Advances made in printing technology gave the evolution of handwriting a completely new direction. Skilled engravers carefully etched letters into copper printing plates, creating scripts of hitherto unseen clarity and fineness of line. These calligraphic gems were first reproduced by the printing press, and then imitated by calligraphers and writers. The evolution from handwritten letter to printed sheet had come full circle.WF Copperplate 1672 View Character Set Try it!
James II is a stately hand - suitable for WF James the Second View Character Set Try it!
Spanish bureaucracy held on to the Bastarda longer than most other nations. It was used for elaborately ornamented appointments as well as for everyday orders of the King and Queen. This version of Bastarda is based on a later specimen - somewhat cleaned up and made more legible than the truly cryptic original, this font works well on prints that command a more prestigious appearance.WF Spanish Court Hand View Character Set Try it!
The successor to the Uncial script is marked by a return to slightly straighter shafts. In the four centuries to come, this tendency becomes stronger, until a rigid, vertically oriented style is achieved: The Gothic Textura.  The 10th Century Bookhand can be seen in some of the most precious illuminated manuscripts, but it was also employed in the everyday copying of school text books.WF Tenth Century Bookhand View Character Set Try it!
Inspired by the hand of the great bard, our WF William Shakespeare View Character Set Try it!