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Census Block 003306-1-534 in Kern County, California

Population19 (2010), see rank
House Units11, see rank
RaceWhites:57.9%, Hispanics:68.4%, Blacks:0%, Asians:0%, Others:42.1%
Total Area:9.56 sq mi
Water Area:0.01 sq mi (0.06%)
Area:Bakersfield-Delano, CA
County:Kern County
Census Tract:003306
Census Block Group:003306-1

Census Block 003306-1-534 Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Population by Races

White:11 (57.89%, see rank)
Black:0 (0.00%, see rank)
Hispanic:13 (68.42%, see rank)
Asian:0 (0.00%, see rank)
Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.):0 (0.00%, see rank)
One Race, Other:8 (42.11%, see rank)
Two or More Races:0 (0.00%, see rank)

Population by Gender

Male: 9 (47.37%, see rank)
Females: 10 (52.63%, see rank)

Population by Age

Median Age: 37.5, see rank
Median Age, Male: 39.5, see rank
Median Age, Female: 36, see rank
 Census Block 003306-1-534% of the Total Population
Under 5 years15.26%, see rank
5 to 9 years210.53%, see rank
10 to 14 years315.79%, see rank
15 to 19 years15.26%, see rank
20 to 24 years00.00%, see rank
25 to 34 years210.53%, see rank
35 to 44 years315.79%, see rank
45 to 54 years15.26%, see rank
55 to 64 years526.32%, see rank
65 to 74 years15.26%, see rank
75 to 84 00.00%, see rank
85 years and over00.00%, see rank

Household and Family

 Census Block 003306-1-534%
Total Households5100%
Average Household Size3.80, see rank-
1 Person Households00.00%, see rank
2 or More Person Households5100.00%, see rank
Family Households (Families)5100.00%, see rank
Average Family Size3.80, see rank-
Married-Couple Family480.00%, see rank
Nonfamily Households00.00%, see rank

Housing Occupancy

 Census Block 003306-1-534%
Total Housing Units11100%
Occupied Housing Units545.45%, see rank
Owner Occupied218.18%, see rank
Owner Occupied with Mortgage19.09%
Owner Occupied without Mortgage19.09%
Renter Occupied327.27%, see rank
Vacant Housing Units654.55%, see rank
For Rent00.00%, see rank
For Sale Only00.00%, see rank
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied00.00%, see rank
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use436.36%, see rank
For Migrant Workers00.00%, see rank
Other Vacant218.18%, see rank

*Based on 2010 data.

*A census block is the smallest geographic area defined by the United States Census Bureau to take census. In total, there are more than 10 million census blocks in the United Status with an average of around 30 residents in each. A census block normally only covers a street block or a small community. It is ideal for studying data relating to the smallest geographic area.

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