List of abbreviations |
of micros- copic anatomy specialist terms explained in English + German |
Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected! |
dieser Seite Editor:
Conditions of use |
Zonula occludens = tight
(detail of a larger image, monkey) |
tight junction in a juctional
complex (monkey) |
junctional complex, tight
junction, desmosome (monkey) |
junctional complex with e
desmosomes (rat) |
tight junction of the blood
liquor barrier (rat) |
tight junction basi-
lar membrane (rat) 1 |
tight junction basi-
lar membrane (rat) 2 |
tight junction between 2
hepatocytes (rat) 1 |
tight junction between 2
hepatocytes (rat) 2 |
An English page with detailed information and images is available in the professional version of this atlas.
--> cell-to-cell contacts, desmosome,
junction, gap junction, cell
membrane, epithelum, microvilli,
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop