Showing posts with label midtown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midtown. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New York Stop: Tad's

Ever since we arrived in New York, we can’t help but notice Tad’s, a steakhouse quite scattered all over Manhattan. N, being a big steak fan, wanted to dine there as he was also tired of eating hotdogs every single day. (Hey, we’re in New York!) One night, we met up with C, a good friend of N and C volunteered to bring us there for dinner.

Hello, Tad’s!
I can hear N mentally say, “Finally, a sit down dinner!” while I seriously stare at the menu placed on top of the counter.
They have several set meals and I was staring at the one with the biggest serving. Hey, we need all the nourishment from all the walking we did!

Unfortunately, they were out of #1, Grilled Prime Ribs ($20.99) so C and I settled for #2, “The Big One” Pound T-Bone ($19.29) while N settled for #3, Rib Steak ($16.99).