Showing posts with label 5Church Atlanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5Church Atlanta. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

INTERVIEW: Actress Jennifer Alice Acker

I've been a Jennifer Alice Acker fan for years! 

She's currently starring in "Freaky Friday" at Horizon Theatre, the sixth show I've seen her in over the last few years. You can imagine how excited I was when she granted me an interview over lunch at 5Church Atlanta

Let's get right to that interview and then I'll share a little bit about "Freaky Friday", Horizon's newest must-see show!

Jennifer Alice Acker | Photo: Daniel Parvis Photography
Jennifer Alice Acker | Photo: Daniel Parvis Photography

wanderlust ATLANTA: Who is Jennifer Alice Acker?

Jennifer: I'm a person—I'm more than my career—a person who loves family life, being outdoors, art and music. I love being an actor, director, and theatrical educator.I love beauty.

I'm originally from Connecticut, went to Florida State, and moved to Atlanta in 2011.

wanderlust ATLANTA: Why acting? Why musicals? What was the catalyst that launched your acting career?

Jennifer: I started singing in high school, doing two shows per year, and I love music, but even more I love storytelling.I enjoy the expression of emotion, the transfer of emotion, helping someone through changing something in their lives encouraged by a character I've played on stage. That's amazing.

Musicals are fun, rewarding, and I find myself firing on all cylinders when singing on stage. I love the emotional honesty, the singing, and sharing a 'frequency' with other beings. At first, acting felt like a scary career choice. I felt vulnerable, like my whole person was on display to be judged. But people kept telling me, "You're really good!

Abby Holland (Ellie), Jennifer Alice Acker (Katherine) | "Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre
Abby Holland (Ellie), Jennifer Alice Acker (Katherine) | "Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre

wanderlust ATLANTA: Tell us about your acting career, please.

     Favorite Role?

Jennifer: Katherine in "Freaky Friday", of course! 

Also, Maureen in "Rent". At first I felt reckless, but then there was a point in the production when everything gelled. It was one of those "F*ck it. Let's do this!" moments. I found my stride and it was so awesome!

(NOTE: Jennifer received a Suzi Bass Award nomination, for 'Best Featured Actress in a Musical', for her portrayal of Maureen in "Rent".)

     Greatest Challenges?

Jennifer: I think it's always confidence vs. ego. Too many egos = War of the Worlds! I think the truly great actors must be confident, yet not egotistical. They have to have lots of discipline, kindness, forgiveness, and trust.

     Greatest Successes?

Jennifer: The aftermath of landing the role of Juliette. People were coming at me asking about the iconic Juliette, offering opinions of what she should be. I didn't do that. I wasn't completely happy with the first few nights, but by the end of the run, I felt that it was one of my greatest performances.

     Most Desired Role?

Jennifer: I don't yet know when or where, but I want to play Hamlet! I'm not sure if I want to play him as a man or a woman, yet, either. As one of the most 'damaged' characters ever, it would be incredibly fascinating to portray Hamlet on stage. 

Other roles I'd like to play include Evita, Medea, and a couple of 'honorable mentions' would include the roles of Audrey in "Little Shop of Horrors" and Lady Macbeth.

wanderlust ATLANTA: "Freaky Friday" is the largest cast Horizon Theatre has ever had on its stage. What's that been like?

Jennifer: It's been crazy! There are 19 of us! It's also the biggest cast I've worked with in Atlanta. We've expanded the dressing rooms to the basement and we've started calling back stage the "submarine". There's no room for error; precision is a must! 

One of the interesting things is that because it's a larger cast we've not had the opportunity to get to know each other as well as we would have by now if we were a smaller cast. I'm trying to connect with everyone, but while the space restriction has made it a more intimate experience, it's difficult to really get to know everyone as much as I would like. Still, we're having a great time!

wanderlust ATLANTA: In "Freaky Friday" you play the mother of a teenage high school student. Who are you channeling?

Jennifer: My own mother. And I've been playing roles as a mother since I was 15. To portray the the mother-daughter, daughter-mother relationships, I pulled from my own relationships with my mother and grandmother. Playing the daughter, well, I'd "observed" what a bratty kid was like when I was growing up, so that part was pretty easy.

wanderlust ATLANTA: What's your favorite scene in "Freaky Friday" and why?

Jennifer: The scene right after we switch bodies when we have to very quickly switch gears, right in front of the audience! Abby and I worked on our characters' charcteristics, explored tactics, planning next scenes...and it's been a lot of fun to perform with such responsive audiences.

Jennifer Alice Acker (Katherine), Brittani Minnieweather (Torrey) | "Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre
Jennifer Alice Acker (Katherine), Brittani Minnieweather (Torrey)
"Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre

wanderlust ATLANTA: What advice would you give an aspiring actor/actress?

Jennifer: Commit! Trust what you're doing. An audience can tell if you're not comfortable, so you have to be committed. If acting isn't for you, you can change your mind, just not in the middle of a performance. Again, commit, commit, commit.

wanderlust ATLANTA: What do you do for fun? To relax?

Jennifer: I like to eat, drink cocktails, and watch a good show with my fiancé. When we have time, we'll spend an evening watching a movie or catching up on a series, with a cocktail, and enjoy some lively discussion afterward. I also love fashion and although I don't go shopping often, when I do I go hard! I love being near the water...Sweetwater Creek State Park locally and the beach when I can get away. And I enjoy hanging out with friends!

"Freaky Friday" Cast | Horizon Theatre
"Freaky Friday" Cast | Horizon Theatre

wanderlust ATLANTA: What's next for you?

Jennifer: Professionally, I feel called to be a director. Personally, the next stage is "home". I'm in the middle of some personal growth, working on getting fully grounded. Some of the words that could describe my current path include simplicity, joy, intentionality, mindfulness...I'm working hard to be an agent for my own life.

wanderlust ATLANTA: What questions has a journalist never asked you that you wished they had?

Jennifer: "What scene actors have changed you?

There are those brilliant moments in acting when a fellow actor changes you. It's a wonderful surprise when it happens. Working with Ben Thorpe, he challenged me to be the most honest version of myself. Working with Jonathan Horne, he challenged me to be the most compassionate, kind person I can be. When these moments happen, they're profound and cherished.

Joseph Masson (Fletcher), Christian Magby (Adam) | "Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre
Joseph Masson (Fletcher), Christian Magby (Adam) | "Freaky Friday" | Horizon Theatre

About "Freaky Friday"

When an overworked mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they have just one day to put things right again before mom’s big wedding. Freaky Friday, a new musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and the two hit Disney movies, is a hilarious and heartfelt update of an American classic in which a mother and daughter really see what it takes to be a family when they experience each other’s lives first-hand for just one "Freaky Friday".

"Freaky Friday" Cast | Horizon Theatre
"Freaky Friday" Cast | Horizon Theatre

I've already seen "Freaky Friday" twice, plus the Sneak Peek—when you get to see a few numbers and meet cast and crew. And I'm certain I'll go's truly that fantastic! 

Get ready to massage your face cheeks after the show. You're gong to laugh, laugh some more, and laugh again. There may be a tear or two, but you'll find yourself mostly surrendering to the fast-paced hilarity breezing by before you. 

It's true, when sitting in the front row for one of the performances, I caught a breeze coming from all the activity on stage!

A little about some of the cast...

Jennifer Alice Acker (Katherine) is phenomenal, doesn't miss a beat! From overprotective mom to rebellious teenager to compassionate mother, Jennifer convinces audiences that she's all of that and more. And that lovely voice!

Abby Holland's voice is simultaneously powerful and elegant. She's vibrant, vivacious, and victorious as a singer and actress. You can't help but love her character.

Christian Magby (Adam) is as energetic and brilliant as ever. Keep your eyes on his career. He's already done so much, but it's only his beginning. Randi Garza (Savannah, Alexandra) is 'Mean Girls' come to life, totally convincing as a stuck up, snotty popular high schooler, yet a total delight in real life.

Jeff McKerley (multiple characters, the cop being a favorite) is as amazing as ever, true to what his Atlanta fans have come to love. Jill Hames (multiple characters) is amazing also, working in perfect harmony with counterpart Jeff's characters, yet standing out on her own.

Brittani Minnieweather (Torrey, Ms. Meyers) will have you in stitches! Whether sweating on the gym floor or frantically planning a wedding, Brittani is brilliant!

Joseph Masson (Fletcher) I'd seen in "Sweeney Todd" and he's even more wonderful in this play. He's 1,000% into his role and his acting is meticulous. And you can totally tell that he's having a blast!

A number of Horizon Theatre's Apprentice Company members are in this performance and they're fantastic! I've not met all of them, but I have had the pleasure of getting to know a number of them, each a distinct actor/playwright/director, yet they're symphonic on stage.A few personal favorites are Shaun MacLean, Alexis Young, Maariyah Espinoza, and Sloka Krishnan. I hope to get to know the others while they're still here. 

So, I hope you enjoyed the interview with Jennifer. She and I were always cordial at the theatre, but now she feels like a friend. She's one of those people who is warm, inviting, and one that makes an effort to make a connection. We talked about life, we talked about philosophy, and we regaled our mutual love of theatre. If you ever befriend each other, you're in for a magical, uplifting experience.

Now, get yourself to Horizon Theatre...there are only three more weeks to see "Freaky Friday". It's perfect for a group of friends, a mommy-and-me night, girls night out, a first date...pretty much anyone who likes to laugh will love this show! #htcLetsGetFreaky!!!

NOTE: I was voted to Horizon Theatre's Board of Directors last fall, however I've been a fan of and dedicated patron of this theatre for many years. My opinions on this blog are absolutely my own.

Monday, February 12, 2018

5Church's New Menu...and More!

When I tell my friends that I'm going to dinner, their automatic response is, "Are you going to 5Church?" It's a legitimate question, because oftentimes I am indeed heading to 5Church Atlanta!

Chef Scotley Innis has been with 5Church Atlanta for only a little more than eight months and, proven by his omnipresence at a bazillion Atlanta culinary events, he's totally a celebrity chef! He's one of the most personable executive chefs you'll meet; he was brilliant on 5Church Atlanta's television debut on Late Nite Eats on the Cooking Channel; and he's developed a new menu that leaves even the most seasoned foodie totally starstruck!

Holy Water | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Holy Water | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

5Church Atlanta's specialty cocktails take 'craft cocktails' to a whole new level, in my humble opinion. For instance, the Holy Water cocktail is composed of Four Roses bourbon, sweet tea, lemon juice, blue agave, mint and blackberries! 

THIS cocktail is as beautiful as it is delicious! That blackberries happen to be my favorite food has nothing to do with my thoughts on this one. Well, maybe not nothing.

Fried Green Tomatoes | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Fried Green Tomatoes | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

Chef Scotley is proud of his Fried Green Tomatoes, and rightly so! I would be too, if I had come up with the idea to slather the tomatoes with house-made pimento cheese before breading and frying them. They're accompanied with some salsa verde and a generous drizzle of smoked paprika oil.

I wish they'd jar that smoked paprika oil...I'd put it on everything! I've enjoyed these a number of times and always suggest them when friends ask for a restaurant recommendations.

New Orleans BBQ Shrimp | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
New Orleans BBQ Shrimp | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

When you order the New Orleans BBQ Shrimp, as soon as it comes to the table go ahead and ask for more bread. That way you don't embarrass yourself licking the bowl in a public place. Seriously, it's that good! Once you've soaked up all this New Orleans flavor, you'll be ready to, "Laissez les bon temps roulez!"

This eat-with-your-hands dish is treated with rosemary and thyme butter. They have a little heat, as you would expect from a New Orleans-style dish of this nature, but it's more spicy flavor-wise than heat-wise.

Duck Confit Flatbread | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Duck Confit Flatbread | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

At a dinner with my friend John, I had the awesome opportunity to try one of Chef Scotley's new menu items before it was available to the public. We had the Duck Confit Flatbread. Let me tell you, the foodie gods were with me that evening. 

This 'First Course' dish is easy to share, but there will be a battle between your mother's voice in your head telling you to share and the other voice in your head saying, "This is too damn good to share! Let them order their own!

I've been back to the restaurant for this dish time and again, so that makes sharing easier, knowing that I can always come back for more. Mother would be proud, right?

Short Rib Pappardelle | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Short Rib Pappardelle | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

If you get to 5Church Atlanta and you're in a pasta mood, fortune will shine upon you in the form of Chef Scotley's new Short Rib Pappardelle

You will be feasting on brussells sprouts, carrots, cipollini, smoked parmesan, and beef jus. This dish is definitely comfort food elevated!

Ayman Kamel, owner of 5Church Atlanta and an immediate friend after my first visit, treated a group of bloggers—mostly food bloggers, but I was invited as a super-fan—to a tasting of Chef Scotley's new menu a few months ago. Some of the dishes I'd already had the great privilege of dining on, but this feast was magnificent! My friend Sue, of Field Trips with Sue/365 Atlanta Family joined me and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.   

Lamb Porterhouse | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Lamb Porterhouse | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

Lamb Porterhouse. Need I say more? 

Okay, a little more...

This is a personal favorite on Chef Scotley's new immediately takes you to your happy place. I love lamb—ate a lot of it when I lived in Greece, and a lot more since—but to call this amazing comfort food would be insulting. This is fine dining...elevated! 

The super-thick-cut lamb comes with root vegetables, carrot puree, confit, cherry tomato, and rainbow swiss's an amalgamation of all that's delicious! Don't let this photo fool you...that plate is massive, the Lamb Porterhouse is a satisfying generous cut.

Rabbit Pot Pie | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Rabbit Pot Pie | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

When Nikki and I recently went to dinner with Patti and Eric, he had the Rabbit Pot Pie. Eric has a talent for ordering the best dishes. He's often the envy of his fellow dining companions. This dish was no exception. Although quite happy with the dishes we'd each ordered, when Eric offered a bite of his Rabbit Pot Pie, not a single one of us said no and not a single one of us were without "This is so delicious!" smiles.

Verde | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Verde | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

Nikki and I discovered the specialty cocktail Verde on one of our earliest visits to 5Church Atlanta, and have revisited this amazing libation a few times. She loved it not only because it's made with gin, but also because it's a cocktail that departs from the overly sweet specialty cocktail that's probably been a little overdone over recent decades.

The Verde is composed of Hendrick's gin, cilantro, lime, fresno, and chillies!

5Church Atlanta's beverage menu is extensive. Dining with a group of folks who all have different favorite drinks? 5Church has you covered!

Halibut | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Halibut | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

As much as I love fish, it's not something I usually prepare at home, so I'm grateful for chefs who are brilliant with these treasures from the seas (and rivers, too). 5Church's Halibut dish is treated with an Asian flare, built with gingered bok choy and shiitake mushrooms in a sesame shoyu broth.

Grilled Salmon | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Grilled Salmon | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

Salmon is a personal favorite, but when I heard "citrus beurre blanc", I was in love! 

Chef Scotley's Grilled Salmon comes with potato gnocchi, grilled asparagus, and a lovely citrus beurre blanc. I say "lovely" because many others, as I did, will fall in love with this dish. 

Whole Fish | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Whole Fish | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

You know my friend Patti, one of the founders of Atlanta Movie Tours, right? Nikki and I went to dinner with Patti and her husband Eric one evening not too long ago—they'd never been to 5Church for dinner—and every dish we tried was perfection!

I'd been wanting to try the Whole Fish at 5Church for some time and finally placed the order. I'd only had a whole fish at a restaurant once before, in 2004 when in Moscow on a business trip. This fish was magnificent...I really have to ask Chef Scotley for the recipe. It was buttery, silky, and full of flavor yet delicate. I'd definitely order this again!

Eugene, our server, is a fountain of knowledge and he's very attentive and polite, which is so appreciated.

5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

I have an insatiable sweet tooth! On the occasion that I have room for dessert when dining at 5Church, I've never, ever been disappointed! 

The 'Chocolate Candy Bar' dessert is a chocolate lover's dream come true! It'made with chocolate, chocolate mousse, chocolate, Dutch chocolate brownie, chocolate, peanuts and almonds, chocolate, whipped cream, and chocolate!  

A single bite will satisfy any chocolate craving, but I just don't have the will power to stop at one bite of this deliciousness. 

5Church Bloody Mary | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
5Church Bloody Mary | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

My dear friend Jay was visiting from California recently—we were best friends when we both lived in Washington, DC, and will be always. With precious little time to share, dining had to be special, while also contending with one of Atlanta's recent snow storms. 

Without a second thought, it had to be brunch at 5Church Atlanta. Jay loved the whole experience! Yay! I knew he would, but you totally want your best friends to love your favorite restaurant as much as you do. 

We started with a Bloody Mary, seasoned perfectly, and then... 

Salmon Croquette Biscuit | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Salmon Croquette Biscuit | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

I had the Salmon Croquette Biscuit (pictured above). Served on an open-faced buttermilk biscuit—one of the best I've ever had (So sorry, mother!). This dish is built with perfectly poached eggs, peppers, onions, and seafood imperial sauce. Jay had the Crab Cakes & Poached Eggs and loved them! A crab aficionado, his total enjoyment was high praise.

My friend Jeffrey is a huge fan of 5Church Atlanta's brunch. I believe 95% of his 5Church experiences have been brunch. If you're ever with a group of friends undecided on a brunch destination, insist on 5Church'll be the superstar! 

Nikki and I went to 5Church Atlanta for the first time last May and it has since become one of my favorite Atlanta restaurants. If you're looking for a dining destination for a special occasion, a regular happy hour meeting place, or simply a delicious meal, 5Church is the dining destination!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

wanderlust ATLANTA's 2017 Photo Review

Wow! What an eventful year! Let's have a look back...

wanderlust ATLANTA 2017 Photo Review | Dragon Con Night at Medieval Times | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Dragon Con Night at Medieval Times | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Dragon Con Night at Medieval Times]

Usually when I make the time to reflect on the year, I sometimes feel unaccomplished ... until I look back at the photos of everything I did throughout that year. I'm fully reminded that I've been having the time of my life and that I'm fortunate enough to get to do so many amazing and fun things!

Here's a quick list from 2017, some of which I wrote about in wanderlust ATLANTA and some you may be hearing about for the first time:

There's even more and I'm ever grateful for such a fantastic year! I hope you enjoy the photos in this recap and that they encourage you to go out and play in your own backyard (Atlanta). Here we go, in no particular order...

Helicopter Tour of Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Helicopter Tour of Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Helicopter Tour of Atlanta]

My only previous helicopter ride was over the Grand Canyon. That was awesome, but flying over the city you call home, flying over your actual home, and seeing Atlanta in a whole new way was absolutely fascinating! I highly recommend it! We flew with Select Helicopters.

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 10th & Piedmont
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 10th & Piedmont 

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 10th & Piedmont]

Nikki (@atlantafoodie on Instagram) and I had a blast partnering on our 10-month, 10-restaurant series Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers". We finished at 10th & Piedmont in October and that post has garnered thousands and thousands of views!

We met just this week to plan our next year's series. We're so excited! We put a lot of thought and strategy into our 2018 plan. Look for the announcement sometime in January!

The Curious Garden | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
The Curious Garden | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

["The Curious Garden" at the Atlanta Botanical Garden]

I've been going to the Atlanta Botanical Garden since the late 80s and volunteered as a docent for 4.5 years when I moved back this last time. To say that I love the Garden would be an understatement. 

This year's summer exhibition "The Curious Garden" was well beyond what I was expecting. I hope you got to see it, but if not, read about it at the above link. 

Exciting news! For the Garden's 2018 and 2019 summer exhibition, Imaginary Worlds is returning...bigger than ever! (2013 and 2014

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Andretti Indoor Karting & Games | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[An Andretti Checkered Flag Birthday]

Most anyone who knows me knows that I'm a big kid at heart. So, it was no surprise that I spent my 2017 birthday at Andretti Indoor Karting & Games in Marietta. Killing zombies, adrenaline-rush laser tag, and driving the fastest karts in Georgia made for an exciting, memorable birthday outing!

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Nine Mile Station
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Nine Mile Station

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Nine Mile Station]

Our ninth stop on our Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" was brunch at Nine Mile Station at Ponce City Market. I think the above photo speaks for itself, but visit the link above for even more deliciousness!

Orchid Daze 2017 | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Orchid Daze 2017 | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Orchid Daze 2017]

If you've ever thought that going to the Atlanta Botanical Garden in the dead of winter is a waste of time, you must not know about Orchid Daze! This exhibition is absolutely stunning and features thousands of additional blossoms in addition to what is already one of the largest collections of orchids in the United States. If you've not been, please treat yourself this coming year.

Nobody Loves You | Horizon Theatre Company
Nobody Loves You | Horizon Theatre Company

[10 Reasons to See "Nobody Loves You" in the Park]

"Nobody Loves You" was the smash hit musical at Horizon Theatre this year, which included a run—free to theatre goers—in Piedmont Park on the Promenade. It was the theatre's third, wholly successful, free show in Piedmont Park. 

One of the things that I love about Horizon Theatre is that you get to meet and take photos with the stars immediately following the show—even the shows in Piedmont Park. The above photo is following a stage performance of Nobody Loves You with Austin Tijerina and Leslie Bellair.

The Pudding House | The Walking Dead | Atlanta Movie Tours | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
The Pudding House | The Walking Dead | Atlanta Movie Tours | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Big Zombie Walking Tour]

I've been on most of the tours offered by Atlanta Movie Tours—they're up to 10—and every one has been a fantastic experience! A new tour this year is their Big Zombie Walking Tour (I'm in the photo on that page!), which is amazing! You get to visit numerous film sites including the Chocolate Pudding House, where Carl Grimes ate 112 oz. of chocolate pudding...on that very roof! 

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Eight Sushi
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Eight Sushi

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Eight Sushi Lounge]

Nikki and I went to Eight Sushi Lounge—which was our 8th stop on our "By the Numbers" series—this week to plan next year's restaurant series. We had a great time planning, especially while dining on their Lobster Ramen, the dish that won them the top honors at the Atlanta Ramen Festival this year. This is their second year in a row to win that honor and both of the winning ramen dishes are on the menu!

Dragon Con Parade | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Dragon Con Parade 2017]

Dragon Con is one of the BEST celebrity-spotting opportunities in Atlanta! The Dragon Con Parade features a number of celebrities, including this year's Grand Marshal Stan Lee, comic book author and creator of Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk, and many more. Atlanta's Dragon Con Parade is the city's largest parade, one not to be missed!

Dragon Con Parade | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Dragon Con Parade | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Dragon Con Parade 2017]

I've been a trekie since my first childhood memories. Meeting Leonard Nimoy (Spock) at the National Press Club in 2002 was one of my most cherished celebrity memories. He was amazing! The "Spock" in this year's Dragon Con Parade was one of the best Spock cosplayers I've ever seen!

Southeastern Railway Museum | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Southeastern Railway Museum | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Southeastern Railway Museum]

I've loved trains since I was a little kid, as early as third grade. The Southeastern Railway Museum had been on my to-see list for a number of years and I finally made it there this year. It was such an incredible day! Definitely going back!

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Seven Lamps | Photo: @atlantafoodie
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Seven Lamps | Photo: @atlantafoodie

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Seven Lamps]

I'm not sure about Nikki, but I have a favorite dish from each of our 10 restaurant experiences in our "By the Numbers" series. At Seven Lamps, it was definitely the 
Roasted Garlic Panisse. Wow! What an amazing dish. Read more about that particular experience at the link above.

"Atlanta Blooms" | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
"Atlanta Blooms" | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

["Atlanta Blooms!" 2017]

Tulips are my favorite flower—a story that goes back to my late grandmother Evelyn—so getting to see so many at the "Atlanta Blooms!" exhibition at the Atlanta Botanical Garden is a real treat.

Scarecrows in the Garden 2017 | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Scarecrows in the Garden 2017 | Atlanta Botanical Garden | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Scarecrows in the Garden 2017]

I always enjoy Halloween and sometimes, very rarely, will dress for the occasion. But I totally don't have to to get my fix of creative, clever costumes by dressing up. Scarecrows in the Garden features more than 100 scarecrows and they keep getting better year after year!

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Six Feet Under | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Six Feet Under | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Six Feet Under]

When we decided on Six Feet Under for the sixth stop on our 10 restaurants, we selected the one across the street from Oakland Cemetery, the final resting place of Margaret Mitchell and Bobby Jones, to name a couple. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that this restaurant offers much more than one might expect.

"Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum | Fernbank Museum of Natural History
"Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum | Fernbank Museum of Natural History

[Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum]

Fernbank Museum of Natural History has had countless magnificent exhibitions in its 25 years, and "Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum" is no exception. I personally found that the numerous artifacts from the actual Colosseum made it extremely fascinating!

Travis, Giggy, Sue | Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Travis, Giggy, Sue | Fernbank Museum of Natural History

[Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum]

I loved getting to hang out with my blogger friends in 2017, especially Sue of Field Trips with Sue (now merged with 365 Atlanta Family) and Lesli of 365 Atlanta Family. I got to see Sue at Fernbank Museum of Natural History when she was visiting with her father. And I got to see Lesli at a blogger event at 5Church Atlanta.

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 5Church Atlanta | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | 5Church Atlanta]

5Church Atlanta has become one of my favorite dining destinations, in part because they make me feel like family. Yes, they were our fifth stop on our Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" series, but since then I've had the great honor of meeting the owner, the executive chef, and their families. I'm so grateful for their friendship.

Since that visit in May, Chef Scotley Innis came on board as the new executive chef. He's AWESOME! And he recently introduced a new menu that will keep you returning to the restaurant again and again. There are a few favorites that remain on the menu, but I'd bet one of the new dishes will become your new favorite!

In late summer, I was invited to be part of a television show featuring 5Church Atlanta. I was super flattered and uber excited! We filmed one evening (the diners, that is; the film crew had been there all day), but couldn't talk about it for months. It was great fun!

While I had no expectations, save a hope to at least see my bald spot from across the room in the televised version. Well, as we all watched at the viewing party at 5Church Atlanta months later, with complimentary champagne, there I was! Six or seven times, in fact!

Watch the Atlanta episode on The Cooking Channel's Late Nite Eats  replaying again later this month! 

St. Simons Island Lighthouse | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
St. Simons Island Lighthouse | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[St. Simons Island Lighthouse]

I had the great pleasure of visiting St. Simons Island this year as a guest of The King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort. What a fantastic experience!!! They were keen on ensuring our media group experienced all the Island has to offer, beyond the Resort. They excelled in this mission! 

The King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
The King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[The King and Prince: The Food]

When on the media tour of The King and Prince Beach & Gold Resort, we were treated to a number of dining experiences at the Resort, including an Executive Chef's Wine Dinner. The food here is exceptional, not to mention the hospitality, the accommodations, and the beach views!

Georgia Renaissance Festival | Gypsy Geoff Fire Circus | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Georgia Renaissance Festival | Gypsy Geoff Fire Circus | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Georgia Renaissance Festival 2017]

I'd only been to one Renaissance Festival before, and had been anxious to attend ours! (the other was when I lived in Washington, DC) I think you'll enjoy the Georgia Renaissance Festival with a group of friends, patient and adventurous friends, because there's so much to see and do here! 

Fair Play: The Bobby Jones Story | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Fair Play: The Bobby Jones Story]

Every golf pro or enthusiast knows who Bobby Jones is. The newly renovated "Fair Play: The Bobby Jones Story" exhibition at the Atlanta History Center is magnificent. Even if you've never played golf, I still recommend a visit to this chronicles the magnificent career of a fellow Atlantan!

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Bar Margot at Four Seasons
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Bar Margot at Four Seasons

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Bar Margot at Four Seasons]

Bar Margot at the Four Seasons, our fourth stop on our "By the Numbers" series is a special treat for visitors and locals alike. I've been numerous times now and every time is a special occasion, whether I'm celebrating something or not. 

Interview: Mary Moore of The Cook's Warehouse | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Interview: Mary Moore of The Cook's Warehouse | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[From Crepe Pan to 'Every Excuse to Cook']

I've come to greatly admire Mary Moore, founder of The Cook's Warehouse. It was through Les Dames d'Escoffier International-Atlanta Chapter, of which Mary is a founding member, that I got to know who she is. It was through wanderlust ATLANTA that I got to know The Cook's Warehouse better than ever. 

I've shared with Mary on numerous occasions that every visit to The Cook's Warehouse is a discovery of something I didn't know I needed! Mary graciously granted me an interview this year when we discussed the founding of The Cook's Warehouse, a story that begins with the search for a crepe pan.

Japanese Maples ColorFest 2017 | Gibbs Gardens | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Japanese Maples ColorFest 2017 | Gibbs Gardens | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Japanese Maples ColorFest 2017]

One visit to Gibbs Gardens and you'll want to go again and again, as I have. I've been to their Japanese Maples ColorFest several years and their Daffodil Festival—featuring 20 million daffodils—is spectacular! They have flower and plant festivals throughout the year. 

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Local Three
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Local Three

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | Local Three]

On our third stop on our Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" series, Nikki and I dined at Local Three. Since then, I've heard multiple reports that they have a magnificent brunch, so we'll have to go again. If you go for dinner, I highly recommend the fish dish pictured was one of the best first dishes I've ever had!

Old Fourth Distillery | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Old Fourth Distillery | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Old Fourth Distillery Tour]

Part of Nikki's birthday celebration in January included a tour of Old Fourth Distillery

When we arrived, we were the only ones there. By time our tour started, we had a great crowd of fun people, some from out-of-the-country and locals, too. I'm a vodka man and since this visit when I see Old Fourth Distillery vodka on a cocktail menu in a local restaurant, that's exactly what I order. 

Movie Site Miller's Rexall | Atlanta Movie Tours | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Movie Site Miller's Rexall | Atlanta Movie Tours | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Atlanta Movie Tours: Best of Atlanta Tour]

I've been on most of the tours offered by Atlanta Movie Tours, but I'd put off their "Best of Atlanta" tour for years. I finally went this year, with actor friend Jonathan Horne, Suzi Bass Award winner, "Outstanding Lead Actor in a  Play" for The Crucible.

The "Best of Atlanta" tour is outstanding! I was worried that it would be about a lot of shows that I'd never heard of. Evidently I'm a bigger cinema fan than I realized. The tour was totally awesome and great fun!

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | TWO urban licks | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | TWO urban licks | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | TWO urban licks]

The second stop on our Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" was TWO urban licks. I felt like I was driving through Gotham City to get to the restaurant and the dining experience transported us to another land. The food, atmosphere, and service are outstanding! And meeting Chef Michael Bertozzi was indeed a special occasion. We both highly recommend a visit to TWO urban licks.

My Patak Tradition | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
My Patak Tradition | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[My Patak Tradition]

Patak Meats is open to the public only one Saturday per month and on the few occasions I make it there, the trip becomes an excursion that includes an afternoon visiting Sweetwater Creek State Park, one of many amazing Georgia State Parks

Fall Folklife Festival 2017 | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Fall Folklife Festival 2017 | Atlanta History Center | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Fall Folklife Festival 2017, Atlanta History Center]

The Atlanta History Center has programming for families, individuals, visitors, tourists, and locals alike...all year long! The Fall Folklife Festival is particularly as entertaining as it is educational. I highly recommend adding it to you yearly "things to do" calendar.

Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | ONE midtown kitchen | Photo: Travis S. Taylor
Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | ONE midtown kitchen | Photo: Travis S. Taylor

[Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" | ONE midtown kitchen]

Nikki and I launched our Top 10 Atlanta Restaurants "By the Numbers" with a personal favorite, ONE midtown kitchen. We're grateful that it set the perfect tone for our series, and deliciously so. We're excited to be planning another restaurant series for 2018. Thank you, ONE midtown kitchen, for your hospitality!

"The Santaland Diaries" | Horizon Theatre Company
"The Santaland Diaries" | Horizon Theatre Company

[INTERVIEW: Topher Payne, "The Santaland Diaries"]

I started this look back at 2017 by sharing with you that I was voted to the Board of Directors at Horizon Theatre this past autumn. One of the things that I've learned is that Horizon doesn't recruit the Board members for someone's name or position, they recruit first and foremost based on a person's love of theatre. I've been dedicated a fan of Horizon Theatre for a number of years, seeing some of their shows multiple times!

I'd met Topher Payne for the first time not too long before he assumed the role of Crumpet for the 19th year of "The Santaland Diaries". He graciously granted me an interview shortly after the run began. We talked on the telephone for half an hour. Well, we mostly laughed—he's hilarious!—and I had a great time getting to know an Atlanta living legend.


Thank you for joining me for a trip down memory lane of the last year. Thank you so very much for your fanship, for reading my stories, and enjoying my photos. Please feel free to ask a question or share a comment on any of my posts. And please know how grateful I am for your support. I look forward to sharing more of Metro Atlanta with you in 2018!