Showing posts with label westerberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label westerberg. Show all posts

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I've Been Aching Hard for Years

Paul Westerberg tried to clean wax out of a candle by piercing a screwdriver through the nerves and cartilage in his hand. There seem to be more effective ways to accomplish this task. I kid, but I shouldn't. Paul is cool. He is a Replacement after all. And don't forget he's a guitarist. Usually guitarists don't stick screwdrivers through their hands in an effort to make them better guitarists. Damn, I kid again. Perhaps I should've waited to share this news until when I was in a less sarcastic mood.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

We Are the Sons of No One

Open Season Soundtrack Paul WesterbergWhat is it with too-poppy-caliber artists and cartoons? Just like Ben Folds' work on the Over the Hedge soundtrack, Paul Westerberg created tons of new music for the Open Season soundtrack, which is out in stores today. Read much more about it here, listen to previews here, and download it here. For good measure, you'll get a classic from Talking Heads, two tunes by Deathray, and Pete Yorn's version of a Westerberg's I Belong. Hey, if it helps my kids get turned on to cool music then I'm all for it. They've been dying to see the movie.

Don't forget to download the Replacements' long-awaited single-disc best-of greatest-hits-filled (damn, ran out of hyphenated words) compilation here. And while you're at it, enjoy the classic video of one of my favorite Replacements tunes below.