/ California / Imperial County / El Centro / 92243 / Census Tract 011801 / Population and Races
Census Tract 011801 in Imperial County, California Population and Races
Hot Rankings
As of 2010-2014, the total population of Census Tract 011801 is 3,499. The most prevalent race in Census Tract 011801 is white, which represent 72.42% of the total population. The average Census Tract 011801 education level is higher than the state average and is higher than the national average.
Population in 2010-2014: 3,499. see rank
Population by Races
Hispanic Population
Asian Population
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Population by First Ancestry
3,212 (91.80%) out of the total population of 3,499 reported first ancestry.
Census Tract 011801 | % of the Total Population | California | U.S. | |
Arab | 14 | 0.40%, see rank | 0.72% | 0.56% |
Czech | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.22% | 0.47% |
Danish | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.46% | 0.42% |
Dutch | 21 | 0.60%, see rank | 0.99% | 1.40% |
English | 267 | 7.63%, see rank | 5.94% | 8.02% |
French | 2 | 0.06%, see rank | 2.15% | 3.34% |
German | 187 | 5.34%, see rank | 8.51% | 15.03% |
Greek | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.35% | 0.41% |
Hungarian | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.32% | 0.46% |
Irish | 207 | 5.92%, see rank | 6.69% | 10.80% |
Italian | 146 | 4.17%, see rank | 3.97% | 5.52% |
Norwegian | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 1.02% | 1.42% |
Polish | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 1.32% | 3.01% |
Portuguese | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.91% | 0.44% |
Russian | 13 | 0.37%, see rank | 1.13% | 0.92% |
Scotch-Irish | 39 | 1.11%, see rank | 0.61% | 0.99% |
Scottish | 53 | 1.51%, see rank | 1.34% | 1.72% |
Subsaharan African | 29 | 0.83%, see rank | 0.69% | 0.95% |
Swedish | 32 | 0.91%, see rank | 1.09% | 1.27% |
Swiss | 152 | 4.34%, see rank | 0.27% | 0.30% |
Ukrainian | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.27% | 0.31% |
American | 85 | 2.43%, see rank | 3.22% | 7.12% |
Welsh | 11 | 0.31%, see rank | 0.43% | 0.57% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Population by Gender
Male: 1,782 (50.93%, see rank)
Females: 1,717 (49.07%, see rank)
Census Tract 011801 | Male: 50.93% Female: 49.07% |
California | Male: 49.68% Female: 50.32% |
U.S. | Male: 49.19% Female: 50.81% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Population by Age
Median Age (see rank)Census Tract 011801 | 43.20 years old |
California | 35.60 years old |
U.S. | 37.40 years old |
Median Age, Male (see rank)
Census Tract 011801 | 41.50 years old |
California | 34.50 years old |
U.S. | 36.10 years old |
Median Age, Female (see rank)
Census Tract 011801 | 43.60 years old |
California | 36.80 years old |
U.S. | 38.80 years old |
Census Tract 011801 | % of the Total Population | California | U.S. | |
Under 5 years | 158 | 4.52%, see rank | 6.62% | 6.36% |
5 to 9 years | 151 | 4.32%, see rank | 6.65% | 6.51% |
10 to 14 years | 247 | 7.06%, see rank | 6.70% | 6.59% |
15 to 19 years | 301 | 8.60%, see rank | 7.12% | 6.85% |
20 to 24 years | 359 | 10.26%, see rank | 7.58% | 7.13% |
25 to 34 years | 333 | 9.52%, see rank | 14.48% | 13.47% |
35 to 44 years | 354 | 10.12%, see rank | 13.60% | 12.96% |
45 to 54 years | 514 | 14.69%, see rank | 13.79% | 14.09% |
55 to 64 years | 654 | 18.69%, see rank | 11.32% | 12.29% |
65 to 74 years | 261 | 7.46%, see rank | 6.71% | 7.64% |
75 to 84 | 98 | 2.80%, see rank | 3.72% | 4.25% |
85 years and over | 69 | 1.97%, see rank | 1.70% | 1.85% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Education for the 25 Years and Over
Census Tract 011801 | California | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 2,283, 100% | 24,865,866 | 209,056,129 |
Less Than High School | 212, 9.29%, see rank | 18.51% | 13.67% |
High School Graduate | 390, 17.08%, see rank | 20.72% | 27.95% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 979, 42.88%, see rank | 29.76% | 29.09% |
Bachelor Degree | 440, 19.27%, see rank | 19.59% | 18.27% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 262, 11.48%, see rank | 11.41% | 11.01% | Education Index# | 14.06, see rank | 13.44 | 13.54 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
School Enrollment
Census Tract 011801 | California | U.S. | |||||
Total | Public | Private | Public | Private | Public | Private | |
Nursery School, Preschool, Kindergarten | 107 | 33.64% | 66.36% | 71.91% | 28.09% | 71.30% | 28.70% |
Elementary School (Grades 1-8) | 362 | 100.00%, see rank | 0.00%, see rank | 91.40% | 8.60% | 89.86% | 10.14% |
High School (Grades 9-12) | 266 | 100.00%, see rank | 0.00%, see rank | 92.33% | 7.67% | 90.60% | 9.40% |
College | 257 | 97.67%, see rank | 2.33%, see rank | 83.91% | 16.09% | 78.37% | 21.63% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Household and Family
Census Tract 011801 | California | U.S. | |
Total Households | 1,135, 100% | 12,617,280 | 116,211,092 |
Average Household Size | 3.08, see rank | 2.95 | 2.63 |
1 Person Households | 89, 7.84%, see rank | 24.10% | 27.57% |
2 or More Person Households | 1,046, 92.16%, see rank | 75.90% | 72.43% |
Family Households (Families) | 1,019, 89.78%, see rank | 68.69% | 66.22% |
Average Family Size | 3.23, see rank | 3.67 | 3.32 |
Married-Couple Family | 824, 72.60%, see rank | 49.11% | 48.42% |
Nonfamily Households | 116, 10.22%, see rank | 31.31% | 33.78% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Marital Status of 15 Years and Over
Census Tract 011801 | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 2,943 | see rank | 30,462,253 | 252,974,135 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 1,495 | 100%, see rank | 15,026,838 | 123,281,364 |
Never Married | 465 | 31.10%, see rank | 39.95% | 35.77% |
Married | 909 | 60.80%, see rank | 49.84% | 52.04% |
Widowed | 16 | 1.07%, see rank | 2.14% | 2.57% |
Divorced | 105 | 7.02%, see rank | 8.07% | 9.62% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 1,448 | 100%, see rank | 15,435,415 | 129,692,771 |
Never Married | 420 | 29.01%, see rank | 32.75% | 29.48% |
Married | 845 | 58.36%, see rank | 48.11% | 49.19% |
Widowed | 58 | 4.01%, see rank | 7.96% | 9.16% |
Divorced | 125 | 8.63%, see rank | 11.18% | 12.16% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Place of Birth and Citizenship
Census Tract 011801 | % | California | U.S. | |
Native | 2,793 | 79.82%, see rank | 72.97% | 86.93% |
Born in the State of Residence | 2,262 | 64.65%, see rank | 54.40% | 58.73% |
Born in Different State | 510 | 14.58%, see rank | 17.34% | 26.78% |
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas, or Born Abroad to American Parent(s) | 21 | 0.60%, see rank | 1.23% | 1.42% |
Foreign Born | 706 | 20.18%, see rank | 27.03% | 13.07% |
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship | 434 | 12.40%, see rank | 12.90% | 5.99% |
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship | 272 | 7.77%, see rank | 14.13% | 7.09% |
Born In Europe | 10 | 0.29%, see rank | 1.75% | 1.53% |
Born In Asia | 133 | 3.80%, see rank | 9.97% | 3.82% |
Born In Africa | 29 | 0.83%, see rank | 0.43% | 0.55% |
Born In Oceania | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.20% | 0.07% |
Born In Latin America | 534 | 15.26%, see rank | 14.33% | 6.83% |
Born In Northern America | 0 | 0.00%, see rank | 0.34% | 0.26% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.
Language Spoken at Home
Census Tract 011801 | % | California | U.S. | |
English | 447 | 39.38%, see rank | 57.63% | 79.39% |
Spanish | 608 | 53.57%, see rank | 25.11% | 11.75% |
Other Indo-European Languages | 16 | 1.41%, see rank | 5.77% | 4.52% |
Asian and Pacific Islander Languages | 35 | 3.08%, see rank | 10.40% | 3.36% |
Other | 29 | 2.56%, see rank | 1.09% | 0.99% |
*Based on 2010-2014 data.