Showing posts with label Babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babies. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Weaning bleg...

Dear friends, I need some advice. Miss Cupcake is turning two NEXT WEEK and she is still nursing down to sleep. I know, I know... let them nurse until they're drowsy but put them to bed still awake! Yeah... that didn't happen. Anyway, she still uses nursing to get herself to sleep for a nap and at bedtime. We finally got her off all night nursing about a month ago and now this is the last step.

I have never had a child be this attached to nursing. She has already nursed twice as long as any of my other kids. When they were around 13 months old and could take milk in a cup, they pretty much said "So long, see ya later!" to the milkies. Child-led weaning is just what they did naturally. So, I kind of don't know how to do this and I would love some advice, but please.... PLEEEEEEEEEASE... don't try to tell me that I need to keep doing it for as long as she wants and that you know a child who nursed until they were 4 and they were exceptionally gifted and perfectly normal. Sorry. I just can't do that.

I have a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding and I have already nursed her TWICE as long as any of my other children. And it hasn't been delightful little moments of nursing bliss, she has been a very demanding nurser at times, especially when those teeth first started coming in at 4 months!!! So, while I fully support another mom's decision to do extended breast feeding, it's not working for me and I do believe that breastfeeding is a give and take on both mom and baby's part. It's a relationship that has to work for both. So, if you have ever had to nudge a child to give up those last few nursings a day, or if you've ever had to help  train a 2 year old how to fall asleep without nursing, or if you know of someone who has and you'd like to share their tips and tricks, with me, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sarah's Virtual (TWIN!) Baby Shower!

Hey...guess what!   SARAH is having TWINS!!! Two baby boys! Two precious bundles of blue with twenty fingers and twenty toes, two little noses and who knows how many feathery little eyelashes! I can't wait to see them!!!

But, while we are waiting for them to make their arrival (not yet, little men... you stay put!) let's have some fun and shower her with prayers and good wishes (and get you a couple of chances to win some fantabulous prizes in the meantime). I can say they're fantabulous... because they are... and because I'm making one of them. Tee hee!

As the recipient of the very first virtual baby shower ever (to my knowledge ;) I think a virtual baby shower is such a great way to shower some love on a real life friend you just haven't met yet!

What's a baby shower without a baby blanket? I have been told so many times over and over that these blankets quickly become a little one's favorite blankie. There is just something about the bandanas that makes them get so soft and cozy the more they are washed and loved. And they are super easy to care for... machine wash, tumble dry! These blankets are sturdy!

So... I'm offering the chosen winner a choice of a girlie girl blanket I'm calling
Posy's Pretty Posy:

Or one fit for a little man in a vintage travel theme called
Snap's Planes, Trains and Automobiles:

There are some amazing other prizes too! So, head on over to Mary's place at Better Than Eden and sign up for a chance to pray for Sarah and her family, offer a little bit of help to Andy to keep those little boy butts covered and then share the opportunity with all your friends!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This song...

...has been in my head non-stop since I heard it yesterday. Mark Shea has every right to brag about his son. What a good dad. What a sweet song!

I love to hear you singing. I love that little voice ringing out from your bedroom when you should be sleeping, ten o-clock on a Thursday evening ABC's. Baa baa black sheep. Through  a mouth full of baby teeth. You sound so sweet. 
I love that little smile. You only have it for a little while longer now. I don't know how I'm gonna live without it when it's gone. A wonder of the world sold to no one for 3 bucks in quarters from the fairy's wand. But I'm sure I'll be OK when I see the new one. 
I love your stubby fingers. I love when you pretend they're the stingers of strange tickling beasts. I love your knees and I'm sorry they got hurt when you fell down. I even love your frown. 
ABC's. Baa baa black sheep. 
Through a mouth full of baby teeth. 
You sound so sweet. ~ Luke Shea

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let's play a game...

It's called "When is Margaret going to POP?"
Have you seen these hilarious pictures? I know it's supposed to be funny, but in the last days of pregnancy it feels very real!

Well, our dear Miss Margaret in MN is about ready to pop. Let's see who can guess the stats... if you win, I'll send you one of these three Christmas books (continental US shipping only):

So, click on the baby pool widget above and let's play!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wonderful news!

Please go see what's happening in Emily's world. Amazing little miracle! Our prayers are with you and all your snowbabies.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Remembering Matthew...

Emily, Matthew Karol's beautiful mama, is offering a giveaway to celebrate the day her precious little man was born into this world. Brief though his time here was, he touched many lives, ours included. Go read and be blessed by this lovely family's courage and strength, say hello, offer a prayer for them and then enter for a chance to receive their generosity.

St. Matthew Karol, pray for us!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Attention moms and dads....

Two stroller recalls announced this morning. A Kolcraft tandem (fall and choking hazard) and a Peg Perego (strangulation... sadly, one death already reported). Check out these links:

Kolcraft Recall

Peg Perego Recall

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby Day!

For Patty and possibly for Amy too!

Prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of support are on their way ladies!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cozy in Momma's Tummy!

Go tell Jennifer congratulations on the new "little project" she's been working on!


Monday, December 19, 2011

Jessica's Baby Boy is HERE!!!

Thanks be to God! He was born at 5:02 am weighing 7lbs. 5oz.

Mom and baby are doing great!

More details and gorgeous pictures HERE


Baby Boy is on his way!

Please pray for Jessica and her little man. She has been in labor for the past few hours and might still have another few more to go. Baby Boy is definitely making his appearance today!

Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10
O great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of your meek and humble Savior, and devoted child of Mother of God, enkindle within my heart one spark of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in your heart and made you an angel of love. O glorious Saint Gerard, because when falsely accused of crime, you did bear, like your Divine Master, without murmur or complaint, the calumnies of wicked men, you have been raised up by God as the patron and protector of expectant mothers. Preserve Jessica from danger and from the excessive pains accompanying childbirth, and shield the child which she now carries, that he may see the light of day and receive the purifying and life-giving waters of baptism through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

St. Gerard, pray for us!

St. Therese the Little Flower, pray for us!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Real Motherhood

*Melanie's comment on the post below reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend from church when I was relating Sunshine's comment to her. I'm glad I was reminded because I remember now that I meant to mention it along with that picture. I told my friend about my response to Sunshine's beautiful expression; how I was delighted to see her looking forward to the beauty of motherhood, as Melanie put it but how I also wanted to make sure she saw how hard taking care of a baby is to have a balanced perspective, not to scare her from the challenge, but to be better prepared for the realities of it. I wanted her to realize how I need every bit of help I can get from everyone in the family and sometimes that isn't enough to take care of it all. How taking care of a baby requires sacrifice that is repaid 10 fold in a single giggle or coo. How motherhood is tiring and physically painful sometimes but how I wouldn't give it up for a minute. That babies are hard work but that moments like the one she was having made it all worth it.

I told my friend that I remember being shocked by my first days/weeks/months of motherhood with The Professor and I wanted Sunshine to have a realistic impression, not my rose colored view. I think the tint of those glasses contributed to a lot of my grumpiness, frustration and even a bit of depression in those early days. I was a pretty miserable person to my husband, myself, yes even my first little babe sometimes. I hope that Cupcake's existence in our life will better prepare my older kids for those early days with their new families, should that be God's will for them.

My friend, the oldest of five, surprised me by agreeing that she too was caught off-guard by the full demands of motherhood. I guess it's true that noone is completely prepared when it's their baby and they are the primary caregivers. Whether it's the time that is no longer your own, the demands a baby places on you and the schedule of your day that is now at the mercy of the helpless little one in your arms or the complete mental and physical exhaustion that comes from trying to provide for all the needs and wants of a completely irrational little being, something is going to make you feel things you didn't expect to feel. It can make you feel rotten. Here is the fulfillment of years of heartfelt desire, to cradle this visible sign of your love in your arms, and yet you might be battling feelings of resentment and disappointment at the same time.

It's something that's not discussed openly especially in pro-life circles and when it is, it's most likely chalked up to post-partum depression. No one wants to give even the vague impression that they might be less than thrilled for even a minute regarding caring for this tiniest creation of God's unless it can be blamed on a chemical or hormonal imbalance. But shouldn't it be discussed more openly? There are aspects of motherhood that are really gross. Does anyone here joyfully look forward to a warm, wetness running down the space between (if you know what I mean) when your precious one spits up and the nearest burp cloth is in the laundry? Does anyone here happily leap out of bed to change a diaper at 2 am? Of course, we do it because the reward, earthly and heavenly, is worth it and so much more but that doesn't mean that we can't be real about our struggles without wallowing in them, or course.

We are all working on holiness, none of us is perfect and a feeling is a real thing to be acknowledged. It's an expression of our soul. It doesn't make us who we are nor is it the sum total of what we believe, but it is real. It's also something that we can't always control. It might be evidence of an area of immaturity or selfishness that should be addressed. It might just simply be a feeling that needs to be acknowledged before we can move on from it. I tell my kids all the time, especially in these hormonal roller-coaster years, "You can't always choose how you feel, but you can choose how you respond to those feelings and you can choose how they lead you to act."

My point in this long ramble is that I do want my children to see the beauty of motherhood and get to experience a taste of the delights. But I don't hide the tears. I let them flow when they come (much less frequently now) and I tell them whether they are happy or sad tears. Tears of tiredness, frustration or jubilation. I want to share it all with them each as much as they are ready to share in hopes that they will remember these days and be comforted by the memory of them when it's their turn.

Updated to add from the combox regarding loved ones who's disapproving looks at your family make you feel like you have to wear a perpetually happy mask:
 I know what you mean. Those people who love you but don't understand why you would "put yourself through this difficulty" and who's solution to the problem is to "make it easy on yourself and stop having so many kids". You know, those people would never tell an Olympic gymnast to stop exercising, stop getting up at 4am to practice so much, stop putting her body through all of that pain and anguish just to win a gold medal. Those people would probably admire her for her hard work and dedication. Just consider yourself going for the gold medal of motherhood. It takes work, pain, sweat and tears but the reward in Heaven will be worth it!

*Speaking of sweet Melanie, please offer a prayer for the repose of the soul of her grandmother and the grieving loved ones who will miss her.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baby Songs

All of my children have had a favorite baby song. The one song that would settle them down or calm them most of the time. Some of them we've found through hours of searching and some we came upon suddenly and accidentally. Cupcake is no different. Her favorite so far... Thumbelina! I called her our little Thumbelina the night she was born and this song has been her favorite by far. I have it playing on a loop right now as I type and she hangs out in the Moby Wrap. (Yes, I got one and we both seem to like it! Thank you to everyone who contributed their opinions to that conversation.)

Music starts around 1:25

I love remembering these songs and singing them now even if they don't remember them anymore. I'm sure there is some witty connection between song and personality that someone who's had more sleep than I could make. Right now, I'm just having fun remembering. I'm posting samples here so I can play them later, but you can listen to them too, if you want to.

The Professor was a most intense baby as most oldest children are. Or maybe it's most first time parents that are too intense. His favorite song... Wipeout! He especially loved the drum solo.

Sunshine's song is where she got her blog name.
Thankfully, we didn't have to sing it Johnny and June style.

Shortcake's was a rather jazzy version of Mairzy Doats. I remember singing myself hoarse when she was hospitalized for 3 days at 15 months old.

You can hear part of the jazzy version here. Track 8.

Like The Professor, BigBoy preferred an instrumental...

I probably should be mortified to admit that one but I'm too tired to care. What can I say... his older brother was going through a huge Star Wars phase at the time.
They both still don't care for singing! :)

Anyone care to share your baby songs... no matter how embarrassing?!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More baby goodness!

I received an email from Robina over at Motherly Loving. Her baby has arrived! I will let her share the specifics but for now just ask for prayers of thanksgiving and for a healthy recovery!

O God, thank You for this child, whom You have welcomed into Robina's family. Bless her family. Confirm a lively sense of Your Presence with them, and grant them patience and wisdom, that their lives may show forth the love of Christ, as they bring this child up to love all that is good. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Praise God!

We arrived home yesterday around 4pm but had to head back to the hospital this morning for another lab test. There is so much we have to praise God for and one of these days when I have the strength, I will share it all with you. But for now, we have word that Cupcake's bilirubin levels are no longer a concern and there is no need for more phototherapy!

Yay! Thank you, dear Lord and thank you dear friends for all the prayers.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A quick "hello"!

We are not home yet, but Cupcake is doing fine. After spending about 24 hours under the bilirubin light, she is doing much better. After a sudden onset of preeclampsia and an unexpected C-section (my first) I am very anemic and still battling some high blood pressure. Please keep praying for our recovery! This has been quite an unexpected adventure but we are delighted by our "little bitty pretty one" and are relying on God's grace to keep getting us through.

And please excuse any pain medicine induced rambling. Her name is pronounced A-vil-uh Uh-me which looks a lot less pretty than it sounds!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

She is here!



Born September 2, 2011     9:34am
5 pounds 8 ounces     19 inches long
More details to come. Thank you all for your prayers! 
Please continue to pray for my anxiety.
St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us!
Mother Most Amiable, pray for us!
Talk to you soon.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Please Pray for Charlotte and Cupcake!

Jessica here, hacking into Charlotte's blog to ask you all for prayers.  Charlotte is so good about praying for all of us and passing along prayer requests.  Now it is time for us to storm heaven for Charlotte and baby Cupcake!

I just got off the phone with Charlotte and she is in the hospital right now, due to continued stomach cramping which is being caused by high blood pressure. Her doctor has decided that Cupcake needs to be born today, and will either be inducing labor soon, or preforming a c-section. Please pray for Charlotte, the baby, her family, and for the doctors.  Thank you!

Loving God, Your love for us is like that of a mother, and You know the hard joy of giving birth. Hold the hand of Your servant Charlotte now and keep her safe; put Your own Spirit into her very breathing and into the new baby, for whom we wait with awe and hope. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, my Mother in Heaven thank you for remaining by Charlotte's side during her pregnancy. Thank you for the graces that she received because of your prayers to your son for her. I ask for your help especially now when she is about to give birth. Pray for her, please, that she will have the necessary strength and that her unborn baby may enter this world safely.

St. Teresa of Avila, Pray for us!

St. Gerard Majella, Pray for us!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby Update

It's no fun to spend a night in the hospital and not come home with a baby!

But then again, I wasn't in labor. So what do you expect?

Husband and I think we had a little stomach thing. I had horrible stomach cramping but no vomiting although my blood pressure was elevated. They kept me there until my doctor could make it in and the cramping stopped. Baby looked fine. I am fine. They checked out everything even my gall bladder (which looked fine).

The point of this story is that this is now the second time I've had some minor pregnancy related blood pressure issues and my doctor would be very happy if Cupcake decided to come now. But, my history indicates that my babies like to stay tucked inside as long as they can... over 41 weeks with each of the others. But this baby seems to be different in a lot of ways or maybe I'm just older now.  So, prayers would be appreciated that this little girl makes an earlier appearance than her older siblings.  Anytime after tomorrow would be great! It's not imperative, but it would make everyone feel better, especially my doctor. I tend to think that my blood pressure was only elevated this second time because I was in pain and possibly a little anxious. :)

Oh... one more thing. Go look at the beautiful St. Therese doll you could win if Cupcake shows up closest to your guess! Isn't she just lovely! Thank you, Amy!