Census Block Group 001603-2 in Stanislaus County, California
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Block Group 001603-2 Map, Border, and Nearby Locations
Block Group 001603-2 Blocks
*A census block group is a geographic area defined by the United States Census Bureau and used for the census. On average, a census block group has around 1,500 residents. Census block groups, as well as census tracts, are more uniformly distributed in terms of the number of residents than cities or zip codes. Also, the census block group and the census tract demographic data are nearly 100% complete vs. less than 70% coverage of demographic data for cities and zip codes. Therefore census block groups and the census tracts are an excellent way to understand locations in a smaller scale, for example understanding the different areas of a large city. Census block groups are smaller than census tracts and can be further divided into census blocks for understanding locations at the block and community level.