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were commissioned (April 8, 1812) brigadier-generals. The same commission was given (June) to Thomas Flournoy, of Georgia. John Armstrong, of New York, was also commissioned (July 4) a brigadier-general to fill a vacancy caused by the recent death of Gen. Peter Gansevoort. This was soon followed (July 8) by a like commission for John Chandler, of Maine. Morgan Lewis, of New York, was appointed quartermaster-general (April 3), and Alexander Smyth, of Virginia, was made inspector-general (March 30)--each bearing the commission of a brigadier-general. Thomas Cushing, of Massachusetts, was appointed adjutant-general with the rank of brigadier-general. James Wilkinson, of Maryland, the senior brigadier-general in the army, was sent to New Orleans to relieve Wade Hampton (then a brigadier-general), who was a meritorious subaltern officer in South Carolina during the Revolution. Alexander Macomb of the engineers--one of the first graduates of the United States Military Academy--was pro
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Five Forks, battle of. (search)
rom Bermuda Hundred, and, passing in the rear of the army before Petersburg, on the morning of March 29, 1865, had halted at Dinwiddie Court-house. A forward movement of the National army had just begun. Warren and Humphreys, with their corps, had moved at an early hour that morning against the flanks of the Confederates, and they bivouacked in front of the works of their antagonists, only 6 miles from Dinwiddie Court-house. Warren had lost 300 men in a fight on the way. On the next day (March 30), Sheridan sent a party of cavalry to the Five Forks, but the Confederate works there were too strongly armed and manned to be ridden over, and the Nationals were driven back to the Court-house. There was some severe fighting that day, without a decisive result. Sheridan was engaged in the struggle, but at midnight he was satisfied that Lee was withdrawing his troops, and felt quite at ease. It was known at headquarters that his troops had been driven back from Five Forks, and that it wa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Foreign affairs. (search)
gn affairs, whose functions were like those of the present Secretary of State (see cabinet, President's). Foreign intercourse was first established by law in 1790. President Washington, in his message, Jan. 8, 1790, suggested to Congress the propriety of providing for the employment and compensation of persons for carrying on intercourse with foreign nations. The House appointed a committee, Jan. 15, to prepare a bill to that effect, which was presented on the 21st. It passed the House on March 30. The two Houses could not agree upon the provisions of the entire the bill, and a committee of conference was appointed; and finally the original bill, greatly modified, was passed. June 25, 1790. The act fixed the salary of ministers at foreign courts at $9,000 a year, and charges d'affaires at $4,500. To the first ministers sent to Europe the Continental Congress guaranteed the payment of their expenses, with an additional compensation for their time and trouble. These allowances had
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Loomis, Francis B. 1861- (search)
83; entered journalism on the New York Tribune; was State librarian of Ohio in 1886-90; United States consul at Etienne, France, in 1890-93; and editor-in-chief of the Cincinnati Daily Tribune in 1893-97. In the latter year he was appointed United States minister to Venezuela, where he negotiated an extradition treaty, and arranged for reciprocity and parcels-post conventions. His persistency in demanding the payment of various large sums due to American citizens prior to payments due other foreigners, according to a pledge by President Castro, led to strained relations between the United States and Venezuela in 1901. For several months his residence at Caracas was rendered exceedingly unpleasant by newspaper and other attacks upon him. The United States government sustained Mr. Loomis in his official actions, and, on March 30, recalled him to Washington, ostensibly to give the State Department a clearer view of the unfriendly issues that had been raised between the two governments.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
7, 1798, that the population became numerous. The boundaries of the Territory at first included all of Alabama north of the 31st parallel. In 1817 Mississippi was admitted into the Union as a State. A new constitution was adopted in 1832. In November, 1860, the legislature, in extraordinary session, provided for an election of delegates to a convention to be held on Jan. 7, 1861, to consider the subject of secession. That convention passed an ordinance of secession on the 9th, and, on March 30, ratified the constitution of the Confederate States. The northern portion of the State was the theatre of military operations in 1862, but the most important ones were in 1863, in movements connected with the siege and capture of Vicksburg (q. v.). On June 13, 1865, President Johnson appointed a provisional governor (W. L. Sharkey), State seal of Mississippi. who ordered an election of delegates to a convention which met Aug. 14. By that convention the constitution of the State was
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
, 6 miles of the railway, and a half-finished iron-clad gunboat, returning to Newbern at the end of eight days with a loss of 507 men, of whom 90 were killed. The Confederate loss was near 900, full one-half of whom were prisoners. In the winter of 1863 Foster sent out raiding expeditions, liberating many slaves. The raids aroused Gen. D. H. Hill, who concentrated a considerable force. He attacked Newbern with twenty guns, but was repulsed, when he marched on Little Washington, and on March 30 began a siege of the place. He planted heavy cannon at commanding points and cut off the supplies of the garrison of 1,200 men. General Spinola attempted to raise the siege, but failed. The transport Escort, bearing one of Spinola's regiments, accompained by General Palmer and others, ran the gantlet of batteries and sharp-shooters and carried supplies and troops to the beleaguered garrison. At the middle of April, Hill, expecting an expedition against him, abandoned the siege and fled.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Petersburg. (search)
ived the necessity of strengthening his right to avert the impending shock of battle; likewise of maintaining his extended line of works covering Petersburg and Richmond. Not aware of the withdrawal of troops from the north side of the James, he left Longstreet's corps, 8,000 strong, to defend Richmond. Lee had massed a great body of his troops—some 15,000—at a point in front of the corps of Warren and Humphreys, the former on the extreme right of the Confederates. There Lee attempted (March 30) to break through the National lines, and for a moment his success seemed assured. A part of the line was pushed back, but Griffin's division stood firm and stemmed the fierce torrent, while Ayres and Crawford reformed the broken column. Warren soon assumed the offensive, Evacuation of Petersburg. made a countercharge, and, by the aid of a part of Hancock's corps, drove back the Confederates. Lee then struck another blow at a supposed weak point on the extreme left of the Nationals, he
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
mportant events from the outbreak of the insurrection to October, 1901: Feb. 4, 1899. The Filipinos, under Aguinaldo, attacked the American defences at Manila. The Americans assumed the offensive the next day, and in the fighting which ensued for several days the American loss was fifty-seven killed and 215 wounded. Five hundred Filipinos were killed, 1,000 wounded, and 500 captured. Feb. 10. Battle of Caloocan. March 13-19. General Wheaton attacked and occupied Pasig. March 21-30. General MacArthur advanced towards and captured Malolos. Military operations were partially suspended during the rainy season. Meanwhile the southern islands were occupied by the American forces; Iloilo by General Miller, Feb. 11; Cebu by the Navy, March 27; and Negros, Mindanao, and the smaller islands subsequently. A treaty was concluded with the Sultan of Sulu, in which his rights were guaranteed, and he acknowledged the supremacy of the United States. With the advance of the d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
e Atlantic Squadron. March 12. Armistice was offered by Spain to the Cuban insurgents. March 14. The Spanish fleet sailed from Cadiz for the Canary Islands. March 14. Senator Proctor's report on Spanish atrocities in Cuba was published. March 19. the Maine court of inquiry completed its labors. Its report was delivered to the President March 25, and transmitted by him to Congress March 28. March 25. Commodore Schley took command of the flying squadron in Hampton Roads. March 30. The President requested permission of Spain to relieve the reconcentrados, which was granted. April 2. The Spanish fleet arrived at the Cape de Verde Islands. April 4. The pope appealed to Spain in the interests of peace. April 5. United States consuls in Cuba were recalled. April 7. The diplomatic representatives of the great powers of Europe waited on the President with a plea for peace. April 9. Consul-General Lee, with many Americans, departed from Havana. April 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steam navigation. (search)
July 30, 1901)]. Celtic, twin-screw, White Star liner, 700 feet long, 75 feet broad, 49 feet deep, 20,900 tonnage, built at Belfast, first voyage to New YorkJuly 27, 1901 Fastest Atlantic Ocean passages. Route.Steamer.Line.DateD.H.M. Queenstown to New YorkLucaniaCunardOct. 21-26, 18945723 New York to QueenstownLucaniaCunardSept. 8-14, 18945838 Cherbourg to New YorkDeutschlandHamburg-AmericanAug. 26–Sept. 1, 190051229 Southampton to New YorkKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydMarch 30–April 5, 1898520 New York to SouthamptonKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydNov. 23-29, 18975178 Havre to New YorkLa TouraineFrenchJuly 16-23, 189261426 New York to HavreLa TouraineFrenchOct. 29–Nov. 5, 18926206 New York to CherbourgKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydJan. 4-10, 1900516 New York to Plymouth This is equal to a record of 4 days, 22 hours, and 30 minutes between New York and Queenstown.DeutschlandHamburg-AmericanSept. 5-10, 19005738 Plymouth to New York