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  • Software

Scope 3 Emissions Reporting with Our Advanced Module

Meet stakeholder demands for scope 3 data with software that lets you identify, measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions.

Person using the Scope 3 module on a desktop

Overcome scope 3 reporting challenges with UL Solutions

Because scope 3 emission sources fall outside a company’s direct control, engaging your value chain can be complicated, time-consuming and costly. With the right tools, however, your company can start to understand the full impact of your operations.

UL Solutions provides you with a straightforward process for identifying, measuring and reporting scope 3 emissions. With pre-built templates and tailored value chain solutions, you can take your scope 3 commitments to the next level with our Scope 3 emissions reporting software.

Learn more about ULTRUS™ ESG Data Management software
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500,000+ software users in more than 100 countries

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200+ enterprise customers

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Manage all 15 scope 3 categories across the software application

Passing inspection report icon

Tested by the GHG Management Institute to ensure the highest level of data quality



Software made for reporting scope 3 emissions

From pre-configured content packs to dedicated emissions modules, we have a software solution that will meet your needs.


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Quick start content packs

Deliver complete and transparent assurance grade scope 3 reporting
Perfect for companies that are just starting out, looking to build credibility or wanting a high-level view for communications. Includes the most common scope 3 categories with over 3,500 indicators. Preconfigured Word, Excel, PDF reports, automated data export tools and application programming interface (API) protocols let you easily communicate progress across your organization.

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Logistics module

Improve decision making with detailed carbon calculation and modeling
For companies that want to capture upstream and downstream data for each shipment and transfer. Easily track performance, data quality and completeness for decarbonization decision making at a granular level. Includes default emission factors for scope 3 categories 4 and 9. Configuration available for tailoring freighting categories (e.g., DEFRA Freighting Goods emission factors). 

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Purchased goods and services module

Make data-driven decarbonization decisions
Gain in-depth insights into your value chain with default emission factors for categories 1 and 2, including environmentally extended input-output models that bridge the gap between traditional economic calculations, sustainability and environmental decision-making. Covers spend, material, actual and hybrid calculation methods.

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Supply chain module

Engage, coach, deliver
For companies that really want to drive value chain performance by directly engaging their suppliers. While other programs obtain supplier data either manually or at a point in time, our software allows for continuous live management, supplier profile and communication tracking, supplier surveys and more.

“UL Solutions has developed a strong Scope 3 reporting solution, in which all 15 categories of Scope 3 can be managed across its applications. For example, the provider offers out-of-the box solutions for purchased goods and services, integrating EEIO (environmentally extended input-output) emissions factors to allocate spend to carbon emissions, as well as collecting data directly from suppliers.”

Verdantix, Green Quadrant, EHS Software 2023

ESG Data Management and ULTRUS™ software

Scope 3 Emissions module and other ESG Data Management components are now available through ULTRUS software, which includes flagship digital products from UL Solutions to help our customers manage their regulatory, supply chain and sustainability challenges. 

Learn more about ULTRUS


Industry recognitions

Verdantix: Green Quadrant ESG Reporting and Data Management Software Leader 2023
Verdantix Green Quadrant Enterprise Carbon Management Leader 2023
Verdantix Green Quadrant EHS Software Leader 2023
Environment + Energy Leader awards Top Product 2023
Verdantix Green Quadrant Enterprise Carbon Management Leader 2022
Environment + Energy Leader awards Top Product 2021


Ready to take the next step?

See how our software can help you meet your needs now and into the future. Request a demo, quote, or speak with an expert.


Ready to take the next step?

See how our software can help you meet your needs now and into the future. Request a demo, quote, or speak with an expert.

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