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Loomis, Francis B. 1861-

Diplomatist; born in Marietta, O., July 27, 1861; graduated at Marietta College in 1883; entered journalism on the New York Tribune; was State librarian of Ohio in 1886-90; United States consul at Etienne, France, in 1890-93; and editor-in-chief of the Cincinnati Daily Tribune in 1893-97. In the latter year he was appointed United States minister to Venezuela, where he negotiated an extradition treaty, and arranged for reciprocity and parcels-post conventions. His persistency in demanding the payment of various large sums due to American citizens prior to payments due other foreigners, according to a pledge by President Castro, led to strained relations between the United States and Venezuela in 1901. For several months his residence at Caracas was rendered exceedingly unpleasant by newspaper and other attacks upon him. The United States government sustained Mr. Loomis in his official actions, and, on March 30, recalled him to Washington, ostensibly to give the State Department a clearer view of the unfriendly issues that had been raised between the two governments.

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