Yesterday, sunny and 67 degrees. Today, SNOW, and lots of it! So much for the first day of spring... it would appear to be winter's last hurrah, eh? I think I can't complain too much, as winter seemed to hit other parts of the U.S. this season, and not so much here in Kansas. I will play blog catch-up with a cup of hazelnut coffee on our belated snow day.
Paint horse is waiting patiently for his grain and hay
Hard to see unless you click on the photo above to enlarge it, but Stormy was tossing her head around as hubby got closer with the grain. She gets pretty darn excited at feed time.
Another pic to enlarge... you can just see Barack's eyes as he hides from the snow under a piece of wood. Both Barack and his mom, Fluff, spent the night on our enclosed back porch. This has never happened before, but since we had 40 mph winds last night, I think they were quite cozy indoors. Being the outside cats that they are however, Barack fled to the outdoors this morning, in spite of all the blowing snow!
Ringo reluctantly helps us with morning chores
Quite the snowy day, huh?
Enjoy your Saturday, wherever you may be and whatever your weather might bring you... it's all good when it's Saturday, isn't it? I have two apples in the fridge... perhaps I will make some apple dumplings this afternoon!
Perhaps next weekend will finally be the "get-out-and-dig-the-new-garden" day!
A side note: Thanks for all your votes in the baby name poll. The poll is closed now, but it looks like Molly was the clear-cut winner! Yay!!