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teamer Virginia, Kelly, Philadelphia, mdze, and passengers, C. P. Cardozo Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdze, and passengers, D. & W. Currie. City Point, Feb. 18, 1861. Arrived, Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York. Sailed, Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Richmond. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, Richmond. Schr. Margaret, Hanson. Petersburg. Schr. Bergen, Cole, New York. City Point, Feb. 19.--Arrived below, ship Petrea, Sturgess, from Liverpool, with salt, hardware, dry goods, iron, &c., to Van-Lew, Taylor & Co., Dunn & Spencer, Clarkson, Anderson & Co., Chas. Palmer, and to order. Charleston, Feb. 16.--Cleared, schr Sea Witch, Norfolk. Baltimore, Feb. 18.--Cleared, schr. Golden Rule, Petersburg. Liverpool, Jan. 29.--Entered out ships Onward, Alexandria, Va; Senator, Hampton Roads. Feb. 2.--Cleared, ship Sir John Franklin, Hampton Roads. New York, Feb. 18.--
Later from Europe.arrival of the Jura. Victoria on the American crisis — an appeal from King Bombay--Spanish elect repulsed, &c. New York, Feb. 19. --The steamer Jura, from Liverpool on the 5th inst., arrived today. Her advices are four days later. The underwriter's agent at. Liverpool had advanced the rates of insurance 1 per cent. on cargoes from the southern States, in consequence of increased fires and war risks. Napoleon opened the French Legislature on the 4th. He gave peaceful assurances, and reiterated his non-intervention policy. Victoria opened the English Parliament on the 5th. She alluded to the American troubles, and expressed a fervent wish for an amicable adjustment of them. The King of Naples had issued an appeal to the Two Sicilia, offering them the Constitution of 1812, a Sicilian army and an entirely separate administration. He asks them to give an asylum to "a Royal family too well instructed by misfortunes." Rom
Congressional. Washington, Feb. 19. --Senate.--The usual memorials for and against coercion were presented. Mr. Seward presented a memorial praying an enactment against unmitigated scribbling. The Tariff bill was debated. Hose.--Mr. Fenton, of Mo., introduced a resolution that the best means of suppressing the national trouble is by a Convention of the whole people. Mr. Stanton's bill, authorizing the President to accept volunteers to execute the Federal laws, &c., was resumed. Mr. Stanton said one of two things was necessary — either to admit the right of secession, or suppress it. That the Federal army contained only 18,000 men, and that sixty days must elapse before 5,000 could be concentrated here to protect the city, should Maryland and Virginia secede. Mr. Bocock, of Va., said this was a declaration of war, and appealed to those around him, in favor of preserving Southern Rights, to stand up in resistance to the bill. Mr. Boteler, of Va.,th
Southern Congress. Montgomery,Ala., February. 19. --Congress admits duty free all breadstuffs, provisions, munitions of war or materials therefore, living animals, agricultural products in their natural state; also, goods, wares and merchandize from the United States purchased before the 1st of March and imported before the 14th of March. Texas is excepted from the operation of the tariff laws.
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 19. --The military bill as it came from the Senate has been concurred in, and ordered to be engrossed by the House, The ad valomn taxation bill in the House, and Revenue bill in the Senate, are now under consideration.
Northern markets. Baltimore, Feb. 19. --Flour dull — Howard and Ohio $5,12; City Mills $5, Wheat active and firmer --red unchanged; white $1,45@1.65. Corn active — sales of 25,000 bushels — mixed quoted at 50@58;yellow 55@60. Coffee firm at 12@13 Whiskey dull at 17½. New York, Feb. 19.--Cotton firm — Uplands middling 11 ½Flour firm — Southern $5,45@5.70 Wheat higher — white 1 higher. White Corn 1 higher; mixed 67@88; white Southern 73; yellow 65. Lard steady. Whiskey dull yellow 55@60. Coffee firm at 12@13 Whiskey dull at 17½. New York, Feb. 19.--Cotton firm — Uplands middling 11 ½Flour firm — Southern $5,45@5.70 Wheat higher — white 1 higher. White Corn 1 higher; mixed 67@88; white Southern 73; yellow 65. Lard steady. Whiskey dull at 17½@17½. Sugar unchanged --Orleans 5½@5; Muscovado 4@6½ Coffee firm — Rio 11½@13½. Naval Stores dull. Stocks higher — New York Centrals 77, Missouri 6's, 64½. Sales in New York, Feb