MATLAB Function Reference |
Area, Bar, and Pie Plots
area | Area plot |
bar | Vertical bar chart |
barh | Horizontal bar chart |
bar3 | Vertical 3-D bar chart |
bar3h | Horizontal 3-D bar chart |
pareto | Pareto char |
pie | Pie plot |
pie3 | 3-D pie plot |
Contour Plots
contour | Contour (level curves) plot |
contour3 | 3-D contour plot |
contourc | Contour computation |
contourf | Filled contour plot |
ezcontour | Easy to use contour plotter |
ezcontourf | Easy to use filled contour plotter |
Direction and Velocity Plots
comet | Comet plot |
comet3 | 3-D comet plot |
compass | Compass plot |
feather | Feather plot |
quiver | Quiver (or velocity) plot |
quiver3 | 3-D quiver (or velocity) plot |
Discrete Data Plots
stem | Plot discrete sequence data |
stem3 | Plot discrete surface data |
stairs | Stairstep graph |
Function Plots
ezcontour | Easy to use contour plotter |
ezcontourf | Easy to use filled contour plotter |
ezmesh | Easy to use 3-D mesh plotter |
ezmeshc | Easy to use combination mesh/contour plotter |
ezplot | Easy to use function plotter |
ezplot3 | Easy to use 3-D parametric curve plotter |
ezpolar | Easy to use polar coordinate plotter |
ezsurf | Easy to use 3-D colored surface plotter |
ezsurfc | Easy to use combination surface/contour plotter |
fplot | Plot a function |
hist | Plot histograms |
histc | Histogram count |
rose | Plot rose or angle histogram |
Polygons and Surfaces
convhull | Convex hull |
cylinder | Generate cylinder |
delaunay | Delaunay triangulation |
dsearch | Search Delaunay triangulation for nearest point |
ellipsoid | Generate ellipsoid |
fill | Draw filled 2-D polygons |
fill3 | Draw filled 3-D polygons in 3-space |
inpolygon | True for points inside a polygonal region |
pcolor | Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot |
polyarea | Area of polygon |
ribbon | Ribbon plot |
slice | Volumetric slice plot |
sphere | Generate sphere |
tsearch | Search for enclosing Delaunay triangle |
voronoi | Voronoi diagram |
waterfall | Waterfall plot |
Scatter Plots
plotmatrix | Scatter plot matrix |
scatter | Scatter plot |
scatter3 | 3-D scatter plot |
frame2im | Convert movie frame to indexed image |
getframe | Capture movie frame |
im2frame | Convert image to movie frame |
movie | Play recorded movie frames |
noanimate | Change EraseMode of all objects to normal |
Annotating Plots | Bit-Mapped Images |