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Dahlia's ..... the Summer in your Garden
Varieties Gallery Dahlia Serie Gallery Ton Schulten       Gallery Dahlia ®
Gallery Art Deco
Gallery Art Fair
Gallery Art Nouveau
Gallery Bellini
Gallery Cézanne
Gallery Cobra
Gallery Degas (discontinued)
Gallery La Tour
Gallery Leonardo
Gallery Matisse
Gallery Monet
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Gallery Pinto
Gallery Rembrandt
Gallery Renoir
Gallery Rivera
Gallery Rubens (discontinued)
Gallery Salvador
Gallery Serenade
Gallery Singer
Gallery Sisley (discontinued)
Gallery Ton Schulten
Gallery Valentin
Gallery Vermeer
Gallery Vincent

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Varietyname Gallery Ton Schulten
Tradename Gallery Ton Schulten
Classification Decorative
Height ± 12 inch, 30 cm
Ø Flower ± 5,2 inch, 13 cm
Colour Flower Lilac mauve
Colour Foliage Darkgreen
Propagation Tissueculture
Production Cuttings, tubers
Winner Gebr Verwer 2009

Gallery Ton Schulten. Named in Ootmarsum in 2011and added to the Gallery Dahlia collection in 2012.

The plant has a compact and branching shape, the foliage is dark green and the stems are purple coloured.

An interesting and worthful addition to the series.
It is very interesting to visit the site of the artist Ton Schulten,  www.tonschulten.nl

                                       Gallery Lolgo
Gallery Ton Schulten

Update 1 december  2015 © Verwer Dahlias, Lisse, NL