Santiago de Compostela Map Google

Personal Notes: too exhausted to undo the straps on my backpack I collapsed at the side of the road. Before I lost consciousness I was aware of the ra n falling on my face, my lower back locked in spasm. I don’t know how long I remained unconscious. When I came around the rain was still falling heavily but the pain in my back had eased. 1 was lying at the foot of a medieval cros with a figure of Christ crucified looking down at me. It was strange I had not noticed it until now as I stumbled down the hill from the/4/Y; Solis I became aware of a luminescent light. It had rained incessantly for 10 days and now in the last hour of tl e last day the sun was trying to break through the thick haze. I became aware of two butterflies hovering above the path. As 1 watched them the tears started lo fall. My own metamorphosis was nearly complete. I realised in that moment that it was not the outer adventure but the inner transformation that was the has s for my journeying ’ I write these notes from my bedroom balcony looking due East over the peak of Monte Pindo. In Celtic mythology this is the mountain of tl e gods, the Celtic Mount Olympus. A Course In Miracles lies open to remind n e that All my past, except its beauty, is gone and nothing is left but a blessing’.

Leaving Olveiroa Albergue: Turn Right (opposite lane way to the churcl ) past the casa abandonada (right) that provided a roof for so many pilgrims of old. turning Left after [300m] over the small river Rego do Santa Lucia to follow track parallel with the main road for a further [100m].

Santiago de Compostela Map Google Photo Gallery

For the ALTERNATIVE ROUTE Join the main road here (marker k.23) that climbs steeply up to the pass at Cruz de Olveiroa (2.4 km). From here you can see the giant chimneys of the Fahrica de Dumbria on the horizon (one of tl e most insensitively located factories in Christendom). The main road now leat s you downhill, past the turn off to Logoso (left) and up into the small hamlet of Hospital 2.0 km (total 4.4 km) where we now rejoin the recommended route.

RECOMMENDED ROUTE (Note: you will need to ford a small mountain brook into Logoso). At the option !) keep straight on (don’t join the main road) emerging onto open moor land (young plantation). There are now extensie views up the valley of the rio Xallas. The river widens out here to form 2 reservoirs Embalse de Ponte Olveira v Castrelo. After [400m] (just beyond a shai i bend) veer off Right onto a forest track. After 300m] veer Left onto tlvj lower track that follows the contour line westwards for [1.6 km] until you reach:

RIO DO HOSPITAL The way marks indicate you make your wav straight down to the river and cross over at the stepping stones. Ilf the river is ui spate it might be advisable to make your way UP river for 30 metres. Here thet ‘ is an even sandy bottom that gives much better grip than the slippery stepping stones lower down. Use caution but i crossed here safely even while the rive ‘ was full and fast. Alternatively make your way up river for 500m, over mum k ground, to the road bridge into Logoso.] Make your way up the opposite ban through the eucalyptus and into the village of Logoso [900m]. At the far end of the village take the uphill Left hand track (don’t take the road bridge).

Conlinue all the way up [1.4 km] lo rejoin the main road just above the K.27 marker and opposite the village of:

2.3 km HOSPITAL In medieval times this village provided one of the few pilgrim refuges and hospitals in this remote area. While the buildings have gone the hospitality remains for those in need. Turn Left uphill onto the main road (ignore waymarks that cross over and then cross back shortly afterwards) to pass the welcoming bar/ restaurante O1 Castelino [300m]. Here Marina might make you a well deserved breakfast or lunch. The restaurant is open most days as it serves the nearby factory. This is the only opportunity for something to eat or drink between Olveiroa and Cee. Continue up [600m] to:

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