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his, too, he supported, as the only means of main- chap. XXII.} 1766. Feb. taining their dependence; for America felt that she could better do without England than England without America; and he reminded the house, that inflexibility lost to the Court of Vienna the dominion of the Low Countries. H. Hammersley to Sharpe. Thus he reasoned in a strain of eloquence, which Pitt called divine. Chatham Correspondence, II. 368. The editor erroneously dates the letter 15 Jan. It was of 4 February. I cannot sit silent, replied Northington, the. Lord Chancellor, speaking very shortly; I cannot sit silent, upon doctrines being laid down so new, so unmaintainable, and so unconstitutional. In every state there must be a supreme dominion; every government can arbitrarily impose laws on all its subjects, by which all are bound; and resistance to laws that are even contrary to the benefit and safety of the whole, is at the risk of life and fortune. I seek for the constitution of this
Chapter 23: The repeal of the Stamp Act—Rockingham's Adminis-Tration continued. February, 1766. on Tuesday, the fourth of February, the party of chap. XXIII.} 1766. Feb. Bedford and the old ministry of Grenville coalesced with the friends of prerogative to exercise over the colonies the power, which it had just been resolved that parliament rightfully possessed. The ministry desired to recommend to them to compensate the sufferers by the American riots. The opposition, by a vote of sixty-three to sixty, changed the recommendation into a parliamentary requisition. Chatham Corr. II. 376. Grafton's Autobiography. De Guerchy to the Duke de Praslin, 4 Feb. and 7 Feb., 1766. The new tory party already had a majority of votes in the House of Lords. The next morning, Rockingham and Grafton; much irritated at this usage, went to court and proposed the removal from office of one or two of those who had appeared to be the most hostile; but the king, recently so eager to d