The Doers of the World

I'm Michael Suodenjoki - a software engineer living in Kgs. Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my personal site containing my blog, photos, articles and main interests.

Updated 2011.01.23 15:37 +0100


Doers of the World

How could I (swiss) miss this, when my tagline is "Just do it"...

The DO Lectures

The idea behind DO is a simple: That people who Do things, can inspire the rest of us to go and Do things too. So each year, they invite a set of people down here to come and tell what they Do. They can be small Do's or big Do's or just plain amazing extraordinary Do's. But when you listen to their stories, they just light a fire in your belly to go and Do your thing, your passion, the thing that sits in the back your head each day, just waiting, and waiting for you to follow your heart.
Tina Roth Eisenberg,