The City of Westminster, now a borough of London, has been the seat of British power for over a thousand years. William the Conqueror was crowned in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066, and his successors built the Palace of Westminster that would one day house Parliament


This report is courtesy of Lt. Cdr. (E) A.F. Robbin’s daughter, Mrs Nena Murstad, and Tel/Radar Officer William H. Pope. Thirty one of the bedraggled and exhausted crew, many with their clothes burnt off and suffering from terrible burns, broken bones and serious wounds, managed to drift and scramble the four miles to shore in a lifeboat, where a policeman and soldiers directed them towards the little village of Boulmer. Some of the sailors, no more than boys who had lied about their ages to enlist in the navy, were crying in despair. While the ship’s crew was arriving on shore, the local lifeboat was called out with an armed escort to pick up three of the survivors from the German plane (one crewman had been killed in the attack) and it was only when they found themselves in the midst of a great deal of wreckage that the lifeboat crew realised that a British ship had gone down. Local people rallied round and gave the sailors dry clothes, towels and treated their wounds; then they were given wine and spirits that were set up in the Fishing Boat Inn.

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  1. Paul Traywick July 5, 2018

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