Analyze Conformations¶
First, necessary imports:
In [1]: from prody import *
In [2]: from numpy import *
In [3]: from pylab import *
In [4]: ion()
In [5]: import os, glob
Parse conformations¶
Now, let’s read initial and refined conformations:
In [6]: initial = AtomGroup('p38 initial')
In [7]: refined = AtomGroup('p38 refined')
In [8]: for pdb in glob.glob('p38_ensemble/*pdb'):
...: fn = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(pdb)[1])[0]
...: opt = os.path.join('p38_optimize', fn + '.coor')
...: parsePDB(pdb, ag=initial)
...: parsePDB(opt, ag=refined)
In [9]: initial
Out[9]: <AtomGroup: p38 initial (5658 atoms; active #0 of 40 coordsets)>
In [10]: refined
Out[10]: <AtomGroup: p38 refined (5658 atoms; active #0 of 40 coordsets)>
Calculate RMSD change¶
We can plot RMSD change after refinement as follows:
In [11]: rmsd_ca = []
In [12]: rmsd_all = []
In [13]: initial_ca =
In [14]: refined_ca =
In [15]: for i in range(initial.numCoordsets()):
....: initial.setACSIndex(i)
....: refined.setACSIndex(i)
....: initial_ca.setACSIndex(i)
....: refined_ca.setACSIndex(i)
....: rmsd_ca.append(calcRMSD(initial_ca, refined_ca))
....: rmsd_all.append(calcRMSD(initial, refined))
In [16]: plot(rmsd_all, label='all');
In [17]: plot(rmsd_ca, label='ca');
In [18]: xlabel('Conformation index');
In [19]: ylabel('RMSD');
In [20]: legend();
Select a diverse set¶
To select a diverse set of refined conformations, let’s calculate average RMSD for each conformation to all others:
In [21]: rmsd_mean = []
In [22]: for i in range(refined.numCoordsets()):
....: refined.setACSIndex(i)
....: alignCoordsets(refined)
....: rmsd = calcRMSD(refined)
....: rmsd_mean.append(rmsd.sum() / (len(rmsd) - 1))
In [23]: bar(arange(1, len(rmsd_mean) + 1), rmsd_mean);
In [24]: xlabel('Conformation index');
In [25]: ylabel('Mean RMSD');
Let’s select conformations that are 1.2 Å away from other on average:
In [26]: selected = (array(rmsd_mean) >= 1.2).nonzero()[0]
In [27]: selected
array([ 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39])
In [28]: selection = refined[selected]
In [29]: selection
Out[29]: <Selection: 'index 0 to 1 4 ... to 34 36 to 39' from p38 refined (31 atoms; active #39 of 40 coordsets)>