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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Capture of the Indianola. (search)
ed. The Queen was immediately brought to Alexandria, and while she was being repaired, information reached General Taylor that the Indianola had run past the Vicksburg batteries, and the control of the river was again wrested from us. General Taylor, whose marvelous energy is well known to all who ever served under him, pushed the repairs on the Queen with all the means at his command. Great wood fires were lighted on the shore, and the work continued day and night; and when, on the 19th February, the Queen left Alexandria, work was still going on, and mechanics were carried down to complete her while steaming towards the enemy. The capture of the Indianola restored to the Confederates for several weeks the command of the Mississippi river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and General Taylor was able to forward immense supplies to Port Hudson and Vicksburg, which enabled the defence of these strongholds to be protracted. But in the spring Admiral Farragut came up from the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.47 (search)
of the position and averse to its abandonment. However, upon my exposition of its saliency, and the ease with which its communications, both by railway and water, might be broken, he changed his views. As, meanwhile General Johnston had telegraphed that I must do with respect to Columbus as my judgment dictates ; and also, that the separation of our armies is now complete ; and further, as upon my report of the situation at Columbus the Confederate War Department had consented, on the 19th of February General Polk was directed to prepare to evacuate the position without delay. It was only to be held long enough to remove its invaluable ordnance to the batteries erected or under construction at Island Number10 and Madrid Bend, to New Madrid and to Fort Pillow, upon which the ultimate defense of the Mississippi River must depend thereafter. The preparation of these works for the vital service hoped from them was now intrusted to Captain D. B. Harris, who subsequently left so brillian
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 11: Florida again? (search)
here — easier on reflection at least-- than for the others. At the same time Florida is fascinating, and offers not only adventure, but the command of a brigade. Certainly at the last moment there was not a sacrifice I would not have made rather than wrench myself and others away from the expedition. We are, of course, thrown back into the old uncertainty, and if the small-pox subsides (and it is really diminishing decidedly) we may yet come in at the wrong end of the Florida affair. February 19. Not a bit of it! This morning the General has ridden up radiant, has seen General Gillmore, who has decided not to order us to Florida at all, nor withdraw any of this garrison. Moreover, he says that all which is intended in Florida is done,--that there will be no advance to Tallahassee, and General Seymour will establish a camp of instruction in Jacksonville. Well, if that is all, it is a lucky escape. We little dreamed that on that very day the march toward Olustee was begin
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIII. February, 1863 (search)
isbanded, or else the city must be abandoned. How we, the people, are to live is a thought of serious concern. Gen. Lee has recommended that an appeal be made to the people to bring food to the army, to feed their sons and brothers; but the Commissary-General opposes it; probably it will not be done. No doubt the army could be half fed in this way for months. But the red tape men are inflexible and inscrutable. Nevertheless, the commissaries and quartermasters are getting rich. February 19 The resignation of Gen. Gustavus W. Smith has been accepted by the President. It was well done — the acb ceptance, I mean. Who will Gen. Winder report to now? Gen. Winder has learned that I am keeping a diary, and that some space in it may be devoted to the history of martial law. He said to Capt. Warner, his commissary of prisons, that he would patronize it. The captain asked me if Gen. Winder's rule was not dwelt upon in it. I said doubtless it was; but that I had not yet revised
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
nce his own family (at least a portion of it) have enjoyed the benefits of sojourning in the North since the war began? A letter was received to-day from Mr. Ranney, president of the N. C., Jackson, and Great Northern Railroad Co., asking the protection of government from harm for violations of the Act of Congress of April 19th, 1862, prohibiting the transportation of cotton within the enemy's lines. He incloses a number of peremptory orders from Lieut.-Gen. Pemberton, dated January 19th, February 16th and 19th, to take large amounts of cotton into the enemy's lines for S. J. Josephs (Jew?), and for Messrs. Clarke, Ford, and Hust, etc. etc. He says Gen. P. threatened to seize the road if he did not comply, and asserted that he had authority from the Secretary of War to issue the orders. One of these orders was from Gov. Pettus, for a small lot not more than fifty bales, to be exchanged for salt. This was authorized by the President, who most positively forbid the others. The l
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXV. February, 1864 (search)
will depict the times we live in in striking colors. The wars of The roses bore no comparison to these campaigns between the rival sections. Everywhere our troops are reenlist-ing for the war; one regiment re-enlisted, the other day, for forty years! The President has discontinued his Tuesday evening receptions. The Legislature has a bill before it to suppress theatrical amusements during the war. What would Shakspeare think of that? Sugar has risen to $10 and $12 per pound. February 19 Cold and clear. Congress adjourned yesterday, having passed the bill suspending the writ of habeas corpus for six months at least. Now the President is clothed with Dicta-Torial powers, to all intents and purposes, so far as the war is concerned. The first effect of the Currency bill is to inflate prices yet more. But as the volume of Treasury notes flows into the Treasury, we shall see prices fall. And soon there will be a great rush to fund the notes, for fear the holders ma
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
hat is one step in the right direction. Hon. J. Goode yesterday made a speech in favor of its abolition, in which he said 150,000 men had been handled by the bureau during the last twelve months, and only 13,000 had been sent to the army! But it did not pass — no vote was taken; it is to be hoped it will pass to-day. It is rumored that the money-printing machine was lost at Columbia, including a large amount of treasure --if Confederate Treasury notes be worthy that appellation. February 19 Another bright and glorious morning. I hear of no news whatever from the South-although I know that important events are transpiring-and the reticence of the government is construed very unfavorably. Hence if Beauregard has fought a battle, it is to be apprehended that he did not gain the day; and if this be so, South Carolina lies at the conqueror's feet. I thought I heard brisk cannonading in the distance (down the river) this morning, but am not certain. I saw Mr. Hunter goin
Feb. 19. Old Fort Kearney, Kansas Territory, was taken possession of by the secessionists, and a secession flag raised. It was soon after retaken by a party of Unionists.--Times, Feb. 21.
e, Mo., between a detachment of Ohio cavalry and a band of rebels, headed by Quantrel and Parker. The latter were routed, with a loss of three killed, several wounded, and several taken prisoners. A quantity of arms was also captured. The Federal loss one killed and three wounded.--(Doc. 47.) This morning, Gov. Rector, of Arkansas, issued a proclamation, drafting into immediate service every man in the State subject to military duty, to respond within twenty days.--Memphis Appeal, February 19. The Constitutional Convention in session at Wheeling, Va., adjourned this evening, after fifty-nine days session. The Free State measure was defeated. Commissioners were, however, appointed, with powers to reassemble the Convention in case the new State was recognized by Congress.--National Intelligencer, February 20. In the British Parliament, John Bright made a strong speech denouncing the policy of the English government as to the Trent affair, and was answered by Lord Pal
February 19. President Lincoln issued the following proclamation to-day: It is recommended to the people of the United States that they assemble in their customary places of meeting for public solemnities, on the twenty-second day of February, inst., and celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the father of his country, by causing to be read to them his immortal Farewell Address. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Washington, the nineteenth day of Februanineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of the United States of America the eighty-sixth. Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, having taken the field in person, issued orders, from his headquarters at Memphis, appointing his division commanders, and calling upon the people to meet and repel the invaders of the State.--(Doc. 51.) The first payment of interest on the Government war-loan, was made at the office of the United States Assistant Tr