ProDy 1.3 Series

1.3.1 (Nov 6, 2012)

New Features:


  • Improved gunzip() function to handle .gz extensions and string buffers.



  • Fixed a bug in HierView that would cause wrong assignment of residue/chain indices to atoms when residue or chain atoms are separated by atoms of other entities. This would also caused problems when making keyword selections, such as protein.
  • Added dummy atom check in Ensemble.setAtoms() and Trajectory.setAtoms() methods to avoid indexing problems.

1.3 (Sep 30, 2012)


  • select module and its documentation are completely rewritten. Select class uses simplest possible parser to evaluate selection strings and achieves more than 25% speed-up on average.
  • Atom Selections become more forgiving of small typos, but will issue warning messages when they are detected via SelectionWarning. These messages can be turned of using confProDy()
  • Functions used in ProDy Applications have been refactored to allow for using them directly. See apps for their documentation.
