Showing posts with label Camelbak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camelbak. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Camelbak Podium Ice Bottle Review

I have been a long time user of Camelbak Podium bottles. It started when the quest for that "perfect" bottle that does not spill, do not alter the taste of the liquid, high-flow and no need for any biting of the nipple (valve) to start drinking. My first purchase of the Camelbak Podium (2x21oz)was the original bottle and I obtained the Podium Chill (4units of which 2x21oz and 2x25oz)aka insulated bottle a few years later. These bottles has been serving me since 2007 and they all has story to tell on their own. All surviving bottles (4 out of 6) is very much still functioning despite the scratches and broken valve. I lost 1x25oz Podium Chill coming down from Frasers Hill about a month ago. 
Latest Addition
Recently I received some of the newest products from Camelbak Malaysia and the Podium Ice (21oz, RRP RM110) was one of them. I thank Universal Fitness & Leisure (UFL) for this opportunity to review this as a user. 
In 3-color. I naturally go for the Blue bottle to fit my Colnago Dream Mapei livery.
The Podium Ice is the top of the range bottle for cycling that claims to be able to keep water cold up to four times as long. I believe this benchmark is against a non-insulated bottle. How this will be achieved is via the Aerogel insulation that keeps the liquid inside cold for longer. 
All the feature for the Podium Ice
The Podium Ice only comes in 21oz size instead of the other choices of 21+24 for Podium and 21+25 for Podium Chill. For the metric people like me, this simply meant the volume of 620ml (21oz), 710ml (24oz) and 740ml (25oz). Depending on your ride distance and availability of fuelling stations along the way, a 620ml will be good for up to an hour of activities and the typical 2-bottles setup will allow you to ride 2-hours before needing to re-fill. You may want to refer to my 2013 article on optimum hydration and electrolyte if you are looking for more guidance on this.
Nicer when compared to brochure
The Podium Line-up
Having own the many iteration of the Podium, I get to compare how each model changes in terms of build quality and finishing. My first Podium(Original) was bought back in 2007 and that meant the bottle has close to 8 years of service life despite having the valve bitten off by my son when he was 3 years old. 
From Left to Right : Ice (21oz), Big Chill (25oz), Chill (21oz) and Original (21oz)
The Chill 21oz and 25oz came about 4 years later when I bought them in Singapore during a race kit collection and that has been very much the bottles I've been using for my 4 Ironman races carrying enough liquid fuel (for dilution) for the 180km cycling. It has served me really well and has taken up many drops and bruises. Testament of how well built these Camelbak bottles are!
Close up of the bottle cap with Jet Valve
Do take note that the Camelbak Podium bottle cap did not change much between 2007 to 2011 where the valve (known as Jet Valve because water shoots out like Jet from these valve), the locking mechanism (twist and lock) and most notably the "Camelbak" brand is embossed on the top cover. You will see the exact same on these bottles pre-2015 and the reason for this comparison is to highlight the differences when compared to the 2015 (Podium).
Total change of the bottle cover
The Jet Valve has grown in diameter and noticeably larger than the older version. The twist lock too has became bigger assuming it will allowed gloved hand to able to twist it over easier.
larger diamter Jet Valve. Take note of the embossed "Camelbak" vs the printed on the Ice
One thing I found surprising is that the 21oz Ice is the same size/as tall as the 25oz Chill. Does this meant there is at least 4oz (or 120ml) worth of Aerogel that insulate the Ice, providing the 4x longer/cooler/colder retention? Maybe.
size printed at the bottom

Now, before we go to a small experiment I devised, the internal of the bottle cover remained unchanged that they actually looked almost identical saved for the two "indention" on the Chill bottle (it's a stopper for the twist lock on the older model)
Chill (grey) vs Ice (white)
Curiosity got to me and I interchanged the bottle cover to see how it will fit the 2015 (Ice) model. Happy to report they all fitted perfectly and remained leak-proof. So this is a good indication for replacement cover if you needed them. Also, the new Ice bottle cover (and I assumed the 2015 range) allow the Jet Valve to be fully removed for cleaning. No more dark yucky stains ;-) Compare this with the older pre-2015, you can remove the rubberised nipple but not the whole valve. I attempted to do it with both and managed to remove (and put them back). Honestly, I find no reason to remove them as long as we wash the bottle and valve properly after every use. 
Ice with Chill bottle cover
Ice with Original bottle cover. Yes, the rubber valve was bitten off.
Ability to Keep Cool?
The Ice is priced at RRP RM110 which is much more expensive compared to the usual Chill bottle that can range between RM65 to RM80 depends on sales. I do not know the RRP as the last I bought was back in 2011! So does the additional price paid justify the ownership of Ice? What I did was to freeze water in three different bottle. A non-insulated (which I used another brand as the Camelbak Podium original need a heavy scrubbing after years of non-usage/retirement), the Chill and the Ice. All of them are filled about half way with boiled water from the same source. Time started was 1030hours and I intended to leave it in there for at least 7hours or up till 1730hours. This setup is typical for me when I leave my water to freeze overnight before the ride the next day. From experience, I know the non-insulated will freeze within 3-4hours while the insulated will take that 7-hours to actually get 80% frozen/slushy. How long will it take the Ice bottle with Aerogel? My bet is never.  
 My freezer temperature was left as it is as to simulate real freezing condition.
Looking forward to frozen water later
After 7hours, I removed the bottles and as expected, the non-insulated has frozen over. The Chill has slight movement of water inside, indicating not fully frozen (expected as with every time I store them overnight in freezer) and the Ice has some ice forming in it. 
1730. You can see the non-insulated bottle frozen
 First the Podium Chill - not all frozen after shaking it more vigorously, the ice broke
Podium Chill
 And the Podium Ice has significantly more liquid vs ice
One sign of the Ice insulation working is that the Ice bottle has significantly lower level of condensation when compared to the Chill bottle. Meaning, the Aerogel is keeping the liquid inside cooler without it being lost to the ambient temperature despite being insulated.
Ice, Chill and Generic. You can see the level of condensation on the non-insulated vs the Chill and very little on the Ice
Closer look. Smaller condensation on Ice vs Chill

I then let the three bottles sits at the corner (room temperature) and checked when the ice in the non-insulated bottle melts. I will pour the content of the Chill and Ice out onto two separate cup to show the level of condensation. This will provide sufficient proof that the Aerogel is working to retain the temperature. So after almost 4hours later (9.23pm)...the Ice managed to make the glass frosted!
The condensation test after 4hours (from 5.30pm to 9.30pm) left in room temperature
Had to pour the water out else can't really show the condensation. Non-insulated, Ice and Chill.
 Looking closer...
From experience, the Chill bottle can or will retain the coolness of the liquid up to about 2hours (meaning it's still cool and not room temperature) which by then, you should technically finish all the liquid, assuming you are biking. What really makes the differences is the ability of the Ice bottle able to keep the liquid inside much cooler as it takes longer to lose the temperature. This meant even at your last gulp (as the Jet Valve shoots liquid out like..well...jet), you will still get a big gulp of cold iced liquid to keep your core temperature down on a hot day ride... and you have the assurance it will keep cold 4hours later even when left in room temperature.

Impressive Camelbak Podium Ice!

Note: This unit of Camelbak Podium Ice is courtesy of Universal Fitness & Leisure (UFL) the authorised distributor of Camelbak in Malaysia. You can view and purchase these at World of Sports, UFL Outdoor Bangsar and other authorised resellers. Recommended Retail Price RRP is RM110. Opinions and test/experiment is my own and you please offer any suggestion to better show the capability of the Aerogel. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

SAC Day 3 : The Langanan Wonder

Reality check. 4-weeks has passed since SAC and I am still writing the "race report". I apologise for the lateness as it is unlike me to delay things of these sort. I guess I am getting older and writing report seems to be slower at the same time. Excuses aside, enjoy the report on Day 3. 
Where 3km Was Actually 5km, One Way
As usual, Day 3 of SAC will always be an easy day of sort. This is due to the very tight timeline to get the race completed by noon, for the folks to pack and prepare to head home (to KK or to airport). It is also the day where the "tie breaker" will happen. You see, SAC is very much a "timed race" where the ultimate champion will have their results tabulated on the day to day basis. You can come out mid of table on Day 1, but if you managed to score it big on Day 2, and find yourself in contention to be on the coveted Top-3 position (for bragging), Day 3 is where you get a chance to outwit your opponents. It is usually a "treasure hunt" of some sort on Day 3. But first...a visit to the "Emergency Blister Control Row".
Everyone here is getting their blisters fixed
The last day was a Sunday, and the race director did not had plans for all of us to wake up any later than 7am. By 6.45am, many things has happened and the campsite was abuzz with activities.
But sir, it's (blardy) Sunday!
Blisters you asked, how bad? Well, to start with, how about at all spots you can think off on your feet?
Every single toes and at places you never think will happen, like top of your feet!
This race, myself and my team mate Roy Yeow took part together. But of course, he was way faster (and me better looking, because this is my blog :P)
We should had continue to confuse some participants...
Once all the blisters has been treated and covered appropriately, we headed to the starting line where the last briefing for SAC2014 will be done.
But first....
Yes, the trip this time around has been about taking photos and racing. Memories are made of these and best to have them immortalised and for sharing.
With Nasier. Thank you for the captures! 
Tired from the last 2-days and with some returning back as late as 11pm, tiredness could be seen on the faces of many. Little did we all know (on that morning) what will be put for us to complete. Afterall, a "hike up the waterfall" sound very do-able, more so there is already a fixed trail many could follow.
A photo showing a mixture of feeling...
How tough can it be, right?
The race started soon after the last briefing - that we need to hike up Langanan Waterfall, get our number marked, get back to race HQ and head out for a treasure hunt. Cut off is 12noon. Simple. We have a good 4-hours to complete all that and it is at most...15km...
As with all the days, photos are compulsory. :) Here, Rosli having a good time recording all of these for memories.
The short run out of Poring and we are headed to the start of the waterfall trailhead. It can be accessed internally via the Poring park, but why take that easier route when we can take a longer one?
Starting to look rather promising. A hike away from the sun. Nice.
Teammate 2ndskin in action
Somehow, no one started to run, yet. Dear Esther has went up Langanan before, and if she isn't running, that would only meant it will be tough - save energy lah, she said.
It says...3km...right?
The starting was good. With wide undulating trails that looked runnable. This is a tourists spot, isn't it?
So much fun
And then....
Climbs...40degrees switchback
And it just go on and on and on...for the next....4km.
It is a climb people! Move!
4km? Yes, because you see, the 3km is a straight line distance not taking into consideration the elevation change. The GPS records vertical distance and the 3km slowly creeps to 5km to the waterfall. You thought you are making progress, and the distance marker just refused to budge...
Wifey was struggling with her backache and I had the chance to run up further and take panoramic (vertical) shots to emphasise the climb.
We arrived at a cave known a Bat Cave. I've checked, no Batman inside.
Reeks of guano
More pics of the climb.
There got to be an easier way...but none.
Everyone forgot to look up
Because looking down was inevitable with the climb
A clearing for a breather. Fantastic view. I bet this was the waterfall we saw from a distance on Day 2.
A shout from the top for an photo opp and you see everyone looking
And then the climb continue....
Along the way, there were many huge trees. This one was the biggest I've spotted along the way.
Makes you feel small
And of course, when opportunity arise, we run for it. :D
Flat - run
And get dissapointed that there is another 1.5km (which in fact, translate to 3km) to go...
Kena tipu
That was also when we saw many running down from the check point
THe climbs continue for us mere mortals. Almost 60degree climb at certain section
Not easy...heartbreaking
Penang Triathlon and Duathlon organiser
Rosli mimicking a scene from a Hindustani movie
With a lot of encouragement along the way, we could hear the waterfall after what seems like a full 2-hours of hike (to cover 5km).
Thank you sir
And the sight did not disappoint.
300feet worth of waterfall
The waterfall was spectacular. But as we were chasing cutoff, we decided to spend maximum 10minutes to let the fall soak into us.
RnR for many not rushing
Checking in
One more selfie won't harm
Or two more...
Maybe three
This waterfall deserves a return visit in our next holiday trip to Poring. I can imagine how cold the water would be just from the breeze caused by the gushing water from the top of the fall.
Next time again, perhaps
The return journey was easier as it was 90% downhill. The 5km was covered within an hour of fast descent.
Run? Maybe not...tired dy.
We arrived back to Poring with about 45minutes to spare. But first, a compulsory pose to commemorate 2014 SAC. hot hot!
The remaining for the 45minutes saw me and wifey scrambling to find the nearest two spot. It was easily 2km one way and with 4km to cover, that made our 10min/km pace journey. The sun was beating down hard and we decided to just settle for the nearest two - which was the exit of the Day 1 route not too far away. We ran back a little to Race finish with about 5minutes to spare. 
Thank you Nasier
There wasn't any fanfare and there was just for us, self accomplishments. Yet another long race together and with both being stronger, we know we are not going to be last in the list. Even that, there is no shame being last, as the last 3-days proved to be tough even for the strong athlete.
:) Yay!
Route Data
Distance : 13km
Time : 4hours 5mins
Elevation Gain : 791m

Immediately after the race, we went back to the run to clean up and pack. As we booked the same day flight return to KL, there was absolute rush to make sure we got everything we need packed and ready for home. The award lunch was held soon after and just like 2013, the medals were huge ass big.

And this year, there was coffee from Tenom given to us, apart from finisher t-shirt (long sleeve) made by 2ndSkin. Nice!
It was also catching up with fellow competitors as we made plans for the return in 2015. New friends made, old friends rekindled. Races like these set the pace for many future races where many make the effort to keep in touch post race. The community is small and we will cross path again in near future.

It was indeed a good race. The organiser delivered yet another superb worthy to talk about race and with like minded participants, it became better. Many enjoyed the camp out with a handful decided to stay in the comfort of modern amenities (aka ourselves). Route from Day 1 to Day 3 totally wore us out, burnt us with tan line to remember and with elevation that makes us believe any mountain can be climb if we put our heart into it. Until 2015 and the 16th installment of SAC, stay well and thanks for reading all the 3-days report. It has been a pleasure writing and reporting it from memory. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.