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More than just reviews

Reviews are no longer purely about trust. Unlock the full potential of customer feedback. Here’s how.

Collect More

Collect More

Don't settle for anything less than excellence in both quality and quantity. With our proven, cutting edge UGC collection tools, you'll effortlessly revel in a bunch of top-notch reviews.

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Collect More

Collect More

Don't settle for anything less than excellence in both quality and quantity. With our proven, cutting edge UGC collection tools, you'll effortlessly revel in a bunch of top-notch reviews.

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Convert Faster

Convert Faster

Shoppers seek for relatable social proof to seal the deal. Display high converting on-site experiences with shoppable galleries and innovative widgets.

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Convert Faster

Convert Faster

Shoppers seek for relatable social proof to seal the deal. Display high converting on-site experiences with shoppable galleries and innovative widgets.

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Optimize Smarter

Optimize Smarter

Analyze your customers’ feedback with an intuitive dashboard at scale, understand what they value the most and optimize your marketing strategy based on learnings.

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Optimize Smarter

Optimize Smarter

Analyze your customers’ feedback with an intuitive dashboard at scale, understand what they value the most and optimize your marketing strategy based on learnings.

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higher reviews and UGC collection


total reviews collected to date


integrations with other platforms

Brands’ Leading Choice.

Transform reviews into strategic assets for growth

High-quality reviews & UGC

Capture reviews & UGC at scale and ensure they provide relevant information. Leverage advanced tools such as smart prompts, custom questions, and SMS review requests to collect higher quality content.

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Smart displays

Display reviews based on what your customers care most about using review highlights, reviews summary, smart filters, and more!

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Maximized credibility

Boost social proof with curated visuals from socials or customer submissions. Maximize conversions with click-to-shop widgets.

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Amplified reach

Increase conversions across all consumer touchpoints leveraging our widespread syndication across social, marketing, and retail channels.

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Valuable insights

Unlock insights that can fuel your next marketing campaign and uncover opportunities for enhancing future shopper experiences.

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New, flexible pricing for growing brands

Explore our dynamic pricing options tailored to suit your DTC needs. Choose between flexible monthly payments or cost-saving annual plans.

See full pricing

Not convinced yet?


Expert Moderation Services

Our experienced moderators manage Reviews & UGC for top brands, covering 800+ stores. We handle the workload, ensuring tailored compliance.


A Strategic CS team

Unlock the full potential of reviews for growing your business with our dedicated Customer Success Manager guiding you every step of the way.


All customizations, 0 effort

Customize everything from your emails to onsite experiences with no dev required.


Official Partnership with Google

Stand out on search and elevate your organic traffic by displaying your seller ratings, made possible exclusively through Yotpo's strategic alliance with Google.

Meet the brandsalready using Yotpo Reviews

“Customer reviews are invaluable. as a brand we know so much more about our products and what the customers actually want.”

Kim Zorn Global Performance Director
Increase in AOV
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“Reviews aren't just about acquiring customers; they're about keeping them in our community by directly addressing their feedback.”

Emma Standing Head of Customer Experience & eCommerce
higher CVR with SMS review requests
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“Shoppers find genuine customer experiences invaluable. It's a game changer, crucial to our performance.”

Graham Paddon Head of Customer Experience
order to review rate
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“Yotpo is a fundamental part of our recommended tech stack.”

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