Opie wanted everyone to see he has acting abilities, and is requesting votes for his own weekly post. Actually he wants his own blog but will consider a guest spot as a contributing charmer.... errrrr I mean writer.....
How many paws up do we see out there? He said I could paint, finish my 101 list and he will handle the "cute" department. Should I be concerned if I will eventually have a desk in the far corner of the tree house while he's out signing autographs and Kittering??? Kittering is how cats Twit...
Psssstttt..... video has sound. Mute it if you're at work.... You're gonna love it!
No one ever really looks at themselves when they talk. Well, I take that back. I have known some people who cannot look at you and talk if there's a mirror in the room. They watch themselves. Ummmm.... Never mind, that is an entirely different blog topic, and a personal pet peeve. ~~shiver~~ Did I just type that out loud???
Anyway, the video below was edited from another video I made a couple of weeks ago taping me while I told the story of how I flipped my kayak. (You remember that Lucy-like episode???) I gathered 163 frames from the original video, kept them in sequence, and captured the many faces I make while talking. The original film was 2 minutes and 20 seconds long.
Psssssttttt.... JUST IN CASE YOU'RE AT WORK....THE VIDEO HAS SOUND. It's a great song so crank it up if you can :-)
I probably should go ahead and draw a big D on my forehead for being such a dork. But it is me, goofy faces and all. I never knew I had a so many different facial expressions. I made this for the Creative Every Day Challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas created for aspiring or established artists and for people who just want to explore their creative sides. It's a no pressure, non judging format, and has quite a huge following. If you haven't checked CED out before, I'd highly recommend you do. Leah has inspired me, and helped me keep my focus on my 101 creative to do list.
This month's creative projects focus on "self"--hence my "video self portrait" better known as Face Dancing.