P. Hawes, Mason, D. C., coal, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Amazon, Warren, down the river, light. Baltimore, Nov. 25.--Arrived, schr. Mist, Norfolk. Cleared, schr. Toru, Richmond. Venice, Nov. 2.--Arrived, ship John Griffin, Richmond. New York Nov. 24.--Cleared, schrs. Danville, Richmond; A. Stewart, Norfolk; Leroy, do. Boston.Nov. 23.--Arrived, schr. J. Achorn, Richmond. [by Telegraph.] Norfolk, Nov. 26. --The schr. Mary McNear, 110 days from Chincha Islands, has arrived in Hampton Roads. Passengers per Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, master from New York: P. L. Valory, J. L. Nicholson, Mrs J. F. Clough. Mrs McCracken and child Miss C. A. Lacy, P. C. Royce, J. Ketchum, Mrs J. Williams, John Williams, Geo. W. Wood, Chas. Ewing, Miss E. F. Seabury, Dr. T. B. Ward. Lieut. Wm. H. Ward, U. S. N., John Lewis, C. Floyd, lady and two children, Dr. Schubert, Mrs. White. W. W. Wisht, W. H
From Washington. Washington, Nov. 26. --The Executive today received a dispatch from Minister Clay, straight that, pursuant to instructions, he had demanded his passports and was on his way home. The Executive a short time thereafter promptly sent the Minister from Peru to this Government his passports, thus completely suspending all diplomatic intercourse between that country and the United States. The reported resignation of Chief Justice Taney, which has been industriously circulated, is believed to have emanated from a desire on the part of some aspirant for his position. Sweeny, Ritterhouse, Fant & Co. quote Virginia bank bills at 6 per cent, discount. Exchange on New York 3 per cent, premium.
Quick time for the Pony Express. St. Josephs, Mo., Nov. 26. --The overland Express, from San Francisco on the 14th, has arrived In Oregon Lincoln was 250 ahead, with three counties to hear from. The election news from the Atlantic States was conveyed to San Francisco within six days by extra Pony Express. A general illumination was proposed in the city.
Georgia State Convention. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 26. --Hon. A. H. H. Stephens and Dr. Perkins were nominated by acclamation for the State Convention from Taliaferro county. The former made a characteristic conservative speech.
Georgia Legislature. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 26. --The Senate Bank bill has passed the House by 93 to 27. A veto from the Governor is expected, but the bill will be passed over it.
Discount on Southern Money. New York, Nov. 26. --Thompson's Circular quotes all uncurrent funds south of Washington at 10 per cent, discount. Maryland 245 per cent.
Banks suspended. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 26. --The Planters', Union and State Banks of Tennessee have suspended at the request of a committee.