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Sonoma County


Sonoma county is located in northwest California. Sonoma county has 1,575.85 square miles of land area and 192.10 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Sonoma county population is 491,790, which has grown 7.23% since 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 12.39% and is lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. Sonoma county median household income is $63,799 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 20.20% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 29.47% and is lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Sonoma county median house value is $414,500 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 51.72% since 2000. The house value growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 75.60% and is higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Sonoma county is better than the state average in quality. The Sonoma county area code is 707.

Population491,790 (2010-2014), rank #17
Population Growth7.23% since 2000, rank #34
Population Density:278.17/sq mi, rank #17
Median Household Income:$63,799 at 2010-2014—20.20% increase since 2000, rank #16
Median House Price:$414,500 at 2010-2014—51.72% increase since 2000, rank #14
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:1,575.85 sq mi, rank #29
Water Area:192.10 sq mi (10.87%), rank #14
Area:Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA
School District:
Area Code:707
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Sonoma County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Sonoma County Cities / Towns

Sonoma County Zip Codes

94922 49294923 736949269492794928 42,66894931 8,57094951 4,81294952 35,0819495394954 36,6249495594972 39949759499995401 38,6049540295403 44,91895404 40,25395405 21,5169540695407 40,65795409 25,78495412 3529541695419 42595421 1,53795430 4495431 5119543395436 5,58295439 56695441 1,98995442 3,15495444 77495446 4,41995448 17,07895450 22895452 1,31495462 1,21695465 2,32895471 52895472 29,4089547395480 2795486 549548795492 29,62995497 983

Sonoma County Census Tracts

CA097150100CA097150202 SonomaCA097150203 SonomaCA097150204 SonomaCA097150303CA097150304CA097150305CA097150306CA097150500CA097150601 PetalumaCA097150602 PetalumaCA097150603 PetalumaCA097150607CA097150609 PetalumaCA097150610 PetalumaCA097150611 PetalumaCA097150612CA097150701 PetalumaCA097150702 PetalumaCA097150800 PetalumaCA097150901 PetalumaCA097150902 PetalumaCA097151000 PetalumaCA097151100 PetalumaCA097151201CA097151203CA097151204 CotatiCA097151301CA097151305CA097151306 Rohnert ParkCA097151307CA097151308 Rohnert ParkCA097151309CA097151310CA097151311CA097151401 Santa RosaCA097151402 Santa RosaCA097151502 Santa RosaCA097151503 Santa RosaCA097151504 Santa RosaCA097151601CA097151602CA097151700 Santa RosaCA097151800 Santa RosaCA097151900 Santa RosaCA097152000 Santa RosaCA097152100 Santa RosaCA097152201 Santa RosaCA097152202 Santa RosaCA097152203 Santa RosaCA097152300 Santa RosaCA097152400CA097152501 Santa RosaCA097152502 Santa RosaCA097152600CA097152701CA097152702CA097152801CA097152802 Santa RosaCA097152903 Santa RosaCA097152904 Santa RosaCA097152905 Santa RosaCA097152906CA097153001 Santa RosaCA097153002 Santa RosaCA097153003 Santa RosaCA097153005CA097153006 Santa RosaCA097153102CA097153103CA097153104CA097153200CA097153300CA097153401 SebastopolCA097153403CA097153404 SebastopolCA097153501CA097153502CA097153600CA097153703CA097153704CA097153705CA097153706CA097153801CA097153804 WindsorCA097153806 WindsorCA097153807CA097153808 WindsorCA097153809CA097153901CA097153902 HealdsburgCA097153903 HealdsburgCA097154000CA097154100CA097154201 CloverdaleCA097154202CA097154302CA097154303CA097154304CA097990100

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