FCCLA Members Learn About Endless Opportunities at the 2022 State Leadership
By Mary Lou Vossler, E-M FACS
Instructor and FCCLA Advisor
Lincoln, Nebraska – Over
1,000 youth members and adult sponsors gathered for the Nebraska Family,
Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference
held April 3-5, 2022 at Pinnacle Bank Arena and the Haymarket area in Lincoln.
This conference provided students opportunities to hear from the keynote
speaker, participate in breakout sessions, compete in STAR Events, be
recognized for their work throughout the year, and elect the 2022-2023 State
Officer Team. Six students from Exeter-Milligan attended
this year’s conference (pictured L-R: Joni Vossler, Kierra Papik, Savana
Krupicka, Cameran Jansky, Emma Olsen, and Emma Meyer.)

Students began their conference
leadership journey on Sunday, April 3, with the Opening General Session led by
the 2021-2022 State Officer Team. During this time, members also heard from
keynote speaker, EJ Carrion. EJ shared an inspiring message all about “making
the jump.” He encouraged members to go after their dreams and not let fear or
chance of failure stand in their way.
Throughout the day on Monday,
April 4, participants had the opportunity to attend breakout sessions where
they learned about balancing their time, pursuing leadership roles, leading
with their values, exploring FCCLA opportunities, and much more! The
Opportunity Fair also featured over 30 colleges, organizations, and businesses
for members to connect with. In addition to the great sessions, students had
the opportunity to give back to the Lincoln community through the FCCLA Serves
projects. Over 125 students participated in service projects at places
such as the Child Advocacy Center, Lincoln Children’s Zoo, and People’s City
Mission. Members also had the opportunity to choose from many tour options such
as Hudl and the Capitol Building, as well as several other tourist destinations
across Lincoln.
Presentation of awards and
recognition for involvement is a focal point of the State Leadership Conference
each year. Awards were presented during the Recognition Session on Monday
evening where recipients were recognized on-stage for their accomplishments.
This year, the Exeter-Milligan FCCLA Chapter was recognized for receiving the SilverChapter
Award. This award is based on competitive events and programs,
leadership, membership and promoting FCCLA.
The on-site service project
included purchasing socks from WeHelpTwo to help a young girl from Uganda Angel
Nafula receive an education. Conference attendees went above and beyond to not
only sponsor Angel, but two other students in Uganda as well. Additionally, 200
pairs of socks will be donated to organizations in the Norfolk, Kearney, and
Scottsbluff communities to help individuals across Nebraska!
This year, over 550 students will
compete in STAR events at the State Leadership Conference. STAR Events
(Students Taking Action with Recognition) recognize members for proficiency and
achievement in individual and chapter projects, leadership skills, and career
preparation in over 30 national and five state events. Students who were named
the State Champion or Runner-Up and earned a Gold or Silver medal also
qualified to compete in the national competition in San Diego, California in late
June. Joni Vossler competed in Professional Presentation, Level 2: Beyond
the Scale. Her presentation made an awareness for eating disorders, by
defining what an eating disorder is, the different types and definitions,
mental and physical effects an eating disorder has on one’s body, ways to seek
help. She had the opportunity to interview a young adult who was
diagnosed with a disorder while in high school, had the student body of EM do a
pre/post test following her presentation, handed out dum-dum suckers with
labels : “eating disorders suck”, and did many presentations within the
school and community. Joni received a Gold Medal and placed 3rd in her
level. Congratulations Joni!

The conference wrapped up on
Tuesday, April 5, with the Closing General Session. During this session, a
conference in-review video highlighted the exciting moments of the
FCCLA is a useful and dynamic
national career and technical student organization that aids young men and
women in their journey to become leaders and teaches them lifelong skills. It
demonstrates the importance of understanding how to address important career,
community, family, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences
education. Nebraska FCCLA has over 2,700 members in 100 chapters across the
state. For more information about FCCLA, please visit www.nebraskafccla.org.