Steam Academy Of Akron
Steam Academy Of Akron is located in northeast Ohio. Steam Academy Of Akron is part of Summit County.
| Hot Rankings |
Steam Academy Of Akron Map and Nearby Locations
1350 Virginia Ave
Akron OH, 44306, Summit County
Phone: 330-773-1100
Students and Teachers
2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | |
Total Students: | 102 | NA | 36 |
English Language Learner Students: | 0 | NA | 0 |
Total Teachers: | 7.00 | NA | 4.00 |
Prekindergarten: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Kindergarten: | 0.00 | NA | 0.66 |
Elementary: | 0.00 | NA | 3.34 |
Secondary: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Ungraded: | 7.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Total Other Staff: | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2.00 |
Instructional Aides: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Instructional Coordinators & Supervisors: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | NA | NA | NA |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | NA | NA | NA |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | NA | NA | NA |
Other Guidance Counselors: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Librarians/Media Specialists: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Library/Media Support: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
District Administrators: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
District Administrative Support: | 1.00 | NA | 1.00 |
School Administrators: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
School Administrative Support: | 0.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Student Support Services: | 1.00 | NA | 0.00 |
Other Support Services: | 0.00 | NA | 1.00 |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | 14.57 | NA | 9.00 |
Steam Academy Of Akron | Kindergarten to Grade 6 | 1350 Virginia Ave, Akron OH 44306 |
School District Fiscal Information
2012 | |||
Amount | Per Student | % | |
Total Revenue: | $309,000 | $8,583 | |
Federal: | $25,000 | $694 | 8.1% |
State: | $284,000 | $7,889 | 91.9% |
Local: | $0 | $0 | 0.0% |
Total Expenditures: | $494,000 | $13,722 | |
Total Current Expenditures: | $493,000 | $13,694 | |
Instructional Expenditures: | $168,000 | $4,667 | 34.1% |
Student and Staff Support: | $88,000 | $2,444 | 17.8% |
Administration: | $131,000 | $3,639 | 26.6% |
Operations, Food, Other: | $106,000 | $2,944 | 21.5% |
Total Capital Outlay: | $1,000 | $28 | |
Construction: | $0 | $0 | |
Total Other: | $0 | $0 | |
Interest on Debt: | $0 | $0 | |
Total Salary: | $193,000 | $5,361 | |
Instruction/Teacher Salary: | $87,000 | $2,417 | 45.1% |
Other Salary: | $106,000 | $2,944 | 54.9% |
Total Benefit: | $47,000 | $1,306 | |
Instruction/Teacher Benefit: | $21,000 | $583 | 44.7% |
Other Benefit: | $26,000 | $722 | 55.3% |