I am a photographer from the westside of Detroit Mi. Growing up I've always had a hunger and eye for photography. My surroundings has influenced my unique, street, gritty but clean style within my photographs. No matter what I'm doing my life seems to revolve around my camera. I couldn't imagine life where I was not creating freely and putting my heart into my photography.
Through my images I love to capture the raw emotion of the subjects that I photograph. I love working with and meeting new people, and throughout this journey I have done just that. I want to show the world what I see through my lens. I think it is important to show the world that it is not always "sunshine & rainbows" . Showing a different side of the world that some may never see, or know what its like to be from is so important. I want to draw emotion from people when they look at my photographs whether its bad or good I just want you to feel something.
Throughout my social media channel I have gained over 200K followers and still growing!