USDA Defend the Flock Program
Poultry for the Consumer
The poultry industry has developed into the premier meat food product consumed in the United States. The reasons for this ascention to the top of popular food products (meat and eggs) list are many. They are nutritional, economical, versatile in preparation, and are available in many different food products suitable for the modern American lifestyle.
The same factors that make poultry products popular also increase the need for food quality and safety information to the consumer. This site contains materials that answers many of the major questions posed by the information-seeking consumer of poultry products.
Frequently Asked Questions
Related Publications
- Safe Food in a Hurry addresses the concerns and procedures to follow to produce safe food products.
- Feeding a Crowd? Do It Safely presents simple rules you can use to avoid trouble and insure food safety when feeding large groups of people.
- A Quick Consumer Guide to Safe Food Handling tells you what to do at each step in food handling.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A federal raw milk testing mandate has been issued to address bird flu outbreaks in U.S. dairy herds.
Did you know there is a difference in broilers and layers? Broilers and layers both serve important roles in the poultry industry, but their roles are very different.
Scratch, peck, dirt bath. Repeat.
If you know what this phrase refers to, you probably own backyard chickens.
Success Stories
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
Children who enjoy hands-on learning and want to showcase their accomplishments and compete against fellow participants can join the 4-H Poultry Chain Project.
She grew up in the 4-H youth development program in Indiana, and her husband was in Ohio 4-H. Fast-forward a few years, and Inez Saum became a volunteer leader for Mississippi 4-H.