Showing posts with label stuck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stuck. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Intuitive Tuesday -- Four of Cups (Reversed)

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life and ask, "What messages are here for me ?"

As I shuffled the cards to select this week's Intuitive Tuesday tarot card, I said, "Tell me what messages I need to bring to my readers this week."  I selected the Four of Cups (reversed) from the Gateway to the Divine Tarot deck by Ciro Marchetti. Since I've recently selected this card, I pulled a second card for more clarification, The Devil (reversed).

From the previous posts on these cards, here is some of the key information on the Four of Cups (reversed):
In its reversed position (upside-down), instead of feeling discontent, this card symbolizes the end of feeling discontent, re-connecting with others, renewing relationships and having a new readiness for upcoming challenges and opportunities. With this card, you may feel both stable (symbolized by the four) and emotionally (Cups) energized and can see (and are thankful for) all of the blessings and opportunities around you.
And here is the key information on The Devil (reversed) and also covered here:
In its reversed position, The Devil means that you are moving from this perspective (feeling blocked), although some of the feelings of anger, depression and sadness may still linger. This is your opportunity to take control of your thoughts and not slip into the old (self-imposed) trap of being stuck (The Devil).
The Devil reversed indicates that you have the faith and courage to take one step forward. This step will lead to the next and to the next, until you look up and are free from the chains that you imagined around your neck. You are free to continue on your path. 
If you've recently felt emotionally disconnected or discontent, your heart may be opening. Others may be reaching out to you, or possibly you are reaching out to them. Something that has kept you stuck emotionally is loosening to allow your energy and emotions to flow more freely. Even if it's only a little bit, there has been some movement.

The image that comes to mind is a clogged sink. You know how frustrating it can be when the water begins to back-up and nothing is moving.

By using a plunger, you press through the clog (stuck emotions), clearing out the old, blocked debris, and make way for the fresh water to flow through.

The feeling of the Four of Cups (reversed) and The Devil (reversed), is like an emotional plunger. No matter how it happened, your knotted emotions are unraveling, and fresh new emotions are flowing through. What a relief!

What emotional blocks have you recently moved through...and what obstacles still remain? Perhaps your job today is to get out the emotional plunger and forge your way ahead.

As a wise person once told me: "Feel what you feel; deal with what you feel...and then the healing can begin."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday -- Three of Wands (Reversed)

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life and ask, "What messages are here for me ?"

As I shuffled the cards to select this week's Intuitive Tuesday tarot card, I said, "Tell me what messages I need to bring to my readers this week." I selected the Three of Wands (Reversed) from the Gateway to the Divine Tarot deck by Ciro Marchetti.

In its upright position, the Three of Wands indicates the successful birth of an enterprise, a new project, exchanging ideas, brainstorming, and exciting energy as a new idea takes form and you can see the possibilities.

In it reversed position, however, this energy might be blocked or delayed.

If you feel like you're spinning your wheels or feel like you're putting a lot of effort into something and not seeing the results you expected, that is the energy of the Three of Wands (reversed) feel like you are generating lots of energy...and for what?

The Three of Wands (reversed) is your clue to look to the Two and Four of Wands to remember why you were initially excited about the project (Two of Wands) and look ahead to the goals you set to remember where you are going and why you are moving forward (Four of Wands).
  • The Two of Wands is a card of opportunity and new beginnings. 
  • The Three of Wands symbolizes a new project. Remember threes mark creation, expansion and growth.
  • The Four of Wands is a card of feeling content with your achievements. 
It reminds me of the story, The Wizard of Oz, just after Dorothy's house lands in Oz.

The Two of Wands is the excitement of the beginning of the yellow brick road. It's the Two of Wands energy behind the song, "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" that leads Dorothy and Toto down the bright yellow path...complete with the promise of Oz.

The Three of Wands energy happens along the path when Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, the Lion and the Tin Man, each having their own reasons for continuing on to Oz.

The Three of Wands (reversed) is when they meet the Wicked Witch of the West, the flying monkeys, and the poppies that put them all into a blissful sleep. At these points they may have forgotten where they are going and why.

The Three of Wands (reversed) energy can be dark, unknown and scary. You're stuck in the middle of the path. You've moved through the initial excitement but can't see the goal...YET. 

Be patient as you continue on your journey remembering why you initially started this project. This is the energy of the Four of Wands. In the Wizard of Oz, this is that far off view of the beautiful "Emerald City." It is your goal, the vision that keeps you  moving forward.

If you find yourself stuck in the energy of the Three of Wands (reversed), here are some tips:
  • Two of Wands: Remember when you had this wonderful idea and feel the excitement and energy you had just thinking about the possibilities.
  • Four of Wands: What goals did you set out for yourself towards the end of the path?
  • Up-righting the Three of Wands: Combining these two energies (Two and Four of Wands), create one small step that you can/will take to move forward.
  • Repeat as necessary.  :)
By simply looking back, and by envisioning what's ahead, you can and will move from this space of feeling as though you are wasting your time. This will help you to flip the Three of Wands back into its upright position and continue on your way.

Lookout 10 of Wands...Here I Come!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday -- Eight of Swords

Every Tuesday I select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life and ask, "What messages are here for you?"

As I shuffled the cards to select this week's Intuitive Tuesday tarot card, I said, "Tell me what messages I need to bring to my readers this week." I selected the Eight of Swords from the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti and Barbara Moore.

Eights can represent reorganization of ideas, thoughts, materials and emotions. Eights can also indicate power, success and stability. The suit of Swords usually indicates thoughts and conflict.

The Eight of Swords is a card about feeling trapped. On today's card, you see a woman who is handcuffed and blindfolded, surrounded by swords. She is trapped in a prison of her own making. Her thoughts and beliefs about a situation are keeping her stuck.

The energy of the Eight of Swords can be frustrating, not only because you feel trapped, but also because you have an inkling that YOU hold the key...but you can't remember where you put it!

You might also feel fear, because you don't know how to free yourself. Try as you might, you can't think your way out of this -- especially if you use the same thoughts, logic and reasoning as you did when you first got into this mess. The more you struggle, the more stuck you become.

It reminds me of when I get a knot in my shoelaces. At first, I pull on one of the ends to see if the knot will somehow slip out. No luck! Pulling only seems to tighten the knot, making it even more impossible to unravel.

My kids do the same thing. They pull their knotted shoelaces in an effort to loosen them, but tighten the knot instead.

By the time they bring the shoe to me, it's usually a huge knotted mess. My best course of action is to look closely and find a looser strand in the lace so I can begin to loosen it gently, coaxing it from being so stubborn.

It's the same with our thoughts. If we stick to what we've always known (pulling the knotted shoelace), we have no new way of looking at or moving through our situation. We are applying the same "solution" that keeps NOT working and the knot gets tighter.

No wonder we get frustrated.

Today's card -- the Eight of Swords -- indicates not only feeling stuck, but gives you some clues to loosen the knot. By reorganizing your thoughts (in the tarot deck Eights = reorganization and Swords = thoughts), YOU hold the key!

If you are feeling stuck now, instead of reacting with the same thoughts, why not pause and try something new and different? If you have no idea what that might be, ask a trusted friend for help in unraveling your knot.

Your friend may provide some insights for you, but what I find is that just talking through it with someone else, helps me to identify my roadblocks. Sometimes my friend doesn't have to say anything and I work myself up to and through my own obstacles. Other times, a friend can ask a thought-provoking question at the right time and BOOM! The answer appears!

The next time you feel stuck in a situation, think about your shoelace being knotted. Pretend as though you've pulled really hard to get the knot out and it's not can/will you change your approach to help you find freedom -- from a knotted shoelace...and/or a tangled situation?

Remember what the famous tarot reader Albert Einstein said about the Eight of Swords (OK. He wasn't known for his tarot reading abilities but the same logic applies):

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking
we used when we created them.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday on Thursday -- Queen of Cups Divine Tarot Again

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Thursday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

This week's Intuitive Tuesday cards were The Magician and The Three of Pentacles.  Both cards have to do with your work and talents and how you combine your gifts to fulfill your life purpose.

Today's follow-up card comes from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. It is in response to Elizabeth whose comment was:
Hi -- I've followed you for a while but not commented much or ever before.
This combination of cards really spoke to me, but I still don't know exactly what they are saying. They came the morning that I found out I had not been selected for yet another project/contract. I have been struggling to sell my hours at work over the past six months or so, which is a very new problem for me. At first I felt that they were reinforcing all those signals: I need to really take stock of where I am work and find a way to fix it.

Then, as I thought about it more, I wondered about the struggle I have to balance between my work obligations and my home obligations. I feel like I am never succeeding at either one these days: not successful at work; and giving in too much to anger and impatience at home. I have a demanding job and I'm the only earner in our family, so we rely on my work; my husband is dying of Cystic Fibrosis and is very sick most of the time plus there is a lot to coordinate with his care -- multiple doctor visits a week, the home nurse, etc.; we have a 3 year old son; a 100 year old house; a big, needy dog.

I often wonder if I am in completely the wrong work; but I can't imagine accepting the risk and uncertainty of trying to change careers right now. Or I think, I need to find a way to work part-time for a while, so I can better support my husband and be there for him, but, he is so withdrawn, and I don't like the idea of taking the financial hit, or know if we could afford it, or what it would do to my career in the long run. I do need to try to take stock of all my talents and apply them to help be there for my husband and child and make my work situation better -- but I don't really know how to start.

Thank you for this weekly opportunity to reflect. With love,

Elizabeth, it sounds like you have a lot going on -- not only in the situations around you (your husband, his illness, your child, your home, etc.), but also on your own personal journey. I have a hunch that what used to seem like "real life" to you, seems like a distant memory and you wonder, "What happened?" Your days are filled with your work, your husband, your child...and there may not be a lot left over to nurture YOU!

When I shuffled the cards and focused on your comments, I selected the Queen of Cups, which I have featured in earlier posts. Click here to read more about the Queen of Cups.

In my previous post, I talked about how intuitive the Queen of Cups is...and I believe this is an important part of why it has come up for you. There is something that you have been subconsciously pondering for a has to do with your bigger purpose. Maybe this is why you wonder about finding the "right" work for you.

Does your current work have to do with something logical, measurable, tangible? For some reason it feels that you are good at it, but that possibly your creativity feels stifled.

The Queen of Cups also symbolizes your nurturing, loving side that LOVES to care for others....but, remember that this side can become overused and possibly overwhelmed.

Pulling the Queen of Cups for you today may symbolize several things:
  • It's time to take care of YOU. I recently wrote an article on taking the time and energy to nurture yourself called, "Keeping Your Pitcher Full." In it I used the metaphor of your energy being like a pitcher of water. Each time you give to someone else, you pour water out of your pitcher. When you nurture yourself, you add water back in. The problem comes when you are pouring out more than you are taking in. If you'd like to read the entire article, click here.  
The Queen of Cups may indicate to take some time for nurture your soul, ponder these larger questions, etc.
  • The Queen of Cups is about nurturing others. In your comment you talked about being home and helping your husband more, but that you feel unsure about taking a pay cut. You feel pulled between your work and being with your family. Remember that going to work and financially supporting your family is also nurturing your family. So even if you aren't tending to their needs directly, it's you and your income that supports the system and makes sure they are cared for.
  • Third, the Queen of Cups is either about an intuitive woman in your life that can offer assistance...and/or about tapping into your intuition to find your answers. Perhaps you've been SO busy taking care of everything that you haven't had the time to tune in and hear what's true for you. Now is the time to tune in and the Queen of Cups is a reminder to do so.
Maybe one of the best ways to nurture yourself is to take some time to ponder where you are in your life right now -- everything from the day-to-day details, all the way to the big picture (where are you on your life path).

The message for today's card is to nurture yourself and listen to the Queen of Cups inside you...because she has some important messages...if you stop long enough to hear.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday on Thursday -- Eight of Wands (Reversed)

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Thursday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

This week's Intuitive Tuesday card was the Seven of Cups, a card of the dreamy, possibly scattered feelings you get when you are faced with many appealing choices.

Today's follow-up card comes from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. It is in response to Kim Dushinski  whose comment was:
Such an interesting card for you to pull today. 
This card is exactly ME right now. I have recently come up with a new strategy for my business that is simultaneously exciting and scary. As excited as I am about it I am stuck in moving forward on it because it has so many facets and moving parts.
The Eight of Wands in its upright position indicates things moving VERY quickly -- lots of movement, all systems are go, no delays, forward motion and full steam ahead.

Intuitively I feel that you are being presented with an opportunity that is slightly different from what you had originally envisioned, but as you look at it, the idea also makes sense. It may push you into a territory where you may question if you are willing to do what needs to be done. Have you ever seen yourself in this light? Could this really be what you are supposed to do...and yet it seems to make sense and there is a part of you that is SO curious and ready to explore.

And then there's the in-between time, the time between now (what is) and then (what could be) and you feel it's your job to build the bridge. Yes. Another bridge. Another thing for you to organize, plan, strategize and map out. But isn't that what you are good at?

Yes, but you also like weaving connections through the bridge and enjoying walking over the bridge after it is built. You've had a taste of that too and like it.

The Eight of Wands (reversed) can indicate anything from further delays to things feeling really chaotic. If you are feeling overwhelmed, be sure not to get caught up in the energy of being busy so much that you waste precious time or delay decisions.

It's not time to force things -- and I think you can feel when things are being forced -- but it's also not a time to dilly-dally. If you start to get stuck in the Eight of Wands Reversed energy (feeling delays or squandering energy), go with your gut, pick the path that feels best and move forward.

My husband and I are different when making decisions. I look for a 90-100% assurance as to what will happen and how it will turn out. His Army training has taught him to go with about 70% assurance and then figure it out along the way. Where I can get stuck in researching and trying to "get it right," he's already moving forward and using his contingency planning skills to get things done. Two different styles, each with pros and cons.

Let's call this the Assurance Comfort Level (ACL). What is your ACL? If your number is like my hubby's (70% assurance), then you've probably already started to move ahead.

If your number is closer to mine (90-100%), you may be stuck in indecision because you are overwhelmed with possibilities and may be trying really hard to do it "right."

The Eight of Wands reversed may be a sign that it's time to lower your ACL slightly and depend on your experience, instincts, gut feel, and cat-like reflexes :) to overcome the Eight of Wands Reversed energy and move ahead. What could go wrong...and could/would you handle it if it did?

For all of us...what is your Assurance Comfort Level? How does it help you? How does it hold you back?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Intuitive Tuesday - Seven of Cups

Every Tuesday I select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Thursday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Thursday to see what cards come up.

Today’s card comes from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. It is the Seven of Cups, a card that indicates many choices, lack of focus and possibly confusion.

In the book that accompanies this deck, Marchetti explains:
"We are presented with what seems to be an ideal scenario. We are spoiled for choice. Seven cups manifest themselves, each offering different but enticing contents. They all seem appealing, but we can't simply take them all, and therein lies the dilemma."
Remember that Cups deal with emotions, and perhaps some of the confusion stems from the fact that we are allowing our emotional feelings (which can be a result of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences) to override our intuitive feelings (intuition, gut feel, inner voice, etc.).

The Seven of Cups energy can feel all encompassing and sometimes overwhelming because there are so many great options.

I did a tarot reading for a client last week and before I laid out the cards, she said she was feeling confused and stuck. Her first two cards were the Two of Swords crossed by the Seven of Cups. If I were to hand-select two cards to exemplify her description of indecision and feeling stuck, these would be the exact cards I would pick. When these were the first two cards in the spread, I knew that the reading would have some good information for her...and it did.

If you are feeling the Seven of Cups energy, you may feel as though you are floating, find yourself daydreaming, or feel as though your energy is scattered. It may not be a "bad" or "uncomfortable" feeling in the short run, but if it starts to impact how you approach your life or make decisions in a timely manner, this is when this energy can become tiring.

One of the best ways to move through the Seven of Cups is to "ground your energy." If you are unfamiliar with that term, think about the feeling of having your life under control; things are going according to plan or if they are not, you are comfortable "going with the flow." That is when you feel "grounded."

In terms of your chakras (energy centers), feeling grounded is associated with your root chakra. For more information on the chakra system, you can check out a series of posts on my sister, Lori's blog (Weebles Wobblog) by clicking here.

Here's an easy way to get grounded:
  • Walk outside with bare feet (if possible) and let your feet feel the earth. 
  • Take ten deep breaths with eyes open or closed. 
  • Imagine the air coming into your body, filling your body (from head to toe and then imagine the energy going through your feet into the earth). 
  • Feel your muscles relax with each exhale. 
  • After ten deep breaths, notice how your body feels. Are you more relaxed? Do you feel more connected to earth, your Source, your intuitive voice? 
  • Repeat as necessary.
Take a few moments to ground your energy. Even if you are unable to go outside, take ten deep breaths (no matter where you are) and ground your energy now. It can take less than two minutes and will make all of the difference in the world.

Here we go...1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....10.....Ah......

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday on Thursday - The Magdalene (High Priestess)

On Intuitive Tuesdays I select a card and give you my interpretation of it. On Thursday I select one reader's comment and pull an additional card.

I encourage you to read about the additional card I pulled this week and see how it applies to your life. Anything that is brought to one of us is a message for all of us.

Tuesday's Intuitive Tuesday card was The Magician (reversed). I have pulled an additional card today for Phoebe who said:

...I'd like to develop my intuitive abilities more. I know I have them, but my logical mind is always questioning my intuitive mind. Maybe there is hope?

I just had another thought about this reading. It reminds me that I need to be my own expert and not to listen to what other people think I should do. It's the other piece of the intuition. Now if I could only trust myself enough to follow this advice!

As I pulled today's card, I was directed towards Phoebe's comment, but I feel it applies to all of the comments. I pulled The Magdalene from my new deck, The Grail Tarot by Giovanni Caselli. Being the second card in the deck and Major Arcana, this corresponds with The High Priestess.

Phoebe mentioned her logical mind questioning her intuitive mind. In my Intuition Through Tarot classes, we refer to it as our left brain (logical mind) vs. our right brain (creative, intuitive side).

Schools take a left-brained approach to learning. That is, there is a right answer, and if you study (read, calculate, analyze -- all left brain approaches to learning), you will find THE right answer.

The underlying (and flawed) philosophy in this system is that to succeed, we must learn how to access and use our left (analytical) brain and override our right (intuitive, creative) brain.

It's no wonder that at this point in our lives, we question whether or not we have an intuitive voice, let alone to trust it! Your left brained training may leave you wanting to look up "the right answer" in some sort of book or on the Internet. Wishful thinking!

Today's card, The Magdalene, encourages each of us to find ways to tune back into that inner voice. This is the knowing inside that doesn't need to prove, research or question just knows.

The energy of The Magdalene (High Priestess) card encourages and comforts you as you find silence, time to contemplate and meditate and focus on your inner voice. Only YOU know what is best for you.

Some of you also talked about having the conviction to make and trust decisions. In listening to a book on CD called, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, he presents information on leadership. In his description, he said that decisiveness is the opposite of procrastination and that people who make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly are most successful. When prolonging decisions (because you can't hear or don't trust your intuition), it can help to set you up for "failure by procrastination."

Today, observe when you hesitate to make a decision (no matter how small or big it is -- what to wear, where to go for lunch, etc.). For each of these small indecisions or procrastinations, take the initiative to make a quick decision.

Go with your gut feel and if you can't feel it, pretend as though you have only two minutes to decide. Watch how when you are under this kind of (delicate) pressure, you really can make a choice. AND, more often than not, you DO have the tools you need (The Magician) to walk that path, and will do just matter what!

Now is the time to make your decisions boldly and step forward knowing that you will be guided each step of the way and will be able to handle whatever appears on your journey.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- The Fool Reversed

Every Tuesday I select one tarot card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you?

Each Wednesday I choose one reader's comment from Intuitive Tuesday and pull an additional card for more check back on Wednesday (tomorrow) to see what cards come up.

Today's card is The Fool (reversed). The Fool is the first card of the tarot deck and the first of the Major Arcana cards, which indicate spiritual and life lessons, as opposed to the Minor Arcana cards which are more day-to-day, situational lessons.

In its upright position, The Fool indicates the start of a new journey, learning new things, innocence or inexperience. It's that feeling you get when you are just about to start a new project and are full of excitement but really have no idea what to expect.

In its reversed position (drawn from the deck upside down), it can mean that you have a fear of the unknown. You know you need to move forward, but are hesitant or scared to take your first step. This may leave you feeling afraid to try new things.

The Fool reversed also warns of taking excessive risks and encourages you to carefully consider the situation before you step forward. Do a gut check to see what's real and what's not -- including your fears, the people involved and their motivations, etc. This serves as a "pause" before you move forward too quickly and possibly regret your hastiness.

This can show up in many situations in your life -- relationships, career, finances, etc. You probably have a good idea exactly what area of your life this message is pointing to.

Hear the "pause" message that is available for you now; take time to reflect and tune in, but don't get paralyzed or stuck not moving at all for fear of making the "wrong" move. Instead, brainstorm options that are available to you now. When you feel you are done with your list of ideas, push yourself to come up with at least two more viable options. You may be surprised at your own creativity.

Then take one baby step forward -- so small that others may not even know that you've taken it. Then re-assess and take another one and another, until you are on the road again.

Do this right now while you are thinking about it so you create movement in your life. This is important to you and the sooner you get moving, the better.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Intuitive Tuesday -- The Devil (reversed)

Every Tuesday, I'll select one card and give you my interpretation of it. See how it applies to your life. What messages are here for you? Please add comments to enhance the messages for other people in the Wild Women Community and to share how this applies to you.

The Devil card indicates feeling stuck by self-imposed limitations. When it is reversed, it shows that you are breaking free of the limiting thoughts and beliefs that have gotten you into this situation and have kept you feeling stuck. You are ready to face your fears, take the risk and move out of this emotional prison.

One of my favorite quotes is by Anais Nin,
"And there came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
You are at that point. What once felt safe, now leaves you feeling trapped.

The Devil reversed indicates that you have the faith and courage to take one step forward. This step will lead to the next and to the next, until you look up and are free from the chains that you imagined around your neck. You are free to continue on your path.

Enjoy your new-found FREEDOM and realize that, just like Dorothy discovered in The Wizard of Oz, it was there all along.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What's the Temperature of the Water?

I ran into someone the other day and he started to talk about a life change he had recently undergone. He explained how he never realized how much strain he had been under until he changed jobs.

Looking back he saw how his work schedule had imposed on his ability to be present for his family, which ultimately resulted in a divorce. His previous work schedule had nearly consumed him and threatened everything that was important in his life.

Now that he had moved on, he could see where he had been stuck and said he regretted not having made the change sooner. Why don’t we change when everything around us is screaming – “GET OUT!”?

I told him the story of the frog in the pot. If you try to put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out. If, however, you put the frog into a pot of water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog gets used to it. Once it realizes it is boiling, it can’t jump out because it is either incapacitated or dead. We don’t take charge and make changes because we don’t pause long enough to realize that the temperature is rising and it’s getting hot!

How often do you check in with your inner voice? What is the temperature of the water in your life? What are you tolerating in the important areas of your life – Career, Spirituality, Recreation, Romance, Health, Living Space, Family, Finances? We get SO busy that our alert systems shut down. The battery dies…and so do we, slowly.

Life Coaching is a great place to notice the temperature of the water you swim in every day. Are you treading water, swimming laps, gliding underwater, sinking or boiling? In this analogy, perhaps coaching can be seen as a life raft in the middle of the ocean of life. Coaching pulls you out of the water long enough to breathe, reflect, rest, and decide what’s next.

By simply noticing where you are, you've taken the first step and can make some powerful choices to move your life forward. Right now, make a commitment to yourself – it may be a very small step -- to move forward. The real question is, if you continued to actively make small steps forward, where would you be in a week? A month? A year?

Coaching Challenge: Draw a circle and divide it into eight even pieces. Label the wedges: Career, Spirituality, Recreation, Romance, Health, Living Space, Family, Finances. The center of the circle is 1 and the outside edge of the circle is a 10. Rank your satisfaction in each area of your life with a 1 meaning least satisfied and a 10 meaning completely satisfied. Then draw a straight or curved line between the dots to create a new outer edge. What does your wheel look like now? Does your wheel look like a flat tire? If this was a real wheel, would the ride be smooth or bumpy?

This is a quick way to gauge the temperature of your life’s water and determine which areas are “hot.” In the areas that you ranked as low, imagine what an 8, 9 or even a 10 would be like? How would the wheel (your life) look and feel then?

Whether you compare it to a frog, water, a boat or a wheel, it truly is your life – your one and only -- and you are the one experiencing it. Take a minute to get into the life coaching boat and notice how hot the water really is. Now the important question, “What are you going to do about it?”

Friday, June 1, 2007

Intuitive Insights Tarot Card Readings

If you feel stuck, frustrated, would like help making a decision, or want more clarification on a situation that is happening in your life, you may want an individual tarot card reading.

Here's how a tarot reading works:

Sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect from a tarot card reading, especially if you haven’t gotten a reading before or for a while. Here are some things you may want to know or think about:

Determine what you’d like clarity on and what questions you have.
• You might try filling in the blank: Tell me what I need to know about ______________ (a relationship, your career, your finances, etc.).

• If you are having a hard time specifying exactly what you would like to ask, you can simply say, “Tell me what I need to know,” and the important issues that need to be addressed will most likely come up.

• You might also say, “Please give me more clarity on (name the situation in question)."

• Your reading is in service of you. If we talk about others within the course of our reading, I will give you intuitive impressions I receive on your behalf.

• When you leave the tarot reading, you may feel emotionally raw, as though some really important emotions (possibly that you have been ignoring) have been uncovered. You may also feel like you don't understand all of the information we talked about within the reading. This is quite common. Clients often contact me 2-4 weeks after our appointment to confirm what we had covered in the reading. They also say that the information they gained in the reading helped prepare them and ground them for these particular situations.

• I remind clients that there is always FREE WILL. That is, if you don't like something that we talk about (an anticipated outcome) in the course of a reading, there is ALWAYS free will and you can choose to change your behavior.

• Know that everything we talk about is completely confidential.

Here are your tarot card reading options:
1-hour tarot reading (in-person or over the phone)
Most often I will do a 10-card Celtic Cross spread which will look the situation and give you information on where you are right now, where you are emotionally and what’s the most likely outcome. This reading is a good choice if there are several issues that may be overlapping and if you are really searching for clarity about a particular situation in your life. The cost for this reading is $150 for a 1-hour session. If you feel you need more time after that, we can continue for $2/minute which will allow you to customize the length of your reading, or schedule another appointment.
To set up your Tarot Reading, email Sheri. Venmo accepted.
3-card reading (in person or over the phone)
This 30-minute reading is designed to answer your questions about a specific situation. During our time together, we will talk about what’s going on and what guidance you are seeking. After we shuffle the cards, I’ll select three cards and give you my intuitive impressions. This service costs $80 for a 30-minute reading. If you feel you need more time after that, we can continue for $2/minute, which will allow you to customize the length of your reading to suit your needs.
To set up your Tarot Reading, email Sheri. Venmo accepted.
3-card reading via email
If you select this option, I will email you some questions to think about and answer. Once I get your response, I will select three cards and email back to you which cards I pulled and what intuitive impressions I received. This is helpful for people who have specific questions or need to get clarity around specific issues. It can also be more convenient for you to receive and review this information at your convenience. You can expect an email response within two days. The cost for this service is $65.
To set up your Tarot Reading, email Sheri. Venmo accepted.
1-card reading via email
If you have a question that you would like to have answered, please email your question to me. I will then select one tarot card regarding your question and email you my intuitive impressions. This service is $30/card.
To set up your Tarot Reading, email Sheri. Venmo accepted.
Life Coaching With Sheri
If you'd like information on my Life Coaching services, please visit my Web site.
Also know that gift certificates are available.

I am happy to answer any questions you have. Contact me.