Showing posts with label Ringo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ringo. Show all posts

Ringo the Persistent Frog Hunter

Na-na-na-na-na!  That dog ain't  EVER gonna catch us!!!

(Those darn frogs wouldn't even let me get very close for a good pic... so you'll have to click to enlarge the pic and see the frog......we've got frogs here big enough to fry up some frog legs, LOL)

The Not-So-Purty Side of Nature

We rarely see cardinals in our neck of the woods. But in the last few weeks, hubby and I had noticed a strikingly beautiful cardinal hanging out around our house and near our tree break.

I found this today.

And this.

 Fluff.  Suspect Number One.

 Barack. Suspect Number Two. 

I've told him repeatedly, NO BIRDS, only rats and mice.  But he is full of cat-titude and has refused to abide by my rules.  We are sad that our cardinal is gone and quite possibly endured a heinous kitteh-style death.

Ringo sez he didn't see anything while we were gone this afternoon.

Hmmmmm ...

looks like he just woke up to me.

The First Day of Spring Brings... Snow??!!

Yesterday, sunny and 67 degrees. Today, SNOW, and lots of it! So much for the first day of spring... it would appear to be winter's last hurrah, eh?  I think I can't complain too much, as winter seemed to hit other parts of the U.S. this season, and not so much here in Kansas.  I will play blog catch-up with a cup of hazelnut coffee on our belated snow day.

 Paint horse is waiting patiently for his grain and hay

Hard to see unless you click on the photo above to enlarge it, but Stormy was tossing her head around as hubby got closer with the grain.  She gets pretty darn excited at feed time.

Another pic to enlarge... you can just see Barack's eyes as he hides from the snow under a piece of wood.  Both Barack and his mom, Fluff, spent the night on our enclosed back porch.  This has never happened before, but since we had 40 mph winds last night, I think they were quite cozy indoors.  Being the outside cats that they are however, Barack fled to the outdoors this morning, in spite of all the blowing snow!

Ringo reluctantly helps us with morning chores

Quite the snowy day, huh?

Enjoy your Saturday, wherever you may be and whatever your weather might bring you...  it's all good when it's Saturday, isn't it?  I have two apples in the fridge... perhaps I will make some apple dumplings this afternoon!

Perhaps next weekend will finally be the "get-out-and-dig-the-new-garden" day!

A side note:  Thanks for all your votes in the baby name poll.  The poll is closed now, but it looks like Molly was the clear-cut winner!  Yay!!

Forecast: Sunny and 58, then Snowy and 20

Sunny and 58 ... our Wednesday weather...

Enlarge this one... the meadowlarks are plentiful out here!

... snowy and 20 degrees is our today {Friday} weather!

This is the same photo as above, except with lots of snow!

Ringo and I both kept blinking our eyes against the flying snow!

Don't let Ringo fool ya, he loves the snow!

Frosty Morn

a classic sunrise glows on the horizon this morning

wee bit o'mist over the pond

Ringo looks for wildlife

ice crackles in the ravines

horses on watch

The Big Question: Is Ringo Gender-Challenged?

The farrier was here Saturday to trim the horse's hooves. His border collie, Gunner, took a likin' to Ringo. The only problem? He liked Ringo a bit too much, and they're both of the male gender....


Pond Walk

Last night, I did abdominal exercises using the P90X series. Ugh. Let me just say I felt as if I could vomit after 30 minutes of extremely intense ab moves ... and since I haven't worked out in at least 2 years, I really felt this workout. Only 30 minutes, but towards the end I could barely make the moves. I am really feeling it today!

I will say that after a week of eating right - no fast food, very limited processed food, and lots of fruits and some veggies - I feel so much more energetic, already! It's amazing how the crap we eat can sap our energy.

Tonight, I was going to work out my arms using free weights, but then switched gears at the last minute. It's only 88 degrees here in Kansas (yes, that's cool for us this time of year!), so I grabbed my camera and Ringo and I headed for a walk around the pond. Hey, walking is good exercise and in spite of the "cool" temps, I still worked up a good sweat!

Update: I lied. I went out to hubby's shop and dodged the wasps to retrieve some 7 lb hand weights, and I still did my arm workout (in the house!), in addition to my walk around the pond. I feel very accomplished tonight now. :-)

I think the intricate parts on this wasp are amazing...
and to think how easily we squash them!

Click the photo to enlarge and see detail

There are lots of sunflower varieties growing wild
around the pond and in the pastures

Ringo... smelling the flowers

And finally...Murphy grazing contentedly under a big, blue Kansas sky

Cheap Facelift in a Difficult Economy

Flowers - hey, it's what country folk do to old, dilapidated
farm buildings and antique cream separators.

I'll take another pic in a few weeks when the
morning glories
start to bloom!

Isn't my steer pot the coolest?! Hubby got it for me. :)

Dogs Are Our Link to Paradise

Dogs are our link to paradise.
They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.
~Milan Kundera

My Fav Black & White Photo Conversions

These first three Kansas shots are recent photos taken with my brand new Nikon D60...

These next three were taken with my old Fujifilm camera, but they are still favorites of mine!

My sister in old town San Juan, Puerto Rico

Historic El Morro fort in San Juan

End of the drive in South Haven, Kansas