Application Analytics

I'm Michael Suodenjoki - a software engineer living in Kgs. Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my personal site containing my blog, photos, articles and main interests.

Updated 2011.01.23 15:37 +0100


Application Analytics

For some months ago I've noticed an advertisement for a product that - quite interesting - suggested to take the guesswork out of a range of questions that you might have in relation to your product/application, and here we primarily talking old-style desktop applications - not web apps or mobile apps, though they too of course have the same questions. It is such questions as:

It is clearly something like analytics for applications - and some offer even in real time. And for the product manager it is very interesting questions indeed. The answer to them can help you to direct your attention to the appropriate problem areas and help you plan and market the product in the furure. Very interesting...

A good introduction what it is about can be seen in this (promotional video from EQATEC):

Products / Companies which offer (desktop) application analytics: