Taking abstract generic programming into C++

I'm Michael Suodenjoki - a software engineer living in Kgs. Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my personal site containing my blog, photos, articles and main interests.

Updated 2011.01.23 15:37 +0100


Taking abstract generic programming into C++

Well, if you've been educated on university level in software engineering you'll probably remember something about abstract data types and meta programming. There are several trends that tries to move these "paradigms" into the practical programming world. For example I've just noticed that the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard is considering/examining to support generic programming (or ConceptC++ for laymen), the standard is dubbed C++0x. Some refer to this to taking C++ to the next level (see), uhh...

A good page to get some information about this is the website www.generic-programming.org. Read the small ConceptC++ tutorial and you may get the idea.

What eludes me at the current point in time what real world practical problems all this solves  I better read about more about it... I have a feeling that we will see more to it. For now, I believe that it should "solve" the following:

There are references to generic C++ libraries, other than the Standard C++ Library, which are based on generic programming. Most of them are geared towards mathematical communities - even thought most of the solved problems have real use in specific day-to-day areas. It's just hard to grasp!
