Front Street, 1920's
The three-story building is the Hotel Evanston. On the one-story saloon to the left of the Trans-Continental Garage is a
sign for Becker's Beer. The saloon, originally constructed in 1876, was torn down in 1936 and replaced by
a brick building. The owner of the replacement building, rather than building his
own west wall, used the east wall of the garage for support of his
building. In the 1950's this caused a lawsuit between the owners of
the garage and the then owners of the replacement building. It was alleged
that cracks appearing in the wall of the garage were the result of the weight of
the neighboring building. The Courts ultimately cut the baby in half and held that
Tina Coumas and Mary Kochinas, the owners of the newer building, could continue to use the garage wall, had no
ownership interest in it, but should pay for half of its maintenance.

Trans-continental Garage, Front Street
Becker's was an important
western beer. Becker Brewing & Malting Company (1918-1951), at 300 Front Street, was affiliated with
Becker Products Company in Ogden, Utah. The company prior to prohibition brewed "Becker's Best."
During prohibition, the Evanston company continued to distibute Becker's Best, a non-alcoholic
grain beverage. The Ogden company produced a similar product known as "Becco." In 1932, with the
advent of "3.2," the Ogden branch convinced the Utah legislature to change the
Utah law to permit it to brew for sale outside of Utah the 3.2. Subsequently,
the company produced "Uinta Club" beer.

Front Street, approx. 1949
For additional photos of Front Street and discussion of the Hotel Evanston (at the distant end of the
street in the photo), see Lincoln Highway.

Evanston, looking northwest from school building, approx. 1910
Compare with next photo taken approximately two years later in 1912.

Evanston, looking northwest from school building, 1912

Evanston, Methodist Church, undated.
The first church in Evanston was the Baptist dating to 1871. By the next year,
1872, there were four churches, Baptist, Methodist, Prysbyterian, and Latter Day Saints.
The L.D.S. were the first to construct a brick church in 1889. See next photo. The
Methodist Church depicted above burned in 1927.

Latter Day Saints Church, undated

Evanston, Center Street, looking east, undated