Showing posts with label restoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label restoration. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Once-in-a-Lifetime Tour of the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama and Texas Locomotive

For a short time, you don't have the have the fame of Clark Gable to see the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama painting up close, and you don't have to chase railroad saboteurs to take a 'ride' on the Texas Locomotive. On Saturdays, until sometime this fall, you can tour the future exhibition space and aforementioned historical icons on an exclusive, private guided tour at the Atlanta History Center.

Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

The Atlanta History Center announced in 2014 that it had acquired the Texas Locomotive and the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama.

The Texas was sent to the N.C. Transportation Museum in Spencer, N.C. for restoration before being moved to the Atlanta History Center.

"After many years of limited view in the basement of the Cyclorama building in Grant Park, we are putting the Texas in a place where it is going to be front and center," History Center Vice President of Properties Jackson McQuigg said of the locomotive, which will be illuminated at night and clearly visible from West Paces Ferry Road at all hours. "This engine that has been at times forgotten in its long lifetime is going to become a focal point."

Even though the exhibit doesn't open until this fall, even now when you pass by the Atlanta History Center after dark, you'll see the Texas front and center, brilliantly illuminated behind a floor-to-ceiling glass's a striking sight!

Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

Major funding for the new gallery showcasing the Texas was provided by the Gary W. Rollins Foundation. CSX Corporation is major sponsor for the exhibition that will interpret the Texas’ remarkable history.

The Texas and the General, the General being the star attraction at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw, Georgia, are the sole surviving locomotives that once served the Western & Atlantic Railroad, a company key in Atlanta's early development.

While the Southen Museum does a great job discussing the locomotives' roles in The Great Locomotive Chase, the Atlanta History Center selected to restore the Texas to its 1886 paint scheme—black, gold and some red—to complement the Battle of Atlanta painting, which was completed in 1886. The Center will focus less on The Great Locomotive Chase and more on the role of transportation's role—specifically railroads—in growing Atlanta.

If you're a fan of the Miami Dolphins, you're going to love this! During the restoration process, conservators discovered that the Texas had previously been painted teal and orange! There is currently no evidence why it was painted those colors. What a sight it must have been!

That's only one of the cornucopia of facts you'll learn on this 90-minute tour. Bring your camera (no flash photography, of course) and sense of adventure

Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Texas Locomotive | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

It was on April 12, 1862 that Union Army loyalists commandeered the General from the town of Big Shanty (now Kennesaw) and drove it north toward Chattanooga, wreaking destruction to the W&A line, until finally being caught by Confederate forces who had pursued aboard the Texas.
The Great Locomotive Chase lives large in pop culture as the subject of a 1926 Buster Keaton film and a popular 1956 Disney movie of the same name, as well as in dozens of books.
My big Sheldon moment: I got to ring the bell on the Texas Locomotive! 
You can, too! Tour participants, with great excitement, get to 'climb aboard' the Texas, stand where her engineers once stood, and can ring its bell and let their imaginations wander through the train's adventures from 1856 until it was retired in 1907.

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

The wonderful thing about this tour right now is that you'll be one of only a hand few of people who got to walk right up to the Cyclorama and explore it in great detail.Once the dioramas go in, that opportunity will be erased from possibility.

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

New structures have been built to display the Texas Locomotive and the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama. The structure was built around the Texas after she was moved in place, and the Cyclorama was placed in its display room from above.

This fly-through animation was an early concept video of what the space would look like and much of what's been built-out does indeed look like this, except for the placement of the Texas.

You'll notice in the video that visitors pass through a tunnel before venturing up to the viewing platform to see the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama. That tunnel will be built on the lower level and lead to the escalators you see in the photo above!

That's one of the things that makes THIS tour unique and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Once that tunnel is built and the dioramas are in place, there's no more up-close-and-personal with the Cyclorama painting. That experience is now or never!

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

The artist in me totally geeked out seeing a restoration professional's painting palette. The talent, precision, and insight required to restore priceless artifacts almost boggles the mind. More than that, it's impressive and admirable. I am grateful for those who have chosen to make restoration their life's work. 

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

The tour goes through more than just the Battle of Atlanta. You will hear about the hand full of other Cycloramas around the world—there aren't many! You will hear about the designers and painters and today's conservators. Based on a number of factors, this incredibly insightful tour takes more than an hour with some extra time at the end to explore more!

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

If you're a fan or a regular visitor at the Atlanta History Center, you probably noticed that the new space encompasses the gallery where the Centennial Olympic Games Museum once was. I've been told by multiple sources that it will return, but have no further details at this time. I've stood in the modern Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece, and attended soccer games during the 1996 Olympic Games...I'll be super-excited to see the return of that exhibition, but I'm loving this one, too!

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

If you're a local, you'll immediately recognize our Stone Mountain (East of Atlanta) and Kennesaw Mountain (Northwest of Atlanta) in the painting's horizon. You'll see a number of houses, too, that your tour guide will share the significance of. 

It was 20 years after the war that artists from Milwaukee came to Atlanta to sketch our terrain for the painting. Although you see a capital building in the Atlanta skyline, it wasn't until four years after the conclusion of the Battle of Atlanta that Atlanta was even made the capital of Georgia. During the war, Milledgeville—about and hour and 40 minutes Southeast toward Savannah—held that distinction.

There are other oddities points of interest that your tour guide will share with you. I think you'll be completely and totally fascinated!   

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor
Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis. S Taylor

The group I toured with was great! There were youngsters and retirees, locals and visitors. And our tour guide Jami was magnificent! She's well-versed in the history of the Texas Locomotive and the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama and she's incredibly hospitable. She made sure to keep the group together and to speak to 'all of us'...she made it a fun group experience!

I'm told that these tours will be offered for as long as they do not interfere with the conservators' work, which is expected to be until near the time of the opening of the exhibitions to the public this fall. 

But don't wait. The last time I know of that anyone getting this close to the Cyclorama was in 1939 when Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, and Olivia DeHaviland toured it the day after the premiere of Gone With the Wind. For a short while, you don't have to have Hollywood fame to see one of only a few handful of remaining Cycloramas in the world.

Tours are available at 1:00pm on Saturdays or you can call and make prior arrangements. The cost of the tour varies based on your involvement with the Atlanta History Center.

Go see some history, and two remarkable artifacts that are being brought back to new.

(NOTE: Although I'm a longtime member of the Atlanta History Center—a membership that I use frequently—the Center treated me to a ticket for this tour. All opinions are my own, not influenced by the Center or anyone else.)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rhodes Hall: The Dream on Peachtree

Rhodes Hall
Rhodes Hall
One of only a handful of mansions still standing on Atlanta’s "main street"—Peachtree Street—is the former home of Amos Giles Rhodes, founder of Rhodes Furniture. Today known by locals as "Rhodes Hall" or "The Castle on Peachtree," Mr. Rhodes himself dubbed his home "Le Reve," French for "The Dream."
I hadn’t decided until the night before that I would be touring Rhodes Hall on this particular day. After finishing some work I scurried to ready myself for departure. Camera, check. Phone, check. Keys, check.
I was ready, but alas, looking at the clock I knew I wouldn’t make the 11 a.m. tour. So, I ran a couple of errands and then headed to Midtown. I arrived at Rhodes Hall at approximately 11:35 a.m., snapped a few photos of the outside of the Castle (constructed of granite from Stone Mountain—it actually looks like a castle) and then proceeded inside to secure a ticket for the 12:00 o'clock tour.
There were people scurrying about the place (Rhodes Hall is also the headquarters of The Georgia Trust, an organization that provides preservations resources to individual and communities throughout Georgia). I was welcomed by a passing Georgia Trust employee. I advised him, "I'm here for the noon tour." He acknowledged and asked me to wait and then he promptly scurried to another part of the house.
The Parlor
The Parlor
I soon was greeted by Caley Ross, Director of Sales, who told me that the designated tour guide for the day was unable to make it to work that day. She offered to let me take the first floor self-guided tour and handed me a packet of information.
I must have been pouting because she continued to explain that the tour of the third and fourth floors was only available with a tour guide and that she was trying to leave around noon. I expressed that the upper floors were the ones I was interested in seeing, that I’d toured the first floor on a previous visit (although that was in the 1990s).
Without giving it a second thought Caley immediately switched to the role of gracious host and grand tour guide and off we went.
I remembered the splendor of the house was quite impressive, but it was obvious that there had been a significant amount of restoration done to the home since my last visit.
All the surfaces were shining or sparkling or painted to depict a time or event in Southern history. From the staircase bannister to the numerous chandeliers throughout the house, Caley pointed out the areas that contained furniture and fixtures that were original to the mansion.
Of spaces on the first floor I believe my favorite room is an equal tie between the Reception Hall (grand in scale and detail), the Parlor (elegant and well-lit), and the Dining Room (all of its contents original to the house, including: a collection of stemware and dishes and a brilliant chandelier, certainly the centerpiece of any dining occasion, only outshined by the home's hostess).
The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy
"The Rise and Fall of
the Confederacy"
The mahogany stairwell and its painted windows leading from the Reception Hall to the upstairs quarters is by far one of the most impressive sights I've seen in quite some time. Three panels of three windows each serve as a memorial entitled "The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy." The sun illuminates the first panel as it rises (depicting the beginning of the Civil War) and finally the third panel as it sets (depicting Robert E. Lee bidding farewell to his troops). Included in the mosaic of the memorial are state seals and portraits of confederacy heroes. Impressive by any standard, the artistry of these windows is truly unveiled when it is pointed out that they were created not for a museum or public display, but for a private residence.
We then headed to the second floor, which is now office space for The Georgia Trust. The rooms on the second floor include the bedrooms and dressing rooms for Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes. It was on this part of the tour that I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mark McDonald, President & CEO of The Georgia Trust. At the end of my tour, he and I briefly discussed what it must have been like to live in "The Castle on Peachtree" in 1904. Mr. McDonald is indeed a gentleman—professional and charming.
The third floor contains a servant's room and a billiards room, both with sun lights. Adjacent to the billiards room was Mr. Rhodes's smoking room.
The fourth floor contained a room that is believed to have been used as a playroom for the Rhodes’s grandchildren.
Rhodes Hall coffer
Rhodes Hall coffer
Continuing the VIP treatment (I was already more than pleasantly astonished by the Southern hospitality demonstrated up to this point), after I asked about the stairs leading up from the fourth level, Caley offered to take me up to the roof. I of course accepted the offer! Caley collected the key for the roof access door and up we went. The rooftop may be modest in size but it is grand in view. Nestled between Midtown and Buckhead (an area today being called "Uptown"), I was able to see in great detail the craftsmanship that went into the construction of the Rhodes Hall rooftops and roof caps, as well as the magnificent Midtown skyline.
I can’t thank Caley enough for her generous gift of time and for taking me on a special tour of Rhodes Hall, one of Atlanta's not-so-hidden gems. It's a true treasure and I highly recommend adding "The Dream" to any list of must-see Atlanta landmarks.
Of particular interest, following Mr. Rhodes's death, he passed Rhodes Hall to his two children, Joseph and Louanna. They later deeded the house to the state with two conditions: it can never be sold and it must be used for state or historical purposes. That's music to the ears of preservationist and tourists who enjoy a flare of history in their visits to Atlanta.
Will I return to Rhodes Hall? I hope so. It would be great to attend as a guest at one of the many special events held at Rhodes Hall. In fact, I will return to Rhodes Hall, whether attending a special event or as a tourist who wants to relive the grandeur of what it was like in the early 20th Century to live on Peachtree Street.
Touring Rhodes Hall
Date toured: Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Location: 1516 Peachtree Street, NW (directions and map)
Parking: Free, behind Rhodes Hall
$7 – Behind-the-Scenes (all four floors)
$5 – Guided tour of the 1st Floor
$4 – Seniors, student and children (ages 6-12) – 1st Floor only
Free – Georgia Trust members and children under age 6
Tours begin every hour, on the hour. The last tour begins one hour before closing.
Tuesday-Friday – 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Saturday – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Mondays

Rhodes Hall front door stained glass transum
Rhodes Hall, stained glass
front door transum